• Breaking News

    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Eternal Card Game 5/8 Update

    Eternal Card Game 5/8 Update

    5/8 Update

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    The Expedition Spring Championship starts tomorrow! Who will earn their invitation to the 2020 Eternal World Championship?

    Join us on Twitch for live coverage of the Finals on Sunday, May 10!

    We have also made the following fixes and improvements:

    • Fixed an issue where Authoritarian Creation would not show correct link VFX on a number of damage spells.

    • Restrained Action should no longer apply its curse-playing effect to the opponent before it resolves.

    If you encounter these issues after restarting Eternal, or have any questions, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game feedback under Options.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Looking for help in the top 64 of the Spring Championships? Come test with team SPG.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    For the entire month of May, Team Seek Power Gaming (SPG) will be offering open playtesting with anyone who makes Day 2 of an Eternal tournament (top 64.)

    Who is Team Seek Power Gaming? Team SPG is the longest running Eternal competitive team. Our team includes several ETS Champions, ECQ Winners, renown deck builders, successful Eternal streamers, and more. In addition to all these good players, I, Paradox, am also on the team. We strive to be the best team in the game. You can see our full roster on our website.

    Why are you doing this? We recognize that performing well in tournaments often requires a solid playgroup, and that is very difficult for people who are not on a team. For now, we are offering this to people who make day 2 of one of this months events and who are looking to playtest their day 2 matchups after lists have been made public. We're limiting it to this scenario (at least for now), since it will provide both players with a clear testing goal and clear lists to test with.

    How do I do this? Other than making top 64, the only other requirement is that you have Discord. Once you have made top 64, you can message me (Paradox#0523), Kartoffel (A10#1259), or TheOvermaster ([SPG] theovermaster#0974) on discord and we will invite you to our testing server. Our time zones span from the West Coast USA to Berlin, which hopefully should mean we'll have people to test at almost any time of day. Even if you are on a team but still want additional help, you're more than welcome to join. We intend to do more of these types of offerings in the future if things go well.

    We hope to see you there! Good luck to everyone this weekend.

    submitted by /u/BiiVii
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    Camomilk and Sunyveil break down the Expedition Championship | FECast Ep 27

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    It finally happened. Got my wolf card back. :)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Remember that one time Jaxxis made it to the top 10 in sealed league? That was a great five minutes, wasn't it? :D

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Lost to PF burn one to many times. Please help me beat it?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    So it seems that every 3rd game I play these days is against PF burn and I cant seem to find a deck that beats it. I was thinking of trying some sort of FJS armory build next and was wondering if any of you wonderful people has any experience with this. That and I am open to suggestions of what decks you use that beat it.

    To the people who play the PF burn decks - What decks do you have the most trouble against?

    submitted by /u/Pablo_Scrablo
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    Tradition Skies

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT


    Hello guys it's me again, Osidan. I'm posting a new deck, Tradition Skies. I've written some commentary on the Eternal Warcry page. I hope you're not shocked by my deck building, using one ofs is my creed for a diverse playing experience. I'm sure you'll find it easy to identify cards you don't like, such as Aerialist Trainer. As for me, I can't get enough from being as inclusive as possible, giving various "outsiders" a chance in the spotlight. I'm sure you'll know best what your choices are and I'm not saying my deck building is without drawbacks but it's what works for me at the moment. Alright, thanks for reading, give Tradition Skies a go, it's powerful. Be well, Osidan.

    submitted by /u/Osidan23
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    Yeah I lost the next game

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Midias + Flameblast!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Medium Effort Midias Meme (decklist in comments)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Really enjoying playing the premade "Elysian Wisdom" Deck. Anyone got any ideas for ways to improve it?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Heya all! I'm kinda new here, but I thought i'd ask around. I assume the premade decks that you are given are not particuarly competitive, but i'm very much enjoying the mechanics of having lots of creatures bouncing in and out of your hand, and swarms on the feild that the deck gives me. So, does anyone have any card suggestions that I could use to upgrade it to something more viable without removing the core playstyle?

    Just to not take up too much space, i've put the deck list in the replies. I've already modified it slightly from the original

    submitted by /u/mulac_snotcloak
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    So, with Team Rankstar gone, anybody know anywhere else to get information on the current meta?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    See title. I relied heavily on their Meta Monday articles to see what people were playing and what cards I should focus on crafting, but now they're sadly gone. I know there's the Legendary Crafting Guide, and I can scan Eternal Warcry for decks used in recent tournaments, but with the split between Throne and Expedition I feel like this won't be as viable as it was when I started (Set 3). Anyone know of any other place where I can get meta info?

    submitted by /u/LordBarglebroth
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    Edge Token Control (Throne)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:51 PM PDT


    EWC Copy:

    So this started off with me wanting to find a deck for Edge of Uprising in Skycrag colors. I chose to remain in 2 colors to maximize the potential turn 3 edge (T1 Grenadin Drone into T2 Tend the Flock into T3 Edge). I added the Kndling Carver and Tota Pioneer package alongside Kato, Arena Herald (because he's so damn good early and late game).

    This deck attacks on 2 angles. You can flood the board early and take advantage of your early pressure. Then you can turn that into an early Edge of Uprising.

    Dragon Forgeand [card]Strategize are flex slots and can change depending on suggestions.

    The market is up for debate but for now, it's a bunch of good 2 cost cards alongside Blazing Salvo. The only card I've truly been impressed with is Cauldron Cookbook as when you combine it with Tota Pioneer, it's effectively a draw 1 every turn for 1 mana. Turn to Seed is my catch all removal. I usually get the chance to play an edge and remove the seedling before it gets the ultimate off.

    Jawbone Greatsword is extra removal. I figure with Carver and tokens, it's quite easy to trigger Tribute without your opponent realizing.

    Any suggestions are welcome! This is still a work in progress!

    Disclaimer: This is just a brew for now and I don't suggest you build it unless you already have the cards.

    submitted by /u/Ehrahbass
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    TTT p.1 Try the Deck Eternal: Icaria Rising

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    To watch the dead rise up, go here:


    TTT is a 3 part series where we Try the Deck, Test the Deck, and Tech the Deck. The Try part of the series involves an experimental early build of a potentially powerful deck. Mono-Shadow has been growing in popularity this week because of the introduction of Shadow of the Spire (and Zombie Icaria!!!!)

    My deck was heavily inspired by Locopojo's list and video. To see who inspired me to choose mono-shadow, go here: https://youtu.be/dRqOM3PiliY

    To see my full list used in the video, go here: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/UntJtqwtQIk/icaria-rises-also-used-during-loyalty-oath-video-included

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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