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    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Beginner Questions Thread - Autumn 2019 Edition

    Eternal Card Game Beginner Questions Thread - Autumn 2019 Edition

    Beginner Questions Thread - Autumn 2019 Edition

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Eternal community! With the switch release and a new set release we expect there are a lot of new or returning players who might have some questions about the game.

    This is the thread to ask them in! If there's anything you're wondering about the game, please leave a comment below, and hopefully some other players can help you along.

    Other good new player resources:

    submitted by /u/sylverfyre
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    Refer a Friend Thread

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    Greetings to all of our new members and players!

    With the release of the new set and Eternal's launch on Switch, we thought this would be the perfect time to create a new Referral Thread. If you'd like to post your referral link, please do so here in a comment.

    If you're new to the game and haven't entered a referral link yet, you'll want to do that pretty soon because if you do, you'll receive a unique Valkyrie theme deck with a premium Valkyrie Spireguard! The person you took the link from also gets some bonuses. So, just click on a link people are posting in the comments to get those goodies!

    If you'd like to know more about the Referral System and its rewards, please read about it on the Wiki.

    Please note: This is the only place in this subreddit where you are allowed to post your referral links. In addition, contest mode is enabled, so comments will be in a random order.

    (Reddit archives threads after six months. If this thread is older and you can't comment anymore send us modmail so we can make a new one.)

    submitted by /u/Alomba87
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    Surprise achievement ��, I guess I've played a few times

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    ECL - End of the Road Friends

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    The ECL will not be returning for a fourth season. Regrettably we were unable to find enough staff to consistently run a full season of tournaments. Season 3 was a skeleton crew and it affected the quality of our streamed events. Its been a fun year and change run for me. Through it all we experimented with various formats and structures in an attempt to bring high quality and entertaining tournaments to the Eternal community. I'd like to personally thank everyone who's been involved behind the scenes; from the multitude of casters who brought the gameplay to life to the TOs that helped make everything run smoothly to Kaelari who designed the website and worked diligently add cards and improvements. Shoutout to all of those who donated to our prizes pool. This was a big part of keeping us going. Special thanks to the countless players and thousands of viewers who tuned in to our tournaments. You were the reason we started the ECL and poured our hearts and souls into making it the best we could! I'd personally like to thank Resheph and Phoenixton for taking a chance on handing Admin reins over to me. Its been a blast to bring the ECL to the community. If you still want to play, watch, and support community run events check out Tuesday Night Eternal, run by Telemokos on discord, at 8:30 pm EST. Tournaments are run biweekly on average. More info can be found in the #tournament-info channel of the Eternal discord. I'm excited to see how DWD Organized Play 2020 goes, https://www.direwolfdigital.com/news/the-2020-eternal-world-championship/ . Looks like some excellent improvements, new formats, and more events. Eternal is a fun game with a great community. I'd love to see the game continue to grow and become as great as we all believe it can be. Again thank you to everyone that has volunteered, competed, or watched any of our events since we started in May 2018. See you in Myria........or Xulta depending on the timeline.

    submitted by /u/The_Rocke
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Dear DWD,

    Please fix the ordering of market cards. When you take time to plan your turn, check your market, determine the card you want to pull and where it is located, you accidentally end up pulling the wrong card because it has CHANGED PLACES and you are running short on time. Things have been this way since markets were first introduced. Can I get a comment from someone at DWD if this is a bug or a feature. If this is a feature, it really sucks and can we get it changed? If its a bug, can we get this fixed?

    I can't be the only player in Eternal that does this. Most of the time its a non-issue, but when you have deck art thats similar, time is running short, or you just lose focus for that brief moment, this can cost you the game.

    submitted by /u/vaylinarcher
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    Tips for getting (back) into Eternal

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:27 AM PDT

    With all the uproar of people leaving HS, I noticed in some threads that now is about the perfect time get (back) into Eternal, which is something I was considering for a while already.

    I wasn't a hardcore player and mostly played some self-crafted decks. Now that I want to play a little more serious and competitive, I'm curious if there's any tips you might give me (and all the refugees from HS).


    Some questions:

    • Is there a website to check out meta decks and look for budget decks?
    • Are there any crafting guides, a guide to which cards are good and which should I disenchant?
    • How does the competitive rotation work? I have some old cards, can I still use them or is there a rotation of expansions?
    • Are there any specific single player campaigns you should definitely play or avoid? Is it worth the gold or are you better of using real money? (I'm willing to spend some)
    • Are there any third-party applications like deck trackers, and are they legal to use?

