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    Eternal Card Game Stormhalt vs the Horde

    Eternal Card Game Stormhalt vs the Horde

    Stormhalt vs the Horde

    Posted: 03 Mar 2022 05:55 PM PST

    Nightfall Refresher FAQ from Patrick Sullivan

    Posted: 03 Mar 2022 10:02 AM PST

    Contract on Argenport Noble

    Posted: 03 Mar 2022 02:02 PM PST

    No, I don't want him nerfed...

    ... but I'm virtually never offered his contract option to silence another creature. I can't be the only one who's noticed this. There was no reason it shouldn't be offered, just some vanilla plus creatures on board. And it's happened a number of times now and there never is a good reason for it.

    DWD this is in Expedition, on an Android phone. Can you please look into fixing this.

    submitted by /u/IstariMithrandir
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    I hope to see more bargain cards in the future

    Posted: 02 Mar 2022 09:51 PM PST

    I don't always like running merchants and I always thought bargain was a decent mechanic where you just need to meet the require connection to play the card.

    Some Ideas:

    Buff spell bargain: when you attack with exactly two units.

    Relic weapon bargain: when you gain amour.

    Draw spell bargain: when your hand is empty.

    Unit bargain: when you sac two units on three same turn.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    Yetis might be back with the Torq buff - here's my list.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2022 10:33 PM PST

    Bug or feature? Bloodsucking skeeter and Equalize? (Or sacrifice mechanic)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2022 09:35 PM PST


    I have Cen Waste Smuggler and Bloodsucking Skeeter in play.

    Opponent has zero creatures in play.

    I have 2 cards in hand. Opponent has 2 cards.

    On the opponent turn he draws a card and plays Equalize.


    Opponent plays Equalize - textbox prompts for me to "Sacrifice 1 out 2 creatures".

    I sacrifice the smuggler 1st and then Equalize resolves into graveyard. Skeeter still in play.

    No cards discarded by me.


    Did the Skeeter ability prevent the Equalize sacrifice? Is this intended?

    Flying, Deadly, Lifesteal Spells and weapons can't be played directly on Bloodsucking Skeeter.


    The player with the most units must sacrifice units until they are equal. The player with the most cards in hand must discard cards until they are equal.


    submitted by /u/blackl0tus
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    OMG not another post about "global emote mute option"

    Posted: 03 Mar 2022 08:06 AM PST

    This post is going be kind of a rant at the same time logical. Now I've done my research on this topic and found out I'm clearly not the only one that wants this feature. The people have been asking for this and I think the response we got from the devs is "No". Well? Why the fuck not dickhead? Some say it is because they sell custom emotes in there store and it would cheat the people that buy them. Or they value pocket change profits over player experience. Other than that I cannot think of any other logical reason to not add global mute. However they neglect to understand the value in adding this feature. It can bring back returning or new Eternal players, more players will invest there time into the game thus more profits.

    Pros of global mute option
    -Community satisfaction
    -Players will invest more time into the game (I know I would)
    -More players will return to Eternal
    -Simply a convenient option for players like me that do not fuck with emotes (I auto mute manually every game and yes sooner or later this starts to get mentally depressing and that one time I forget someone wants to be a cunt when I concede. If you dislike losing then you get tilted at people using emotes to gloat. Its literally a game on who gets luckier or has the winning match up, STFU)
    -It can lead to profits (consider all of the points above, make a Eternal blog post introducing global emote option is here, it will attract people to return to Eternal or if they quit because they were tired of manual muting every game. With extra players back to playing Eternal this will lead to more future profit)

    Cons of global mute option
    -People that have bought anything custom emote related will feel cheated (According to the devs)
    -Lose out on that sweet extra pocket change
    -Emotes will have no value at all because people will have this option enabled (My argument: They will still have value! If I face someone in my friends list on ladder for example, I will unmute and greet and say farewell using nothing but emotes. Might even banter a bit with it but its a ladder friend so no harm in doing so. Its only the piss randoms/non Eternal friends that emote during a game or after they win that piss me off)

    In conclusion I think the reason why we as a community have not gotten a global mute option for so long is because the devs are chasing pocket change profits and refuse to let go of it. I am trying to place myself in their shoes and think why I would deny my community the convenience of global emote mute option and profit is all i can think of. The profit from selling avatars with custom emotes is much more important to us than adding a convenient option for people that are tired of manual muting at the start of every game. As for the people that say "deal with it" or "it becomes muscle memory, you'll get used to it" fuck off cunt. Emotes annoy me and I'm manual muting at the start of every game so I don't see that shit and that's the core problem. MANUAL MUTING AT THE START OF EVERY GAME!! Just drop the ignorance/petty greed and add the convenient option so I don't have to do this anymore like this shit gets fucking depressing. DWD if you guys are seeing this post then you're already familiar with global emote mute requests/rants. Eternal is a great game and hats off to you guys for creating great lore that had me engaged. Its just missing this minor feature but its actually a huge deal for certain players in the community. Some have doubts that you guys will pull through with it but I still believe. You should try to place yourself in our shoes and understand why its important to some of us, as we are the reason you guys get to eat.

    If this post receives praise and garners much needed attention then we may have a chance to convince them. Go ahead and drop your thoughts below.

    submitted by /u/MeeshKeesh
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