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    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay - #73 - BWAHAHAHAHA!

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay - #73 - BWAHAHAHAHA!

    The Misplay - #73 - BWAHAHAHAHA!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    My solution to the new player problem

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Problem: new players struggle to get wins. This means the daily pack win is a frustration rather than something a new player can enjoy. This causes new players to stop playing eternal.

    Solution: allow a max of 6 quests. Offer 1 silver chest as quest rewards instead of 2 silver chests (keep gold chests as is). Refill 2 quests a day. Add more niche quests e.g. pauper quests, like "play 20 stealth units using pauper only decks".

    How does this help new players: 1. More quests = more jank decklists. 2. More jank = better chance for wins for new players. 3. More wins for new players = new player retention.

    Conclusion: this solution is low impact to the economy but high effectiveness for player retention. Quests are fun and more niche quests give us more reason to brew jank. This results in everyone getting an increase in the fun factor.

    submitted by /u/adkats
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    I need 2 more players for a closed signup 5 week tournament. is anyone interested?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    the idea is that you start with a faction to build around, then at the end of each broadcast you add a faction to build with, you must use all factions in your deck, rinse and repeat until you have a deck with all 5 factions

    rules are here if your interested:


    this tournament will be broadcasted on my twitch channel

    submitted by /u/duocatisiankerr1
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    Aegis Rant

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    What is the deal with aegis?
    In any other game if the text and effect differs or is inconsistent it is considered a bug. In Eternal it is considered normal for face aegis and face aegis only to allow "beneficial" effects to pass through. (What players generally believe is happening, afaik no official Dwd stance.) And beneficial is subjective, drawing extra cards is beneficial but then you are that much closer to getting milled out which is harmful.
    If a text reads 3 damage, it does 3 damage, if it reads draw 2 cards, it draws 2 cards. But "beneficial" why let such a ambiguous and easily debatable effect exist.
    Cards have been made to counterplay what the opponent does such as Dichro's Ruin, Silverblade Menace, Madness, negate spells and the ever increasing amount of sweepers/kill cards. Why not allow this type of counterplay for face aegis as well, what is so special that it specifically needed to have a bypass for beneficial effects.
    Dwd could have made changes to fix the effect to match the text or vice versa but no, nothing changed in years.
    So I ask again just what is the deal with aegis?

    submitted by /u/littledragon9482
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    Things that detract from the game's quality

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Single round instead of best of three -- no sideboard, increases variance from lack of first turns

    Wacky priority checks -- no checks in places there should be e.g. no priority check when unit or card is played so summons will always get through other places too

    No interrupt cards? "Interrupt unit/relic", "interrupt non-unit card" etc can't exist because of the lack of check before they get played. Checks to continue after any card is played should be ubiquitous and uninteresting a concept but it's lacking here

    Cards in hand limit where it just discards the next drawn cards -- huge lulz on this one. Why not force discard to 7 in hand on turn end or something

    Edit: unit limit of 12. The game really seems like it's purposely gimping itself

    I came to the game because the best in the business, HEX, got mismanaged into the ground and so far am disappointed

    Any thoughts on these? There are some others but those are the bigger ones that I can remember off the top of my head

    submitted by /u/David_Bergmann
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