    That are some questions that spring to mind, but if you have any other tips feel free to share, I'm sure this thread can be useful for a lot of other people!

    submitted by /u/Wertache
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    Feln Aggro (my favorite deck in expedition right now)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Gemineye's Cursed Fliers! Constructive Critique welcome!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Since the release of expedition I've been brewing and stewing on what new decks will come out of the new format. My favorite is this brew right here. Please keep in mind this deck is still a WIP as I fine tune it and figure out what cards could potentially fit better into the flex slots.

    Thanks to /u/mattyocre for help with the 2nd round of tuning this puppy!

    I introduce you to Gemineye's cursed fliers! The deck plays like a mix of control and midrange/tempo with fliers and plenty of ways to buff yourself while debuffing or removing the enemy's dudes. Occasionally you have some even paladin's levels of shenanigans.

    ---THE DECK---


    [[Conservatory Alchemist]]: Hoo boy, what do I say about this guy? My first draft of the deck did not include him as I looked at him and just kinda went "meh". Upon closer inspection and testing, this mad scientist is now one of the all-stars of the deck! I might even go so far as to say he's a key piece. play a curse and buff ALL of your units. Have multiple onboard and prepare for some even paladins level shenanigans.

    -Flex slot- [[Misery Walker]]: This guy is almost always going to be a 2/3 flyer with lifesteal. Not a 'must have" for the deck but definitely good to have. I don't think this guy is key to the deck and as such I believe its one of the flex slots.

    [[Rime Conclave Smuggler]]: Because Market. This guy is just good overall. Give you access to the market (which has curses in it as well) and can come in with aegis. I don't really think this needs an explanation

    [[Skywalk Enforcer]]: Another great unit, gets bigger with every curse you play. The 1/4 body is kinda nice earlier on, especially since he's a flier.... Not really a key part of the deck but he's got some good synergy.

    [[Soothing Shortbeak]]: This birb is definitely a key piece in this deck. Comes into play as a 3/1, so he's a little lackluster in the booty department but he plays TWO curses when he hits the field. If you've got an Alchemist in play...your guys get real big, real fast.

    [[Forbidden-Rider Outcast]]: This gal is great and very versatile. She nerfs your opponent's big dudes. If they have no dudes? She makes them drink sadness water ( /u/Kasendrith ) and then plays a [[curse of loneliness]] on them.


    Now for the deck's namesake!

    [[Permafrost]]: I feel like this one is an obvious choice....no need to explain here

    [[Wanted poster]]: I like drawing cards....I like drawing cards a lot. Play this guy and then kill the unit with [[Felrauk's Choice]]. This nets you a dead enemy unit, the curse back in hand plus 2 additional draws from your deck :)…..all for 3 power....*smacks lips* is that spice??

    [[Avigraft]]: not as quite as synergistic as the rest of the curses but the type of removal avigraft offers is fantastic....lets permanently get rid of that [[borderlands lookout]]….or whatever problem card your opponents might be running.


    [[Felrauk's Choice]]: This is one of the key pieces of the deck as well. Allows you to kill a cursed enemy unit AND get back the curse... really great value with either permafrost of wanted poster. On the flipside, its fast and allows you to steal a targeted, enemy spell and flip it back on them. LOVE the versatility of this card.

    [[Parul's Choice]]: A tutor for curses, or a buff + Aegis for one of your guys. once again its fast so its got a ton of versatility for the deck!

    --Flex removal slot--[[Cast into Shadow]]: I feel like this is definitely a removal slot, but I'm not sure if this or [[Fell ritual]] is better. We don't reanimate in the current shell, so I think Cast is better because while the scope is narrower, you can hit more targets with it. We typically don't have any issues decimating as our curve is pretty low to the ground.


    I'm not dead set on everything that's in the market just yet. Almost all of these slots are flex slot I think as I haven't finalized what I like in the market and there aren't any clear "problem" decks just yet....except maybe the Rakano Onis deck, might need something for that.

    --flex slot-- [[Electrostatic Distortion]] Helps with decks that like to throw burn at you or decks that might want to play relic weapons.

    --flex slot-- [[Inflict Conscience]]: This card is amazing and is great at 1 power. drop it on a big guy and then chump block it. K BYE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL TIME!

    [[Tidal Forces]]: This guy is the only card I'm dead set on keeping in the market. its ALMOST unstoppable tempo against control. They'll just waste all of their removal on the 4/4 only for it to come back next turn. Oh and did I mention this is also a curse?

    --flex slot-- [[Hammer of Authority]] shuts down spells from being played on your turn....not sure about this and is most definitely a flex slot for our market.

    --flex slot-- [[Rimescale Draconus]]: Our big finisher (if needed) and will buff the HELL out of our team if played at the right moment. I like the idea of this being a blowout card but I'm not deadest on it. If the deck is play properly and you can get your stuff out to stick, your units are going to be huge anyway. Maybe this is a win more card? I'm not sure.

