• Breaking News

    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Well, the Hearthstone devs must play Eternal or something

    Eternal Card Game Well, the Hearthstone devs must play Eternal or something

    Well, the Hearthstone devs must play Eternal or something

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Return of Tuesday Night Eternal - Winter Season begins Dec 4!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Return of Tuesday Night Eternal - Winter Season begins Dec 4!


    Hello everyone, I am very excited to announce the return of Tuesday Night Eternal! A community driven tournament series featuring weekly swiss tournaments, full event coverage, cash prizes, a ranked leaderboard, and a 16 player invitational at the end of the season.

    Challenge events will take place weekly, alternating on Tuesdays at 7p EDT and Fridays at 1p UTC (8a EDT) (to support the European playerbase). All events will award cash prizes to the winners and will be streamed with full coverage on twitch.tv/telemokos. The Winter Invitational will feature the top 16 players and will be held on Sat, Mar 6.

    The winter season will begin with the first challenge event on Friday, December 4th at 1p UTC and the format will be Throne. Although decklists will be required for the start of the event, you can sign up now and simply enter "TBD" in the decklist field. All tournament details & registration can be found here: https://battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal. Registration is open!



    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Throne ”metagame”

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Hey! I decided to list a bunch of decks that ive seen during the last week in top of or close to top of the standings in throne.

    This is just MY meta-snapshot after playing alot of throne games around rank 20 last week.

    Im NOT ranking the decks.

    There is also no real stats, just what I think is good enough to climb the ranks and what to expect. I just think it might be a good starting point for both new and old players.

    If people like it, I will do the same for exp after this week.

    Sling decks, midrange decks that take advantage of the new "sling of the chi" card. Good enough to beat most decks, but weak to hyper aggro and unitless.




    Winner of the LCQ.


    Kira decks. Hooru and Argenport. Both still very good.



    Yetis. Probably the deck ive seen the most. Got the biggest boost last patch thanks to the blightmoth nerf.


    Unitless. Strong if you have the stamina and time to play it.


    There is always stonescar. This one is a little different.


    submitted by /u/JockeD1
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    stonescar brought me back

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    i guess im back i did a video on a deck im loving

    mods feel free to delete if needed - im not sure what the rules are for self promo anymore but i imagine its ok cos its kind of unique (for me) and I've not done another post with my own stuff for a _long_ time

    ive been enjoying this deck a bunch and it is kind of what brought me back to the game after my break, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my EWC post and I want to say thank you for those they were really nice :)


    its rendering at the minute but I expect it'll be up soon, I'm off to go do my skipping so catch you all later <3


    I've no idea whats going on with the game or the metagame anymore, but does anyone know if we have any new sets or anything on their way?

    I see there were a few different balance patches happened and pretty happy stonescar smuggler got a proper ability now

    submitted by /u/Thatresolves
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    Eternal World Championship Bingo

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    With the world championships just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to come up with some games to enhance the viewing experience. My plan is to create Bingo cards for the Eternal World Championships! The spaces will be things that could happen in an Eternal broadcast, and should be easy to recognize from watching the live Twitch stream. I already have quite a few ideas, but not enough to fill out a full Bingo card, so please post in the comments with ideas for what to put in these Bingo spaces! Here's a few examples of what I already have:

    • A player ends their turn on 1 point of health
    • The announcers say "heads up play"
    • A player has 12 units in play
    • Missed lethal
    • A negation spell is negated
    • A player wins before turn 5
    submitted by /u/camomilk
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    reached rank one masters for first time

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:24 AM PST

    reached rank one masters for first time

    I know that many people have already done this but just wanted to share since i have never done so and was not expecting to do so.



    Manged to reach rank 1 with Skycrag dragon tribal with a modified version of jPaolo list from eternal war cry so credit to them of the original deck . Took an 11 match win steak with beating the the previous rank one as the last mach rather impressed at the number of decks at the moment despite Skycrag seeming to have a slight advantage other many other faction combinations at the moment.

    Also wanted to thank the community for being to polite in victory or defeat as such this is one of the nicest online community's i have encountered. If there is any interest i can go into the list but i have had a lack of such in the past and don't want to make the post longer for no reason.

    Edit okay upon request will share deck list and talk a little about it https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/NYCTi9sTHvM/skycrag-dragons

    This the deck mine is modified from i had took a long break and had very little idea of what the meta was like and so turned to eternal war cry for ideas .

