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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Eternal Card Game So now that we have all 10 3F displays, what about mixing and matching to make some mono-faction displays?

    Eternal Card Game So now that we have all 10 3F displays, what about mixing and matching to make some mono-faction displays?

    So now that we have all 10 3F displays, what about mixing and matching to make some mono-faction displays?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    So, we have all 10 3F displays. Each one of them has a mode that can largely be attributed to a single faction. Let me go through them:

    - Your units get +1/+0 and overwhelm (ambition)
    - Deal 4 damage to an enemy (instinct)
    - Give one of your units +2 atk and you gain 2 armor (creation)
    - Draw 2 weapons from your void (honor)
    - Kill an enemy relic and give relics in the enemy void Voidbound (menace)
    - Sacrifice a unit to gain +6 power this turn (destruction)

    - Put an attacking enemy unit on the bottom of the enemy deck (knowledge)
    - Put one of your units into your hand and gain its health (instinct)
    - Return an enemy unit to its owner's hand and increase its cost by the cost of your most expensive relic (tradition)
    - Kill an attachment on an enemy (vision)
    - Draw 2 random sigils from your deck (creation)
    - Play 3 1/1 cultists exhausted (destruction)

    - Give one of your units +4/+4 and lifesteal for this turn (honor)
    - Kill an enemy unit with 5 or more health (ambition)
    - Give one of your units +1/+1 and exalted (purpose)
    - Silence the enemy void (tradition)
    - Play a power of your choice from your deck (vision)
    - Silence all attacking enemy units and give them -2 ATK this turn (creation)

    - Deal 7 damage to an enemy unit played this turn (purpose)
    - Draw a relic of your choice from your deck (knowledge)
    - Deal 1 damage to each enemy (menace)
    - Transform an enemy unit into a 2/1 goat (honor)
    - Negate an enemy spell (instinct)
    - Give one of your units +0/+2 and killer (tradition)

    - Draw 2 units from your void and take 2 damage (ambition)
    - Give one of your units +2 ATK and quickdraw (knowledge)
    - Enemy units get -1/-1 this turn (vision)
    - Steal an enemy relic with cost 3 or less (purpose)
    - Sacrifice a unit to draw two cards from the top four cards of your deck; bottom the rest (menace)
    - Deal 3 damage to an enemy unit. You gain 3 life (destruction)

    So, seeing all this, I think it's interesting to see what kind of mono-faction displays we can come up with. There is one rule: you can't have two options that use the same UI locations. For instance, you can't kill an enemy relic while also having the option of dealing 4 damage, as both would involve targeting opponent's face (or near it), and thus be bad on mobile.

    Here are some, from the top of my head:

    Display of Flame: 3FFF fast spell: deal 4 damage to an enemy, or sacrifice a unit to gain +6 power this turn, or draw 2 weapons from your void.

    Display of Sand: 3TTT fast spell: draw 2 random sigils from your deck, or put an attacking enemy unit on the bottom of the enemy deck, or play 3 1/1 cultists explorers exhausted.

    Display of Steel: 3JJJ fast spell: give one of your units +4/+4 and lifesteal this turn, or kill an enemy unit with 5 or more health, or silence the enemy void.

    Display of Nature: 3PPP fast spell: draw a relic of your choice from your deck, or transform an enemy unit into a 2/1 goat, or negate an enemy spell.

    Display of Darkness: 3SSS fast spell: deal 3 damage to an enemy unit and you gain 3 life, or draw 2 units from your void and take 2 damage, or steal an enemy relic with cost 3 or less.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Bug Eternal Card Prodigious Sorcery

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Bug Eternal Card Prodigious Sorcery

    Decimate does not apply double damage to static bolt in gauntlet.


    submitted by /u/Z0lted
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    Eternal Highlights #141 - An Unexpected Massacre

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Farming Eternal Ep.49: Relic Decks in EoE

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep.49.of the Farming Eternal Podcast. In this episode Patrick and Hatsonlamps discuss TJP relic decks. They discuss why relic decks are awesome and so much better than set 5. They also update their top common rankings. Finally, they talk about how changing their drafting plan from drafting around a specific synergy to dipping into multiple, powerful "pockets of synergy" that has helped them turn their draft fortunes around.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep. 49 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep49-relic-decks-in-eoe

    Patrick and Hatsonlamps also trying something new this week. Farming Eternal Uncut. This is the draft review for the episode.


    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NPGlEzmFT7oOEyyFR4RRQ6ZeM9xiL_H_MazE-WOUIr8/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    FECast Ep 18: ECQ Echoes of Eternity Recap

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    I purchased "Sol's Final Hour" theme deck and one of us is stupid - probably me. Help? Improvements? (EWC Link Inside)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    How do I even run this deck? I think I get the idea: play your relics, revenge some stuff then nuke the board. Theoretically it's ok, but in practice it doesn't work. I can't even get more than 3 gauntlet wins with it. It's either power flooded or power starved - beautiful when it works but I've only gotten it to do so a handful of times.

