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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Even Paladins into Masters - Screenshots and an Updated List

    Eternal Card Game Even Paladins into Masters - Screenshots and an Updated List

    Even Paladins into Masters - Screenshots and an Updated List

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Hi folks, I'm responsible for posting this list back in September when it was completely broken and everyone complained about it for a few weeks. Rest assured, it's not even remotely as broken now as it was then, but I'd like to show that it's stil competetive and a fun deck to play.

    Here are some screenshots reflecting my journey in D1 with this list over the last few days.


    Here is the list as I've been running it.


    It's may not be optimal, but the cards that seem questionable really come through more often than not. I will say that I really wish Desecrate still worked in this list, because that would make life a lot easier.

    Most of my wins this morning were hard fought comebacks or last minute alpha strikes thanks to Mantle of Justice or Thief's Pick, so if you enjoy the feeling of fighting your way back from seemingly hopeless situations, this is a fun deck for that.

    Easy cards to flex out if you want to mess around include Avigraft, Siraf, and Purgedriver. Maybe go down to 3x Svetya. Other than that, I feel pretty strongly about the rest of the list right now; it's working well and feels like a decent mix of answers and active threats.

    Happy to answer questions or talk about how annoying it is that every list that runs great Avigraft targets also runs 4x Prideleaders right now.

    submitted by /u/ahniwa
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    It's been awhile, but getting back in to the swing of things.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Hang in there Rolant and friends.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Best i ever gotten in ECQ

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    OIN Saturday Night Tourney: Small Heroes!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Every Saturday night King OIN holds a casual tournament on his Twitch stream. Tomorrow night we will be running decks with no cards that have a power requirement higher than three! The stream starts at 9pm CST and unless a lot of people show up early and ready to go, the tourney generally start 1-2 hours after that. We have very long streams on Saturdays; at least 8 hours but usually 10 or even 12 hours. This means people from many time zones can drop in and play or watch and see if they get inspired to throw a deck together to play with us as long (or briefly) as they wish.

    These events are designed with special rules to make people think outside the meta and just have fun; there are no prizes other than bragging rights! Multiple champions can and often are declared when someone on the top of the heap has to leave the stream before it is over. So please do stop by OldIronNuts' Twitch stream tomorrow and watch our knights, lords and ladies battle it out, and if this sounds fun to you, all you have to do to enter is show up with a Throne deck that conforms to the above rules! We'll save a seat for you in the Great Hall!

    -Nethescurial (Magistrate of Music, Mayhem and Marketing)

    submitted by /u/Animus777Mundi
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    Just played my first developer since starting a year ago... I lost.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I really wanted the deck art! Got him/her to 4 health. I had two removal cards for units with over 4 attack in my hand for ages, but they never played any! Just got chipped away at. Good game!

    submitted by /u/Thatsplumb
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    Tocas, Waystone Harvester and Nahid's Distillation

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    So, there's a weird interaction with these two cards that I've ran into in the last week. Distillation has an alternate cost of exhausting a unit to cast the spell for four power instead of six, but you can't pay the cost if the opponent has a Tocas in play, even though you're not casting the Distillation ON the unit, you're just choosing what unit to exhaust.

    Is this a bug, or working as intended?

    submitted by /u/Arcengal
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    Should I be able to Annihilate my own creature in response to an Avigraft?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    This came up in a game today and I was never given a window to respond. I know you can Devour in response to Avigraft, so it doesn't make sense that you can't Annihilate as well.

    Thoughts, or can we get this changed?

    submitted by /u/ahniwa
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