    4 Cinder Clutch (Set1007 #1)

    4 Oni Dragonsmith (Set1003 #2)

    4 Torch (Set1 #8)

    2 Provoke the Dragons (Set8 #92)

    4 Skywatch Zealot (Set7 #99)

    4 Spellbound Vestige (Set8 #152)

    4 Teething Whelp (Set7 #8)

    4 Dragon Forge (Set7 #12)

    4 Howling Peak Smuggler (Set5 #215)

    4 Acedonis, Untainted (Set8 #153)

    4 Poaching Drake (Set1004 #15)

    2 Tattoo Dragon (Set8 #21)

    4 Eclipse Dragon (Set6 #35)

    1 Soulfire Drake (Set1 #47)

    1 Mistveil Drake (Set1 #242)

    2 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)

    2 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)

    2 Cobalt Waystone (Set3 #151)

    4 Crest of Fury (Set3 #266)

    3 Granite Waystone (Set3 #1)

    4 Skycrag Banner (Set2 #186)

    4 Skycrag Cylix (Set9 #187)

    4 Skycrag Insignia (Set7 #162)


    1 Backlash (Set1 #200)

    1 Edict of Linrei (Set7 #95)

    1 Edict of Shavka (Set7 #3)

    1 Draconic Ire (Set7 #11)

    1 Ruincrawler Yeti (Set3 #22)


    Deck changes

    For market i swapped one Factory Quota for a Ruincrawler Yeti as with the amount of Permafrost i faced i felt that and extra attachment removal was needed and if your dragons can't be kept on board it is really ineffective to remove Draconic Ire using a merchant. Factory Quota was removed as i did not tend to lose to life gain often.

    Power changes removed three Fire and two Primal Sigils and replaced them with three Granite and two Colbalt Waystones as the deck does not tutor for Sigils or use Seats there is little advantage to using Sigils. However due to Ice Bolt and Royal Decree it is handy to have some Sigils to prevent your opponent from gaining to much advantage from those cards.

    Main deck spell and unit changes minus four Blazing Salvo and four Sear and added two Torch,one Soulfire Drake, one Skywatch Zelot and 4 Poaching Drakes. Some of this was due to my low Shiftstone as one of the reasons i did a dragon deck in the first place as i had a large number of dragons in my collection as such i could not afford to put in Blazing Salvo. The other reason that i did not use Blazing Salvo was i did not trust self damage interaction with plus spell damage. The Sears were removed because i was a hard time drawing enough dragons and felt that Torch was more effective due to the advantage that can be gained by playing it along side other cards in the first turns. Soulfire Drake was added as a tutor target vs control to prevent the deck form running out of damage vs them. Skywatch Zelot surpassed expectations so added one more. Will talk about Poaching drakes in the main card segment.

    The deck is a midrange deck based on discounting dragons and disrupting the opponents game plan early on and keeping up pressure in the midgame until you can close out the game with flyers . Because of that the game plan differs from match up to match up against aggro you want to try wear them down and gain card advantage. Against control destroy any relics they need while keeping pressure up with and finishing with spell damage and charge dragons. Vs other midrange decks try and disrupt there game plan and finish them before they can build up a board larger than yours as your late game threats tends to be weaker stat wise than average in this match up.

    Core cards Oni Dragon Smith and Spell Bond Vestige are what allows the deck to run so little power while also being able to play larger creatures than other decks with a similar power count.

    Oni Dragon Smith should almost always be played turn one if possible unless for example the opponent plays a turn one threat that needs to be torched as the risk of playing a 1/1 is worth it as the tempo gain for playing a four or even 3 cost dragon on turn three is significant. The damage after the ally effect has activated is useful and can be used aggressively thanks to quick draw safely against most early creatures. Thanks to cost reduction they are sometimes better than free when played alongside dragons as you can use them to activate Banner and then play the dragon after that you would not normally be able to play that turn. While extra damage in the first few turns is nice be careful before a dragon has been played of ambush creatures and Defiance the reward of one damage is not worth losing them for. Loses value later however and can be traded to market or used to block as it is worth less than the dragons once they are on the field.

    Spell Bond Vestige often better than Dragon Smith turn two due to safety has great spell synergy for example Cinder Clutch is particularly helped by that. While it can be useful late game for spell damage its value goes down so can be used for market.

    Dragon Forge is an amazing tutor and allows for there to be one of dragons in the deck and is very flexible. Remember that the price of dragon shown is before Dragon Forges discount when picking and to pick based on board. It is best to play on the opponents unless there is reason to believe they will counter spell it as it will give more info or allow you to play around cards like Shakedown to avoid discard and drawing Mistveil Drake to avoid spell damage.

