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    Eternal Card Game New Campaign: Hour of Glass

    Eternal Card Game New Campaign: Hour of Glass

    New Campaign: Hour of Glass

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Farming Eternal 7-Win Draft Deck Meta Analysis - 7/9

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Farming Eternal 7-Win Draft Deck Meta Analysis - 7/9

    Welcome to our bi-we(whenever I get around to it)ekly draft meta analysis.

    Quick introduction, we are a podcast called Farming Eternal and we collect everyone's 7-win decklists in draft and put them in a spreadsheet for everyone to look at. You can contribute too. Yes, you. How you ask? Join our discord at https://discord.gg/BxMFmujT5W and post them in the #7-win-channel or if you are not a discord user you can send them to [farmingeternal@gmail.com](mailto:farmingeternal@gmail.com).

    You can find the sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cwNDd9Mm_4D7rMQ08fiyDEJty8q9p8lwrYChwhZ8lgw/edit?usp=sharing

    We currently have 274 decklists submitted for Revelations. So let's dig into some details.

    First we have a 50 deck rolling average of faction popularity in out 7 win decks.


    You can notice some trends here. Justice has been our most popular faction for almost the whole life of the format. Of our 274 decklists, 163 include the justice faction. It had a dip but not for long enough to pull it from it's top spot overall. The other big trend is primal on the rise. I think this is import to the freight asri buff (1/4 -> 2/4), but since that has happened the number of primal decks submitted has continued to increase. And despite our last episode focusing on hooru, all primal faction pairs have started to show up.

    Primal faction pairs still have some catching up to do though. With our top 4 color combinations still being Combrei (with a big lead) and then Argenport, Stonescar, and Rakano making up a second tier.

    On to top commons:

    (Overall Rank, Name, Count, Average per Deck)

    Fire top Commons: Out of 128 decks

    1. #7 Rune of Flame {F} count: 97 0.7578125
    2. #8 Bloodspear Footsoldier {F} count: 94 0.734375
    3. #10 Blitz Stone {F} count: 91 0.7109375
    4. #14 Detonation Cannon {F} count: 83 0.6484375

    Time top Commons: Out of 113 decks

    1. #5 Telekinetic Shackles {T} count: 105 0.929203539823
    2. #6 Open Way Supplier {T} count: 99 0.87610619469
    3. #11 Populace Controller {T} count: 86 0.761061946903
    4. #12 Rune of Relocation {T} count: 85 0.752212389381

    Justice top Commons: Out of 173 decks

    1. #1 Ursa Squadron {J} count: 155 0.895953757225
    2. #2 Topple {J} count: 135 0.780346820809
    3. #3 Inquisitive Alchemist {J} count: 125 0.722543352601
    4. #9 Finest Hour {J} count: 93 0.537572254335

    Primal top Commons: Out of 85 decks

    1. #23 Rune of Trickery {P} count: 73 0.858823529412
    2. #29 Freight Asri {P} count: 66 0.776470588235
    3. #33 Wild Asri {P} count: 56 0.658823529412
    4. #46 Boiling Geyser {P} count: 44 0.517647058824

    Shadow top Commons: Out of 145 decks

    1. #4 Glen Pathcutter {S} count: 118 0.813793103448
    2. #13 Rune of Illusion {S} count: 84 0.579310344828
    3. #15 Shadowpath Intimidator {S} count: 81 0.558620689655
    4. #16 Thorncrawler {S} count: 80 0.551724137931

    Multi top Commons:

    1. #26 Nobles' Enforcer {T}{J} count: 71
    2. #30 Skullbreaker {F}{S} count: 65
    3. #58 D'Angolo Racketeers {J}{S} count: 38
    4. #76 Queen's Elite {F}{J} count: 29

    A couple interesting things of note in our top commons. Justice has the top 3 commons by count but it is also the most popular faction in our spreadsheet that makes sense. But if you look Telekinetic Shackles is actually the most represented card if you take into account how often each faction appears. In other words, Time decks are on average playing more copies of Telekinetic Shackles than Justice decks are playing Ursa's Squadron. This does not necessarily mean that shackles is better than squadron. Part of the story here is that Justice is so deep that any of its 3 top commons can carry a deck probably so Ursa's Squadron is less key to its success. Also, Ursa's Squadron is number 2 on the list so it's doing a lot for Justice.

