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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Eternal Card Game [EoE] Skeletal Dragon (also RNG tournament report)

    Eternal Card Game [EoE] Skeletal Dragon (also RNG tournament report)

    [EoE] Skeletal Dragon (also RNG tournament report)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    I've been awarded a community spoiler, and so I shall present it without any preamble.

    Skeletal Dragon

    Keep out of reach of Snowballs. It is a 3 cost dragon, but it's not really an on curve play. Final verdict: Draft Card

    That's not really enough to make for much of a reddit post, so if you're interested in sticking around for the epilogue (postamble is apparently not a real word) I've done a writeup of my January tournaments and tournament prep.

    Tournament Prep

    Our story starts at around January 10th. I had autoqualified for Day 2 for both the Throne and EX Winter Quarterly Championship, and I was beginning my preparation for the EX ECQ the week before. My goal was to use the ECQ to find a reasonable EX deck, lock that in, and then use the final week to find a throne deck for the WQC.

    As a player, two of my biggest idiosyncrasies are 1) I never want to play the Tier One deck because I assume (often incorrectly) that everyone else will have a plan for it and 2) I need to lock into a deck at least three to four days in advance so I can get as much practice as possible. I'm a really mediocre pilot and I make a ton of mistakes during pressure situations, so I try to get as many repetitions as I can until I can more or less play the tournament on autopilot.

    I'm a member of Seek Power Gaming and they do an excellent job of figuring out what the metagame is going to look like and guessing what other people are going to play, which is an invaluable resource when you're trying to figure out how to beat those things. Of course, sometimes Xenan just isn't beatable. However, for the EX ECQ we had a pretty good picture early on, and this allowed us to spitball some ideas. Here's what I started with on January 14th:

    January 14th

    Yikes. Still, this wasn't so far gone that you can't see the core package. On January 15th, I entered the second half of my tournament preparation routine: camat0 telling me my deck is shit. In what is NOT part of my regular tournament routine, he also gave me useful advice on how to improve the deck. This including explaining to me at length how to build a power base, something I have not yet figured out despite playing for four years and writing three articles on the topic. Sorry, people who read those. Trimming five drops, adding Lightning Sprite, and updating the market were three more key additions to come from this discussion. I wouldn't have believed in Lightning Sprite, but it had done good work for me before in EX and I was (unusually for me) willing to give it a try. Here's where the deck ended up after the discussion.

    January 15th

    My notes after putting this list through its paces:

    • I think the only problem matchups will be Xenan and some aggro draws from stonescar and combrei.
    • Icaria has not felt good, theres a lot more 3s so you want to curve out.
    • Don't like the double primal stuff in the market, it is often dead. Would exchange at least gryffyn.
    • I'd like a bit more interaction, actual shen-ra is an issue and I have no good way to disrupt or race xenan
    • Seeks and one primal has felt very good. I miss primal emblem though.

    At this point in my testing, the two biggest worries were Elysian, a matchup that felt bad but manageable, and a Xenan ramp deck that didn't end up having any presence. I also didn't seriously consider Yetis to be a deck – something that would come back to bite me. Two more days of testing would teach me how to play the Elysian matchup and reveal Argenport to be a major tournament player. I also tested Vanquish in the market, something that overperformed and I was very glad to have access to throughout the tournament. Unseal ended up in the flex slot because I decided I hated Edict of Linrei – cutting it was definitely correct but to this day I still can't decide if I like Unseal or not. Bring Down's entered the main and I also don't know if that was right. Here's the final list:

    Final ECQ List

    You'll note camat0's name has been removed, in classic fashion he asked not to be associated with such a trash deck.

    The ECQ

    A year of ECQ's have taught me how to actually play in an ECQ – they're long and mentally draining. As I said earlier, I rely on autopilot a ton, so my strategy for actually playing ECQ's is to make them as autopilot as possible. I basically duplicate my ladder climbing behavior – asleep on the couch, blasting music, browsing Reddit during queues. Keeps me grounded and reminds me this is just another game. I ended up doing well enough in the qualifiers to make it to day 2. Day 2 has historically been a big challenge for me, with the few times I have made it to day 2 being first round exits, often on camera. I had my goal – a single match win!

    Day 2 rolls around and I receive my good lucks from my teammates, then shut off Discord to concentrate. This is contrary to my autopilot behavior, but I find I get extremely distracted by Discord notifications during games and people always message me when I'm on stream. This of course backfired because it pushed notifications to my phone instead, which was not on silent and was far more distracting. Punt.

    The qualifiers gave me lots of practice against Argenport, which was all I was destined to face that day. I was able to navigate my first two matches in straight games, including a feature against teammate and worlds player BruisedByGod. Watching the replay, I think I played ok but definitely received some help from a few suspect lines from BBG.

