• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Good search engine optimization, DWD.

    Eternal Card Game Good search engine optimization, DWD.

    Good search engine optimization, DWD.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Draft and the Eternal World Championship

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    Your skills with drafting Eternal can get you into the 2020 World Championship!

    Check out the article to find out how to earn DCP (Draft Championship Points).

    You can even earn the coveted Day One Bye and slide into day two!

    Draft and the Eternal World Championship

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Veteran Mercenary potential change ?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    Do you think we could see the card changed to have invoke?

    It's always been a pretty interesting card and I used to enjoy it in mono shadow - maybe this is an argument against it getting invoke because then its paired with the other good invoke card.

    I think this could be an interesting thing to try out, and we have seen promo cards change before :)

    submitted by /u/Thatresolves
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    Unstable Form vs Substitute

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    Back in the day, I used to build Blitz lists. They were decks that were geared towards getting Berserk on a unit, then buffing it to the moon for a one-hit-KO. Like this one: Dark Blitz v1.0

    The only problems the deck had was facing Sandstorm Titan, flying blockers or units with lifesteal.

    So in the market, to deal with the very common Sandstorm Titan, some people ran Unstable Form, others ran Substitute.

    I did the math at the time (around the Into Shadow campaign), and found that I preferred Substitute.

    Substitute - is pretty much only here to deal with Sandstorm Titan. I tried Unstable Form for the double spell trigger, but I would rather KNOW that the Titan is going to be a 3/3 dinosaur when I attack than possibly roll it into a flying or lifesteal blocker. Did you know that as of Into Shadows, there are 112 units that cost 5? Did you know that 24 of those have Flying, with a few more that could if conditions are right? Playing Unstable Form on a Sandstorm Titan has roughly a 1 in 5 chance of giving your opponent a flying blocker anyway. If you use the other Unstable Form to bring it up to a 6-cost unit, there are again 24 of those with flying, out of 82 possible 6-cost units, this turns into a conservatively rounded 1 in 4 chance. I did that math to prove that Substitute was better than Unstable Form, and I'm sticking to my guns now.

    As it's been some time, I decided to redo the math for this.

    Assuming Unstable Form is removing a Sandstorm Titan, we want to figure out how likely it is to turn into something we don't want to face.

    In Throne, there are 31 units with flying at cost 5. (33 if it's night or your opponent has PPPPP) There are 6 units with lifesteal at cost 5. There are a total of 151 units with cost 5, which puts the ratio at roughly 1 in 5 units will have flying or lifesteal if you Unstable Form a Sandstorm Titan.

    So roughly 1/5 (20%) of the time, you will not be happy casting Unstable Form on Sandstorm Titan.

    If you don't like the 5-cost unit you're facing, you can use your second Unstable Form to roll it again. However, there are 33 units with flying at cost 6, and 8 with lifesteal. Of a total of 119 units at cost 6, this turns into 1 in 4.

    So out of those times you're unhappy with your first Unstable Form, you will again be unhappy roughly 1/4 (25%) of the time casting a second Unstable Form on Sandstorm Titan.

    Only 26-28 units at cost 5 are arguably equal to or worse than the 3/3 overwhelm you get from Substitute.
    Only 3 units from cost 6 are arguably equal to or worse than the 3/3 overwhelm you get from Substitute.

    In addition to those times that you hit a unit that is still problematic, an additional 1/6 (16%) of the time, your Unstable Form will be arguably worse than Substitute.

    Alternatively, every time you play Substitute, you will not see a flyer or lifesteal unit. The downside is that you don't get the extra card from echo that Unstable Form does.

    In my opinion, I'd much rather have Substitute.

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


    submitted by /u/TallSharkandHandsome
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    Calebovitsch's draft guide helped me get an unbeatable deck... almost.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:20 AM PST

    I was using the pick order from the latest draft guide by /u/Calebovitsch and the score of 9 given to [[Warhorn]] caught my eye. It led me to draft this Rakano deck and I'd say the outcome of the run was the highest possible testament to Calebovitsch's prowess.

    You might think that means a 7-0 run, but that would be merely the second highest. No, it was a 7-1 run with the only loss being to Calebovitsch himself! I feel touched by fate.

    And it looks like it was on stream, too. (Starts at about 39:18. My Eternal screenname is Rexulus.) Kind of embarrassing that I drew only one unit and, like, all my weapons that game, but I swear the deck was super consistent the rest of the time.

    submitted by /u/Lambda_Wolf
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    Exalted should form -/- weapons

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:01 AM PST

    Why doesn't Exalted form negative/negative weapons? It seems unintuitive to me, if I (permanently) lower a creatures stats and it dies that way, shouldn't it still trigger and force the weapon (and 'skills') onto another unit.

    Why does it just go to the grave and do nothing.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    Honda Rainfall Accord

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Lucky me...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST

    Ringmaster Roundup (Decklist)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:12 AM PST

    Did you get four brand new alt-art Argenport Ringmasters and are dying to play with them?

    Do you enjoy playing with fun, non-competitive decks and underused cards?

    Are you a Feln Boi?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, perhaps Ringmaster Roundup is a deck for you.