    Skywatch Zealot ended up being better than expected as having a ground blocker that draws allows your dragons to continue to attack in the air. Its often best to draw before blocking if possible then you can safely block just about anything which is helpful in blocking high attack or hard to block creatures such as having deadly.

    Provoke the Dragons great late game finisher and can be used break aegis due to low damage for cost . Its a two of because its pretty board state reliant to be effective. Also avoid being greedy often vs aggro killing a small creature is worth more than berserk is.

    Teething Whelp a good two drop that is often free sometimes worth playing before Spell Bond Vestige because of mastery and to activate Draconic Ire. Also good for increasing the damage of Cinder Clutch fir cheap.

    Cinder Clutch is a fantastic card as it a way to advance to board state while dealing damage and works well with the rest of the deck it can with enough dragons can even do more damage than Torch. The snakes make for very good blockers on the turn they are played and the amount damge they can deal can be overwhelming.

    Howling Peak Smuggler has multiple cards they can trade into the market with special note going to Grenadin from Waystones and Skycrag Cylixs Trove. The bonus spell damage is useful too.

    Four and five cost dragons make up most of the decks strength and as such are what the deck is built around.

    Tattoo Dragon is useful because of pledge and the tokens help with blocking on the ground. Ways to activate its ability include smuggler, Trove, Granite Waystone and Skycrag Cylixs the latter of two can be used to activate in the same turn its played.

    Acedonis, Untainted spell damage is really helpful but don't worry if you can't get as using spells when needed is more helpful than getting greedy. Works really well with Cinder clutch which can win the game on the spot against some decks and can gain overwhelming card advantage with its last mastery.

    Poaching Drake has gotten far better than it used to be as there are far more targets than before. As Transforming enemy's into goats reduces stats turns of ability's and removes tribal synergy like Yetis making for easy blocks and disrupting the opponents deck.

    Eclipse Dragon very good minion with the added bonus of being able to play Dragon forge for free if it survives the turn.

    Mistveil Drake good game finisher that can be moved in and out of the market to refresh aegis.

    Market cards Draconic Ire is one the big reasons for playing dragons as it allows attachment removal and bonus damage without losing card advantage which can win some mach ups like world pyre on the spot if you can stick an early dragon. Against high cost attachments somtimes the damage alone is enough to win.

    Backlash good negate effect that has relevant spell damage over other negates very good vs control and work really well with Eclipse Dragon to prevent a blowout.

    Edict of Shavka very good vs justice and primal but can also kill small creatures in aggro mach ups thanks to spell damage and can be used as a finisher thanks to being immune to negate.

    Edict of Shavka remember that sometimes rarely stunning is good enough to gain an advatage but mostly to get rid of big fire and time creatures.

    Mach ups examples

    Skycrag Yetis wear down their units unit you have card advantage then when they have run out of stream finish them off.

    World Pyre play aggressively to put yourself in a good position to use Ire to disrupt their game plan.

    Sling of the Chi decks destroy the namesake relic and deal enough damage before the opponent out values you.

    Worst match up is Xenan as the deck struggle with Icaria First reaper without putting something like Polymorph in the market.

    sorry if the deck info is a bit long i am a bit tired while wring this and did not want to miss anything important hopefully this helps and thanks for the kind words.

    submitted by /u/oozlin
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    TNT Throwdown #22 Recap, #23 Throne

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

    TNT Throwdown #22 Recap, #23 Throne

    TNT Throwdown #22

    Howdy folks! marvin_the_imp here with your TNT Throwdown #22 results. Last week we played a new player friendly format we've called Serf. The Serf format must be 75 cards and consist of commons, uncommons, three rares, and one legendary. Rares must be single copies only. Campaign cards were not allowed, and markets open but could only contain commons and uncommons as well as one promo card, promo sites excluded. This is similar to starter decks, so this is very new player friendly!

    Congrats to LordPerth who took down the 12 player tournament(!) in a final against EarthsOverseer. Watch the Youtube video here. It's a fantastic match!

    Decklists with Brewer Descriptions

    Here are the decklists with some descriptions


    With only 3 different rares and 1 legendary allowed, the most obvious way to maximise the chance of drawing those powerful cards are tutors. The best options here are dragons (Dragon Forge), weapons (Forge and Bladecrafter), relics (Display of Knowledge, Calibrate) and curses (Paruls Choice, Calibrate). I decided to go for curses, because I wanted to build around Restrained Action. This allowed me to have higher chances for my rare units too, because Action allows me to search for them. I decided to go for 2 Smugglers to get more flexibility due to situational market cards, and 1 Broker for a better lategame.