    In the third round I was matched against LightsOutAce, who had an Argenport list that was better against mine that others I had faced that day, packing a full complement of two drops as well as a Cleansing Rain in the market that killed three Permafrosts and also me in game 1. In game two I was able to draw three cards off Patriarch two turns in a row, and we were off to game three. I was not able to establish my draw and a couple of Fenris activations sealed the deal – LightsOutAce was on to the fourth round and ultimately took down the tournament. I was of course disappointed to have lost, but I had already gone above and beyond my goal, so I settled for cheering for Ace. Congratulations to him and I look forward to seeing him at Worlds.

    The QCP

    My prep for the QCP was a lot less structured than my prep for the ECQ. I was initially concerned that I would need to find a new deck for the EX portion, as I thought many people would copy Ace's winning list, but after his tournament report revealed that the Cleansing Rain wasn't a good addition and a few days of ladder play didn't show huge spikes of Ace style Argenport, I decided my list was good enough and focused on tuning it. Here were my thoughts:

    • I kind of want a third Avigraft, but I think that puts you too reactive
    • Kodosh sees all could come out, but it has its uses, mostly in non Argenport matchups
    • Six drops are a consideration, I like Reyna in theory but she doesn't fly and doesn't provide value. Actual Parul is something camat0 suggested when I was originally looking at 6 drops, but triple primal is more or less impossible with the current list.
    • I don't like Icaria very much but I didn't find anything better before or on this pass so I think its staying in. It's better in multiples so shaving a copy doesn't make sense.
    • Weakest market card is definitely cleansing rain, though Unseal is technically the flex slot.

    In the end, I ended up moving from a 4/2 split of 3 drops to a 3/3 split and that was that. This still left me with the problem of Throne, and what a problem it ended up being. SPG's initial passes left us more or less where everyone else was on Throne. Nobody had any idea what was good or what anybody else was likely to play. I took a burner list to ladder and in two days was no closer to an answer, having played against a grand total of one deck: Combrei Aggro. I didn't expect it to have enough presence in day two to be worth planning against, and figured that anybody who hit day two had beaten it along the way, so it was back to square zero. I spoke to a number of people about Throne, but to quote myself from that time, "People keep telling me FJS is successful and popular but this is the ghost version where they can't provide a list and I've never seen it." Camat0 did say "in throne play whatever you like, anything you have experience will be better," so I decided to do what I do and drafted up something that could be effective. Here's what I had the night before the tournament:

    The List I Didn't Play

    Three games with that were enough for me, I came to my senses and grabbed the only deck I had really played in Throne in the last two months – Skycrag Yetis. I knew how to play it and it had been my Throne Investigation Burner List. However, not wanting to enter battle without any sort of real preparation, I spoke to legendary Yetis player BassoonBuffoon. It was a productive discussion.

    aReNGee: what can you tell me about yetis in throne?

    BassoonBuffoon: the last time i played throne was the last ecq

    BassoonBuffoon: is this all for the quarterly thing? yetis has no shot at winning in throne anyway.

    aReNGee: you're right

    aReNGee: but I have nothing and nobody will say anything

    We then proceeded to realize we were on different yeti's lists with different strategies – his had a real mana base and mine did not. I trimmed a seat as a concession to common sense but was unwilling to trim a second. I also picked up Inspired Prank as a market card from the discussion, which I still think is marginal at 3 cost since it usually gives you a small body but it's better than not having access to the card. Here's what I actually registered:

    Throne WQC

    The Throne WQC

    Saturday January 25th was a Bad Day for me. I had nothing to do to actually qualify except cheer my teammates on as they made their runs, but I had been fighting a flu bug all week and it finally started winning. Decklists were released and brackets were raised and I saw that I would be facing FTJ in Throne round 1 with all those cards you don't want to see – Prideleader, Harsh Rule, Stormholt Knife. I was as good as dead. In EX I faced teammate Overmaster on, ironically, Yetis. I'm not a believer in testing before a tournament since I do my testing before, especially when I'm playing teammates, so there was nothing left to do but rest and warm up tomorrow morning. Except between the flu and nerves I didn't get any rest at all. Not a good way to play a big tournament. In the worst condition I could have been in, I put on the League of Legends World's anthems as my pregame, something I've always wanted to do but kept forgetting, and waited for my early exit.

