• Breaking News

    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Eternal Card Game [EoE]Midias, Leyline dragon- my second spoiler from the community store

    Eternal Card Game [EoE]Midias, Leyline dragon- my second spoiler from the community store

    [EoE]Midias, Leyline dragon- my second spoiler from the community store

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    [EoE] Soldrain Smithing- my first spoiler from the community store

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    [PSA] Your Gauntlet and Forge ranks will reset with EoE's release tomorrow, rank up now!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    This is just a reminder that you have until Echoes of Eternity releases to rank up.

    Gauntlet and Forge rank progression is reset with each new large expansion, so tomorrow everyone will be reset back down to unranked. The reset is for progression only, in-progress runs won't be affected.

    Also, if you have already ranked as much as you want, and happen to get the Big Game Hunter "Beat the boss at the end of Gauntlet" gold chest quest, you may want to hold off a day or two ;)

    submitted by /u/PusillanimousGamer
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    Hunter Pence on The Misplay Podcast

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    We did it chat!


    Future Magic the Gathering Hall of Famer and World Series champion, Hunter Pence joins The Misplay! How did it happen? You can read our behind the scenes article here.

    We ask Hunter about his history with gaming, board games, Magic the Gathering, and we have an opportunity to pitch Eternal to him. Hunter shares his Magic misplays and we play a game called "Jason or Hunter". You'll learn some cool facts about both.

    We also give a new player orientation if you're taking your first look at Eternal and end the show with a draft of Eternal cards that make the best band name names.

    Special thanks to Scarlatch and Dire Wolf Digital who hooked Hunter up with an account (HunterPence). Look for him in-game.

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord | Website

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Completing all quests at once is a good feeling.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Eternal Highlights - Ravencloud

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Campaign Gripe/Plead for Understanding

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Hello Everyone,

    I've been playing for a few years and remember the initial few campaigns where you got to build your own deck to complete it. I LOVED being able to have the AI destroy me, then go build a deck to get my revenge. I recently purchased promises and like the few before it, is a pre-made deck campaign!

    is there a particular reason why they did this? does anyone else NOT like having to play a deck you didn't build? especially when it gets frustrating to lose OVER and OVER again with something you have no control over lol. I enjoy this game a ton, but don't understand the reason for the change.

    Anybody know? Developers on here? Thanks for anytime spent answering.

    submitted by /u/ElJeffeDeMagico
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    If you like Pina Coladas~ [Gathering Dark] POGGERS

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:14 AM PST

    Getting low fps on iOS

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:04 AM PST

    For some reason I'm getting a low frame rate while playing on my iPhone XS. When I fiest downloaded the game it ran really smooth for a while but I noticed it steadily got worse for like a month now. Especially in the menus, for example that animation when you open a new pack now happens in like 5 frames.

    I searched the sub and found another post where direwolf replied and said to reinstall the app, which I did, but still no help. I have half my space available on my phone and even cleared out some icloud space. I'm thinking maybe this happens when you start to build a large collection and it has to keep them loaded on your account?

    submitted by /u/masonjar01
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    Is it better to wait a week in League if your cards are absolutely awful?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I don't have enough good cards for a two faction deck (practically no playable 2-3 drops), and the only influence fixing I have is (like, actually only one card) in the weakest factions... I just lost 3 games in a row going into Week 2. Should I save the games for next week to hope for better luck? I don't lose anything other than the 10 tie breakers right? I don't have time to play those extra games anyway.

    submitted by /u/rottenborough
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    How is this game more than luck with such large decks?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    This is a genuine question.

    I used to play Hearthstone back in the day, and recently Slay the spire reignited my love for card games, one thing led to another and I picked up Eternal. I've only played a few games online so far and quite enjoyed it, but there is one thing that I don't get.

    Decks in this game have over 100 75 cards, while in one skirmish you get to draw and use maybe twenty of them, based entirely on luck. This makes it hard for me to associate my deck with my chances of winning. I've just packed my deck with cards and it seems there is hardly any strategy involved: just put the cards that seem powerful on their own and hope for the best. You won't get to play any intricate combos because what are the chances you'll get the required cards out of the huge set? The only thing you can hope for is for the entire deck to have some basic synergies, but mostly it seems to boil down to having the best cards possible.

    Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/PhantomEric
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    Still trying to pick up on the game(Switch version)....

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    ...and while it's fun(and I do like the fact that it's F2P), elements of it are still giving me literal headaches.

    Of course, this could just be that I have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and am dangerously prone to information overload; it just -feels- like the game is throwing too much at me, far too soon...a lot of card features/abilities not covered in the tutorial are showing up with not a lot of explanation, and I get frustrated far more easily than I care to admit...which I just did admit, I guess. <_<;

    I still really, REALLY wish this game had an auto-deck building option; I'd like to put together something that suits my style, which is generally very defensive/disruptive, sort of in a 'rope a dope' style, and I've seen some very differing opinions here on if the purchasable w/coins themed decks would even be worth it; to me, at least, it likely would, as the deck would come ready to roll, and I could make adjustments to it as I go, effectively fulfilling my above wish.

    O.k., yeah, trying not to rant...just wishing I could ease myself into this game more...I've no illusion, or even desire, of becoming competitive...just want to find friends I can play against and have fun, so building for any meta isn't a concern for now...hope some of you can keep the advice/suggestions/encouragement coming, and thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/CapeMike
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    A number of my posts aren't showing up in here....

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Not sure what's going on; replies are fine, but I'm not sure if any new posts I've made are showing up...am I doing something wrong? :(

    Most of them have just been me asking for help and/or advice, as I'm only a few weeks into playing and getting utterly destroyed in versus matches...not doing any better in gauntlet, where I've only made it to the final battle one time.... :\

    submitted by /u/CapeMike
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    Card Backs

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Eternal devs, you gonna unlock card backs for those that missed it or joined the game at later dates?

    submitted by /u/phoenixwil
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