    So am I missing something or is it the deck? I'm kind of disappointed I spent gems on it.

    No offense to the devs if you're reading this.

    submitted by /u/Tracaine2019
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    The Apocalypse comes to Eternal: Reviewing Lastlight Judgment

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Lastlight Judgement + Reap is so janky but super fun!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Aru're's Fun Brews Vol. 6: Display of Endra edition

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Hi all, here with some more fun brews I made this expansion, with not one, not two, but four different Endra decks to provide your combo fantasies (or nightmares, depending on how you liked the meta when Endra was strong.

    I'll be doing a slightly different approach to this Fun Brews than my previous ones since the decks are rather similar in execution, so I'll just highlight some important stuff about them as a whole and some stuff about each one individually.

    Menace Endra

    Jennev Endra

    Destruction Endra

    Winchest Endra

    In regards to the decks themselves, a lot of them have similar elements, ranging from similar combo tools (between recursion like Dark Return, bounce effects like Teleport, and copy effects like Mirror Image), similar draw/selection tools (like Honor of Claws and Cull the Deck), and of course Endra with Ixtun Merchant.

    In Menace Endra, it looks a lot like the old Makkar variants, with two exceptions: Display of Menace and Softfoot Burglar. The Display has been very useful as card selection and as a sacrifice tool, while Burglar is very useful as a target for your unit-targetted effects when you don't draw Endra or Merchant early. It doesn't happen often, but happens more often than it used to since sacrifice-reliant card draw is a much larger portion of this deck, and having a dedicated target that helps with the combo itself and can possibly win the game on its own (Burglar has done that once already) the card more than pays for itself in this deck.

    Jennev Endra and Destruction Endra are very similar in that they use a lot of bounce effects. New cards in both include Pause for Reflection and Nahid's Distillation, the latter of which is a powerful draw tool that helps refill later on while Pause for Reflection is a bounce tool that's so strong that, if it was around when Endra cost 2 mana, no one would have played Haunting Scream in their Endra decks. I'm not joking, it's honestly that good.

    Destruction Endra also has Display of Destruction, which is a really sick combo piece. You can pop off with as little as 5 mana and helps make cards like Distillation and Draught a bit more manageable to use in this deck. It's also possibly my favorite variant among these, especially since it has the best protection for Endra of any variant.

    Winchest is the only variant I could make work with justice in 3 colors, and in justice you predominantly get access to tutors in Reweave and Rujin's Choice. Since you don't have too many combo cards outside of tutors, you're more reliant on your second faction for combo tools. Shadow makes it a solid choice with revenge buffs like Swear Vengeance and the new card Touch of Resilience, but it's hard to make the deck consistent because your only proper draw tool is Devour. I put Kindling Carver in as an attempt to fix that, but even that's not all that great when you have only 8 other non-Carver units in the deck. As a result, it's the least consistent among these, but it is still fun to play, especially since you can highroll fairly hard with this deck.

    submitted by /u/TheIncomprehensible
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    Berserk and Recurring Nightmare can it attack twice?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Recurring Nightmare has an infiltrate ability that puts it back into the hand will it be able to attack twice or does it get put in the hand before it can attack again because of it's infiltrate trigger.

    submitted by /u/RoguePlanet7898
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    How the heck do you draft this format?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    I honestly am so lost when I open up pack one in this format (unless there's an obvious bomb). I just can't seem to evaluate the cards as well as in most normal formats. It seems like there are a ton of cards that at first glance seem like trash (looking at you Inferno Zealot), but actually have some powerful and unique synergies in the format. Meanwhile, other cards which seem like they should be really good (defile is a good example), are often underwhelming. Maybe this is a sign of a great draft format?

    I'm curious what other people are doing. Are you just looking for the most powerful card in your early picks? Are you trying to build synergy piles starting from pick one? I'm at a loss for this one. I mean I'm doing ok, but I feel like I'm doing it wrong.

    Here's my current draft I just bought into for an example: https://imgur.com/im2LMIJ

    Normal draft format Ninjacan would say "just slam pick that defile dummy," it's easy to splash, efficient, fast spell removal. But after a few times playing with it, and it just sitting in my hand while some beefed up 4 drop destroys my life, and some 2/2 vanilla is not worth casting it on, I'm thinking maybe I should just go with the Victor's Feast? I mean, I think I've literally been wrecked by every card in this pack at some point (except succumb, never succumb). What do you think is the pick?

    submitted by /u/Ninja_can
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    Red Eyes Black Dragon (Stonescar Dragons deck)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:42 PM PST


    Hi guys this is my first time sharing my deck here! I need some inputs on what to take out and what to put in. Im thinking those attachments are not suitable for the theme of this deck but I wont lie those two did save me from unfavorable situations..but maybe you guys have different opinions? I'd like to keep it budget-ish, too..

    submitted by /u/veaushot_
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    Deadly backlash

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Why backlash that beacome deadly didn't kill opponent when played? Is it bug, or it's ok?

    submitted by /u/blind_angel
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