    Which was not to come. The RNG portion of my name took over and my deck seemed determined to drag me kicking and screaming over the finish line, bad matchup and bad condition nonwithinstanding. My round one opponent never saw a third power in the first game, a no doubt tilting experience that was compounded when I had the perfect answers to a pair of Prideleaders in game two. Match one was a win thanks to a combination of good luck and a deck that could be piloted by rote. My luck held through the second match, defeating Spellcrag in straight games. I have horrible nightmares of Spellcrag playing seven removal spells that lined up perfectly into garden into sorcery, but it's probably not a bad matchup for Yetis.

    Match three put me against Magikarp. Despite having decklists, I was for some reason convinced that he was on FJP Renown aggro. I'd like to apologize for this slur. He was actually on Combrei Aggro and my ladder experience finally stood me in good stead. Cykalis is a good card, but Combrei is usually playing a defensive game against Yeti's and you're really rather have Titan. I was able to negotiate the games and take the win.

    Match four placed me against chicityshogun who was playing Stonescar Aggro. This matchup usually turns into a shootout – blocking is losing, especially when you're the idiot playing 2/1s. I hadn't played this matchup a lot recently, but fortunately neither my yeti's deck nor the Stonescar lists had changed much and the strategy of "be on the play" held true. I took this match down in straight games as well. Special shoutout to chicityshogun, who seconds after being eliminated hit me up with the following inspiring message: "A bit of a mess on my part, but well played! good luck the rest of the tournament." Losses are always brutal, so a big thanks to them for having the mental to take it in stride.

    By this point, I had begun to believe that this was my tournament to lose, and that my deck would provide what I needed. Hubris is deadly. Miol29's much bigger Combrei deck would prove to be my end. This match was probably on camera, but I haven't seen it and my memory of games one and two are foggy at best. They were pretty classic Yeti vs Combrei games – game one they were able to establish a board and I couldn't burn them out (I recall being one off but that could be a fever dream) while in game 2 I was able to get and keep the advantage it was off to game 3. Game 3 had what I would describe as an unlucky situation and others would describe as a massive, tournament throwing punt. A few turns in I had some dudes including a Yeti Pioneer and Pok-Pok, 3 power, and a Champion of Fury, Ice Bolt, and Chunk Chunk in hand. Miol29 had two 3/3s. I had to decide between playing a postcombat Chunk Chunk and playing my Champion of Fury, electing to play the champ and smash. My opponent double blocked Pok-Pok, a play I had not considered, and I Ice Bolted a 3/3 because I really didn't want to win that tournament I guess. My opponent, now ramped, played a Sandstorm Titan and I really wished I had an Ice Bolt or a Chunk Chunk in play. Then they played a second one and that was it for me. Whoops. Sorry to everyone who cheered for me or worse, got beat by me, only for me to go and do that. I'm not saying I should have won that game, but I definitely shouldn't have made that play. Flashbacks to my Harsh Rule tunnel at my first Feature Match. Miol29 went on to win the tournament and big congratulations to them! At least I can say I "only lost to tournament winners" in back to back tournaments.

    The EX WQC

    A short break and we were back at it – I had an expedition tournament to play! The Worlds anthems blared again, and I confidently asserted that THIS was my tournament, and that Hooru was the deck to be on. Then overmaster on yetis absolutely dismantled me in about five minutes and I was out. To be honest, it was a relief – I was in no condition to play an additional tournament. I wished overmaster luck and that was it for me. I got some long overdue rest. Big congratulations to Notarg for winning this tournament.


    Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Not perhaps the swan song I'd like it to have been, but I do think at least the deck selection process was interesting and not-terrible. If I had to do it again, I like where I ended up in EX but I'd like to play something else in Throne. Just wish I knew what that was. Probably FTJ, I liked the Arcanum decks going in. Regardless, there's a whole new season coming up and (presumably) another QC to qualify for, so I'm looking forward to seeing what Echoes of Eternity has in store for Throne and EX. Corruption, dragons, and strangers, Oh My!

    Bonus: I found this deck while building this writeup. Thought I'd share what passed for deckbuilding for me in 2018.

    submitted by /u/aReNGeeEternal
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    [EoE] Abyssal Scrying

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:05 AM PST

    2020 Spring Quarterly Championships Changes and Challenges!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    The Perfect Storm

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:45 AM PST

    Firstly, I want to apologize to each individual who had to put up with this deck, you are all troopers and I appreciate your time during this mad experiment.

    Secondly, the deck. This little sucker took almost 100 games to get to where it could finally go off since it's so fragile, but here's the deck list: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/XbcHzhU-9wQ/the-perfect-storm?view=list

    So, why build this trash after introducing the even handed golem meta? Glad you asked. I like to be quite mischievous and secrets I hide from the community (like my 85% winrate deck, maybe one-day I will share that when I want to meta to die) but this was an experiment to see how robust the eternal servers are.