    1 Direfang Spider (Set1 #256)
    4 Savagery (Set5 #117)
    2 Seek Power (Set1 #408)
    4 Felrauk's Choice (Set7 #202)
    4 Olly, Maniacal Graverobber (Set6 #193)
    4 Parry (Set5 #123)
    2 Vara's Favor (Set0 #35)
    4 Blight Pass Smuggler (Set6 #235)
    4 Darkweave Enchantress (Set6 #198)
    2 Icebow (Set2 #118)
    4 Temple Shihan (Set4 #173)
    4 Wisdom of the Elders (Set1 #218)
    4 Incarnus, Makkar's Listener (Set7 #144)
    3 Lethrai Provocateur (Set4 #228)
    4 Argenport Ringmaster (Set1 #300)
    5 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)
    5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
    3 Emblem of Linrei (Set7 #91)
    4 Emblem of Makkar (Set7 #121)
    4 Feln Insignia (Set6 #234)
    4 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)
    1 Secret Passage (Set5 #154)
    1 Immortalize (Set7 #126)
    1 Fell Ritual (Set7 #143)
    1 Malediction (Set6 #208)
    1 Dizo's Office (Set5 #182)

    General Strategy

    Loaded with deadly units, this deck takes advantage of cards that allow those units to ping deadly damage to enemy units. At the top end of this deck is our beloved Argenport Ringmaster. His roles is to infiltrate the opponent and recruit all their sweet units from the void.


    This deck has performed well against decks with large threats and limited removal. The deadly units can hold off the ground mastery strategy and our pinging effects can take care of units that don't engage combat but provide utility just from being on the board (e.g. Inspire units).


    We rely on the deadly/ping synergy to perform optimally, and like all synergy decks it feels bad when the pieces aren't available when you need them. Most units are vulnerable to sweepers like Malediction. Although we have some defense against air strategies like Dragons, it's unreliable and we could easily be overwhelmed. Sites can be problematic since our units are few and generally quite small. Decks that have no units counter this deck (fortunately there aren't many of those in Expedition).

    Card Breakdown

    Check out the Eternal Warcry Page for a breakdown of the cards in the deck.

    submitted by /u/humbleice
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    Turn 4 Kairos isn't the most powerful turn 4 play.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Tshirt flash sale digital content

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST


    Participated in the tshirt flash sale. Got my tshirts but didnt see a code for promised digital content and dont think I got it. Any guidance?

    submitted by /u/souldonut81
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    Sealed challenge

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Does DWD already abadons community store?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:11 PM PST

    When community store availabled I think it was the great idea and hope it has many exclusive content.

    But after that,I disappointed;has a few content,no longer updated

    DWD,please,update and add more exclusive content in community store

    submitted by /u/lingnoi_401
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    Google asked me if I had a positive opinion about Harthstone or MtG

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:26 PM PST

    Obviously, they have no idea where my priorities are.

    submitted by /u/FarmsOnReddditNow
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    DWD, could you please consider to port Eternal to Google Stadia?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:45 AM PST

    It would be awesome to see the first CCG landing to the Google Stadia platform, which could be seen as a breakthrough in the video game console ecosystem.

    • One could share a link with friends and have them playing in less than 5 seconds after clicking the link without needing to install and patch.
    • One could use the "State Share" feature to share my gauntlet experiences with friends to see if any could play better and succeed where I failed.
    • Viewers could queue up to challenge their favourite streamer.
    • It will be yet another platform with new players to capture.
    • YouTube might replace Twitch in the far future.

    Via: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/comments/b33f12/when_exactly_does_eternal_go_live_on_switch/ej042dh

    submitted by /u/sentenzazen
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    Built a deck around Mountain Goliath - any thoughts?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    I've been having fun with this FTS deck I made based around Mountain Goliath: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/_O-HQrryqTo/fts-goliath-tokens

    Looking for critiques. Definitely feeling like I could beef up my market.

    submitted by /u/wke-andrew
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    Looking for player/deck list!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:59 PM PST

    Hello everyone, this post is mainly to look for a particular decklist or the player with the ign Tiberius.

    So earlier I played against Tiberius in a ranked throne game, they were playing a very interesting SJP Reanimator style deck with [[Felrauk]] and [[azindel, revealed]]. Shout out to Tiberius if you're here! I was the guy playing FP prodigious burn and got wrecked by you. I found your deck interesting and tried to add you after to get a decklist but I guess you didn't add me.

    So if Tiberius is here, or if anyone has a decklist similar to the one described above, could you please link me up?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AnnoyingNerd95
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    Salty Brews - Dragon Master 64

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:42 PM PST

    Really Weird Bug

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST

    I wish I had an image, but I don't. Yes, I did submit a report to DWD already. I'll describe the situation.

    1. Opponent has a 7/7 Nivia's Inquisitor, which they are trying to complete their mastery. I have a Varret, a Kira, and a Merchant. The merchant had just grabbed me a Lay Siege, and I had the mana open for it.
    2. They attack, I triple block and use Lay Siege (yes, I know, I didn't need to triple block, but it was cute). I feel like I'm forgetting something here, because this doesn't add up mentally, but just roll with it for now. The 7/7 survives, but does not mastery since it dealt no damage.
    3. Varret completes his mastery, I choose Mighty Varret (I needed something big on the board more than I needed it to have aegis).
    4. Next time I attack with Varret, he doesn't seem to take any damage from the blocks. I didn't really notice that time because he wasn't going to die anyways.
    5. 1-2 turns later, I buff Varret to 9/9 Overwhelm using Seasoned Drillmaster. Opponent has a 2/2 deadly and the 7/7 Nivia's Inquisitor. His health is such that he cannot simply block with deadly or he dies. So he double blocks. Varret takes no damage, does not die, and completes his mastery.
    6. My opponent and I both stare at the screen dumbfounded for a few seconds, then opponent emotes, "BWAHAHAHA" and concedes. I friended him to discuss it afterwards, and told him I was submitting the bug report.

    Any ideas what happened here? My best guess is that when Varret transformed while being immune, it somehow transferred over to his new form. Or else he absorbed some of Kira's mojo just by standing next to her.

    submitted by /u/TheScot650
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