    --flex slot-- [[Dizo's Office]]: I had a spare slot left and the office is a great site to have. I don't know what I'd put in here really. Office is a filler until I find something better.

    Well folks, that's the deck! I'd love to get some critique from you and I'd absolutely LOVE your suggestions about what to put in, what to replace as well as why.

    Thanks to /u/Mattyocre for helping me test this out and giving me some advice and thanks also to /u/Kasendrith about being such a good sport about my sadness water and curse of loneliness joke :)

    TL;DR: here's a deck I've been perfecting, I have a ton of fun with it and I want to make it better. So, I want some constructive critique on it!

    submitted by /u/G3mineye
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    FTS Profane Nexus | Expedition

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT


    Been loving Expedition since set 7 dropped. I've brewed quite a bit in the past few days, but this is probably my favorite creation. It's a little different than the cultist and token decks I've seen people make, so I thought I would share it.

    Feel free to comment or ask questions!

    submitted by /u/Twiddles_
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    Copied Swift Refusal (from Burr-Spore Fern) hangs gauntlet match

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    As a new player, which of the new theme deck would be the best first purchase?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    Finally received enough coin to be able to buy my first starter deck and I saw there were a few new ones.

    Which of the new ones would you all suggest for my first deck purchase?

    Any and all help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you, JeriKu

    submitted by /u/jeriku
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    10/9 Updates

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    We have addressed the following issues:

    • Fixed a bug where Voprex, Hope's End's art was missing on Switch.

    • Decimate spells should no longer cause the AI to time out.

    • Fixed an issue where a selection array would not always present for effects with no valid targets.

    • Fixed an issue where copies of Exalted Weapon created by Ironfist Chancellor could incorrectly lose their text.

    • Fixed an issue where the price of the Switch Welcome Pack would not always display correctly for all regions.

    • Blood of Makkar should no longer end the game if one of your units deals damage from the Void.

    • Fixed an issue where Prodigious Sorcery could incorrectly be cast with no damage-dealing spells in the Void.

    • Stealing a Decimate spell with Eloz, Martial Scholar should no longer cause graphical issues.

    • Fixed an issue where some Trial of Grodov bundles would not grant their contents immediately on purchase.

    • Greed's Reward should no longer incorrectly ignore Aegis when Decimated.

    If you have any questions, or encounter any other issues, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game Feedback (under Options).

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Bargain help.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    I cant get draconic ire to proc from my market when I hit an enemy with a dragon. Am I doing something wrong? I'm not playing one in the main but I have merchants.

    submitted by /u/CountingGhosts
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    Xo vs Eager Offering for card draw

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Anyone tried switching out Xo for Eager Offering for praxis decks, how do you feel about it?

    submitted by /u/littledragon9482
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    Am I high or do yetis speak english now?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:38 AM PDT

    Invalid Deck bug?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I'm getting a bug where I create a deck and it says the deck is invalid because it contains cards I do not own. However, I just crafted all of the cards, and it is still not allowing me to play the deck. Help?

    submitted by /u/_Moontouched_
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    What do you folks think 3 color merchants are going to look like?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    Is it even doable? What restrictions could they additionally impose to make them still playable.

    submitted by /u/phantomforge
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    Must Crafts From Set 7?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Sup! Long time player here but also full time job and father of 3 so when a new set comes out I get pretty overwhelmed with what to craft. Long story short I have 414,000 stones and I might as well use some.

    I saw a post here on the top 10 new cards but without pics its hard to recognize them at first. Just wondering opinions on the best Legendary and Rares so far. If anyone has links to some YouTube vids that'd be cool too.

    Not so sure about investing in the 3 color sites cause I switch off decks a lot and tend to keep it to 2 factions.

    Anyway... kinda a fluff post so hopefully a little conversation starts.

    Appreciate it and just here to support the game and Reddit.

    PS: Is it just me or has Forge/Gauntlet gotten a bit harder =/ Used to tear through now I find I have a higher loss rate than ever. . .

    submitted by /u/StCecil
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    Complete Newbie, First Purchase Advice

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:38 PM PDT

    So Ive just downloaded this game on switch and am enjoying it heaps so far, and I saw that there is a new Dusk Of Dragons draft going on but I'm unsure where to actually find how to join it? And I was wondering whether the starter bundle was worth grabbing. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/AEKRONER
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    How exactly do I get these Twitch bonuses?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    I can't find any instructions. Tips on maximising my bonuses would also be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DumbledoresGay69
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    How do you unitless decks sleep at night?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    Gonna make me build a counter deck cause 90 percent of my ranked games are slow... boring games. What do you do in a mirror? Mind you I win 50 percent of these games but good...Lord ..is it painful.

    submitted by /u/EViking86
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    Salty Brews - Spellcrafters

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:24 PM PDT

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