    So the idea of the deck, the goal is to stall the game out until you assemble these conditions: 1) you have used diogo to give end of story destiny. This can be achieved by excavating story on top of the deck then amplifying diogo. 2) play as many crown of possibilities as possible. 3) draw lumen reclaimer with destiny and revenge (note, this is not revenge, then destiny off the revenge trigger)

    So now here's the catch. Once lumen has destiny, and it starts dying, it shuffles copies of itself with destiny into your deck, then revenge triggers and puts it into the top of your deck and you continue as normal. Over the next couple turns of drawing as many cards as possible, you will hit lumen again, causing a loop. This will exponentially increase your deck size to the point where it is 80+% lumen reclaimers with destiny (and eventually echo, this is important) which means drawing one card draws you your entire deck.

    Ok cool, now we lose. But there is one condition that was important for the start of the loop, one of the end of story cards has destiny. Which means every time you draw your entire deck, you blow up the entire board, filling your deck with more lumens.

    Eventually what happens is you timeout and fail to put input into the game as the rope cuts you off. But the rope randomly make choices for you when this happens, so the game gets stuck in an infinite loop of drawing and playing lumens and board shipping yourself for all of eternity.

    In the end, the servers never crashed (as they are running now) but I did get the game to bug out pretty bad clientwise as the animations were happening too often. I also never found the maximum deck size, which is unfortunate but it's definitely more than 800 cards as all my opponents who witnessed this surrendered by that point.

    TLDR: I tried to break the game but the infinite combo loop scares away my opponents.

    submitted by /u/livingzendikon
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    Lights Out - Endgame

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    FECast Ep 14: Burnout! with Sunyveil, camomilk, TheBoxer, and Erik9099

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    [BUG] Cannot play on Mac after latest update

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:23 PM PST

    The program consumes all CPU and never starts. Tried reinstalling but still the same result. Anybody else?

    submitted by /u/FMBrazuca
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    SPOILER GAMES! Join me on the DireWolfDigital Discord at 6pm CST to participate in a fun puzzle to unveil a sweet new card from Echoes of Eternity!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:30 PM PST

    Echoes of Eternity Pre Order Concerns

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Hi. So i will admit this is a problem that may have only affected me, but it still needs to be acknowledged. For the past few sets there has been a great pre order option to get packs and extra goodies for when the latest set of eternal launches. These have been great and I hope that direwolf continues to do them.


    With the release of the champions bundle it looked like this was the pre order for Echoes of Eternity. I threw down my 39.99 assuming as much. Then come to find out that not too long later another bundle for Echoes of Eternity is available for preorder with even better perks (Like the alt art legend dragon) and i feel jilted for this. I would have preferred to have bought that bundle instead. I'm not made of money, (I spend all my time playing eternal...). I can't afford both packages. And i'm not opposed to DW offering multiple pre order packages either. Blizzard does that all the time for HS set launches. I would have just appreciated them announcing them at the same time. But then you say why didn't you wait until closer to release to buy your pre release kit for this hypothetical product that you didnt know existed? Well that boils down to not having exact dates for set releases which is another whole can of worms. But point being, I love Eternal and want to support DW when they release new sets I just hope they are more up front about their pre order options in the future.

    submitted by /u/WhatWesWatches
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    New Client Update 1.50 (255MB)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Eternal Highlights - By the Skin of My Topdecks

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Qualifying going forward?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Did we ever get an update on how the next quarterly qualifier will work?

    Are there more weekend events with points? I have seen one in a while, I thought they happened frequently.

    Will masters ranks still get points or are they not using that anymore?

    submitted by /u/ChaatedEternal
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    Looking for help with beginner deck

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:24 AM PST

    So I've been playing for about a week now, and I have a decklist that I'd like to get some opinions on as far as what works and what doesn't. It's been winning me some games, but struggles keeping up with a lot of deck types.

    It's based around cards that I got from the Stonescar Chaos deck I got as a reward, mainly Soul Collector, stuff I can sacrifice with Entomb effects, and some strong cards I got from Forge and pack opening. I don't have the resources for more copies of my best cards at the moment, but I'm just wondering if the basic idea is there and what cards I should look into. Any advice is appreciated!

    My Decklist

    submitted by /u/OverwatchEden
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    The Forbidden Win Condition

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    I can't be the only one who enjoyed this win condition in Yugioh, even if it was never really a meta deck. It certainly shouldn't be a meta deck solely focusing on that single win condition. I used to play a fun Yugioh exodia deck where you could also win by having your draw cards doing enough face damage to win.

    It just seems like Eternal has almost as many angles as mtg at this point. What win conditions are still missing?

    submitted by /u/lod254
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