    I expected a fair amount of aggressive strategies, because they are good in Peasant too, and this format is relatively close to peasant. Because of that I went for some strong early game options (Desert Alchemist, Desert Marshall, Permafrost, Defiance, Hurler). The other 1 and 2 drops are situationals cards that I can get with Restrained Action when I need them. Calibrate, Strategize, Paruls Choice and Eager Offering help you to get the optimal midgame which is: Eternity Core on turn 4 into one of the curse relics on turn 5. Eternity Core was a great addition to earlier versions because it allowed me to skip my weaker midgame and go directly to the strong cursed relics the deck is built around.

    The 3 weaknesses of this deck are aggro (that's why I added the cards listed above), relic removal (Ancient Excavator, Disjunction in the market; If relic removal gets even more common in the format you can raise the number of Excavators) and face aegis (The main answers are Hurler and Cloudsnake mount).

    For the last part I want to explain my choice for the 1 promo card that is allowed in the market. Svetya can be used in 2 different ways: get her with a merchant on turn 3 and play her on turn 4 (usually only if you have no Eternity Core or no curse relic), or get your merchant with Restrained Action to grab Svetya, then play her. On the next turn, you can summon Wasteland Broker with Restrained Action and shuffle in 4 Tunneling Gargantuas, which are at least 10/10s with killer. Then you can use Svetyas ultimate agility and have a high chance to draw some Gargantuas.


    This deck is all about winning the long game. Ideally you will find a jotun hurler and second sight to create a ton of card fodder while you are removing all their threats. You generally win by getting echo on mobilization or static bolt using elysian trailblazer and second sight. In hindsight, I would have included one copy of dark return to be able to get additional value out of the creatures in the super long game. Also the deck has a weakness to relics because feln just doesn't get to deal with them easily. Especially not in Serf.

    Also Rans:


    Dragonforge seemed the obvious card to build a deck around in this format, and I happened to own a shiny Skylord Tolek I'm not sure I've ever played, and the rest of the deck was built around that. A few cards, like Unseen Longbow, are here not because I think they're the best at winning, but because I thought it'd be fun to play them and find niche but satisfying lines.

    Even though there's some amount of guidance built into the game on how to build tribal decks (in building around the best payoffs), I had some difficulty figuring out my power base and influence requirements since most of my experience building power bases comes from limited formats, which have different card availability. There were probably too many times I didn't have either the power or influence to play my cards or power was coming in depleted and I was behind.


    I am a terrible deck builder, so it is no surprise this didn't go well. The deck played OK in some of the testing. But it fared pretty poorly. Live and learn. When it did go off, it was crazy gryffins in the air.


    The Videos

    Again, here's the final between LordPerth and EarthsOverseer!

    Other matches:

    EarthsOverseer v Achie
    deedub v EarthsOverseer
    vaylin v LordPerth
    Parmele v marvin_the_imp
    marvin the imp v Achie

    TNT Throwdown #23

    This week's tournament will be in Throne format. The tournament starts on Wednesday and runs until Sunday evening. Registration is now open!

    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    How is it possible to have 100 cards in a pack?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:01 AM PST

    This might be a noob question, but how is it possible for someone to have more than 75 cards in a deck? I just played against someone who had 80 cards in the deck by the end of the match, with 5 in hand and 3 on the board. I was down to 57 with 1 card in hand and 0 on the board. Their deck wasn't even anything fancy, they just played really basic cards(I don't think I've ever seen anyone else play 4 Horned Vorlunks in a row honestly). So how is this possible? Am I missing something? Was this person cheating?

    submitted by /u/AdequatelyMadLad
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    Post Game Chat

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Sometimes i wish this game had a post game chat lobby or something. I love to talk to people about their decks and important turns in the game where there had to be some decision making by both parties.

    I wanna know if you actually had transpose in your hand when i decided to not play my cursed relic or did i just give up my tempo. I try to add people after a game if its a good close game but nobody hardly ever accepts.

    Do you think people would be interested in a chat for post game where you can say "gg your main deck burglarize really had me sweating" or would this facilitate toxicity. The community in eternal seems pretty nice overall

    submitted by /u/Vuocolo
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