    The Runes are also worth calling out since they are slightly inflated in count since people have been splashing them. Here's a list even showing the number of times a rune appears out of faction in a deck:

    1. Rune of Flame 14
    2. Rune of Trickery 10
    3. Rune of Illusion 9
    4. Rune of Relocation 7
    5. Rune of Law 4

    Final thing I would like to call out is the multifaction commons. Combrei is our most popular color pair so it makes sense it is number 1, but Stonescar, Argenport, and Rakano are all close to each other in frequency so this suggests to me that Stonescar decks are making much heavier use of their common than Argenport or Rakano are of theirs.

    Finally some Uncommon food for thought:

    Fire top Uncommons: Out of 128 decks

    1. #71 Raging Jackal {F} count: 32 0.25
    2. #72 Evoker {F} count: 30 0.234375
    3. #95 Disgraced Cadet {F}{S} count: 24 0.1875

    Time top Uncommons: Out of 113 decks

    1. #36 Behold the Truth {T} count: 54 0.477876106195
    2. #60 Sticky Flytrap {T} count: 37 0.327433628319
    3. #94 Scorpion Wasp {T} count: 24 0.212389380531

    Justice top Uncommons: Out of 173 decks

    1. #47 Auren Jailer {J} count: 44 0.254335260116
    2. #52 Skysweeper {J} count: 40 0.231213872832
    3. #62 Xultan Arbalest {J}{J} count: 36 0.208092485549

    Primal top Uncommons: Out of 85 decks

    1. #93 Grizzled Guard {P} count: 24 0.282352941176
    2. #111 Merciless Officer {P} count: 21 0.247058823529
    3. #113 Cyber Skimmer {P} count: 21 0.247058823529

    Shadow top Uncommons: Out of 145 decks

    1. #51 Hypnotic Valkyrie {S}{S} count: 40 0.275862068966
    2. #56 D'Angolo Might {S}{S} count: 38 0.262068965517
    3. #112 Glensapper {S} count: 21 0.144827586207

    Multi top Uncommons:

    1. #95 Disgraced Cadet {F}{S} count: 24
    2. #120 Deathwing {J}{S} count: 20
    3. #130 Collapse {J}{S} count: 17

    All the numbers here are pretty close except for Behold the Truth. Behold the Truth is in a lot of time decks and it seems like it wins a lot of games for time decks. Sticky Flytrap being next is a little weird and I don't have a good explanation for that, let me know if you do.

    That's it for this week. All this data wouldn't be possible with out the help of a lot of people. So thank you to JohnHolio, Siatarr, and Aberosh for entering all the lists. A huge shout out to everyone who has taken the time to submit a list, and finally to Alabazoo for making the fancy charts. If you want to see more charts, join the discord. More data will only make this more interesting and meaningful, so please contribute if you can.

    Also, if you would like to see more of these, please leave a comment. This took forever and I am going to need a little positive reinforcement in order to do this again.

    Keep on farming and see you in the queues.

    submitted by /u/patomaru
    [link] [comments]

    The Misplay Meta - Week of 7/1/21

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    The Power of Teamwork!: FECast Ep 75 (Weather Report #2)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:11 AM PDT



    This week on FECast, with Stormblessed is rejoined by Stormguard to continue the Weather Report. They explore what teams in Eternal look like and how to be a good team member. They also congratulate Kasendrith on raising $2000 in June for the Trevor Project, and list Eternal's upcoming events.

    Support FECast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/friendsofeternal

    Join the Friends of Eternal Discord (and the Piloting Club)! https://discord.gg/kp9vZjY

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-149179554

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1cKVjfkvQKvOWLLwBIsXXZ

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/friends-of-eternal/id1456672035



    Stormguard's blog:


    Allen Wu's 'For Successful Teamwork: Optimism Under Uncertainty':


    TNE's upcoming summer tournaments:


    submitted by /u/PusillanimousGamer
    [link] [comments]

    Card depending on cost + intrigue

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    Isn't it a bug that when I play a card that cost 3 and with Intrigue 2 the card can be targeted by card saying "card that cost 4 or more" ?

    It either shouldn't happen or the card's cost should change in the UI

    submitted by /u/Faucheuses
    [link] [comments]

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