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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Eternal Card Game We have all been here before.

    Eternal Card Game We have all been here before.

    We have all been here before.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    {Shadow of the Spire} - Clocktower Sentinel

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Jekk's takedown

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    {Shadow of the Spire} - Turn to Seed

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Shadow of the Spire Preview Event!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    New Sealed League: Shadow of the Spire

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    ECQ Whispers of The Throne Top 64 Decks in EWC

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Anything to make this deck playable? (Kodosh's Armor & Flamebath Reformation)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    So, last week I played a great forge with Kodosh's Armor and Flamebath Reformation, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw on this game since Strategist Siraf. Nothing more satisfying than putting a exalted weapon on each unit.

    And then I thought "Man. I wanna do this thing on the game. Like, a real deck with this combo."

    And then I got to craft a set of Kodosh's Armor, and completed the Flamebath's too.

    But, as you can see:

    4 Ghostblade Outcast (Set7 #63)

    3 Immortalize (Set7 #126)

    3 Outcast Elite (Set8 #64)

    3 Reborn Master (Set8 #170)

    3 Ripknife Assassin (Set1003 #13)

    4 Sleeping Draught (Set3 #218)

    3 Tranquil Scholar (Set2 #76)

    3 Willbreaker (Set8 #69)

    3 Felrauk's Infiltrator (Set8 #128)

    4 Flamebathe Reformation (Set8 #129)

    4 Hero of the People (Set1 #156)

    4 Hidden Road Smuggler (Set5 #210)

    4 Kodosh's Armor (Set8 #72)

    3 Darkmask Stalker (Set8 #135)

    10 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)

    9 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    4 Argenport Insignia (Set7 #195)

    4 Seat of Vengeance (Set0 #55)


    1 Master's Blade (Set8 #74)

    1 Unseen Longbow (Set8 #134)

    1 Honor the Fallen (Set1003 #8)

    1 Pale Rider's Timepiece (Set8 #144)

    1 Unseen Execution (Set8 #172)

    I'm really good at making horrible decks as you can tell. I made this abomination, and it's borderline unplayable. Huge problems, against known decks, unknown decks and even the AIsmacks me with it.

    My three biggest problems with it:

    1. TOO. EFFING. SLOW. So, you see,my natural tactic on this is or put a HOTP with something like Ghostblade Outcast or Ripknife Assassin, anything that make her resistant to blazing salvo/Vara's favor, and hold untill I can start popping Reformation and Armor. But I can't pull anything on it that makes impact on time, they just dismantle me, or when i can actually do something, I'm already at shambles.

    2. Fragile. I feel like my combo is way too fragile. If they play Sabotage, or Royal Decree on any of the two base relics,i feel like i can just pull up the concede button. I already tried running them on the market, but that doesn't change much, and it makes the whole thing even more slow to bulid.

    3. Few creatures on the board, making it a buffet for removal. It's a constant problem. I when, i, in a summer dream, can actually play some good weapons with flame bath on some 2 or 3 units, they just eat annihilates like chocolate chip cookies. A friend of mine said that I could or play more things with aegis, or then play the 3/1 cultist stranger, which I honestly could do both, but I'm having a hard time choosing what to set aside on the deck.

    4. Removal/Draw and responses vs Base idea. And I think this is my biggest problem in making any deck, in any card game. I don't know what to put on removal, void draw, card draw, and I don't know what to take out too. I do have some ideas of what I should run, but I'm not certain. (Mostly unrelated, but this is such a problem for me that I actually made a Dimir with no creatures that runs Rise From The Tides on Magic, that embodied this problem for me in a actually good deck.)

    That's basically it. I'm sorry for the long post, but i just want to make that beautiful line of green torches again. I'm totally open to change anything on the deck excluding obviously Kodosh's Armor and Flamebath Reformation ( I will admit that I have a kind of a soft spot for Hero of the People, but if you guys tell me that she's making things harder, she's out ).

    It doesn't need to be a Master's deck, nor a gauntlet runner/grinder, but I want it to at least be playable against my friend, or to even help me catch a pack every day on throne.

    submitted by /u/StormShad87
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    (Gauntlet) 2nd Merchant never loses market symbol

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    [Shadow of the Spire] Mother of Skies

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Bug on Enchanted Platemail?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Was playing in draft and a guy gave his enchanted platemail weapon lifesteal and got it back with the 2 cost fire spell that does that sort of thing. It had 5 attack at the time, lifesteal, no other effects. He kills a guy and gains 10 life from the attack. Is this a known bug or what?

    submitted by /u/czerkthejerk
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    Equivocate Spoiler, Best Spoiler

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:07 PM PDT


    My Dizo got transformed into:

    Auralian Supplier

    3 FT 2/2 Rogue


    Summon: If the enemy player has more cards in their hand than you, draw a card. If they have fewer units than you, draw a card.

    Well worth losing the game being busy taking a screenshot for a spoiler :D

    submitted by /u/g42nxe
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    Icaria (and Eternal Brews) returns! - Mug Materia

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    Sealed League Last Minute Appeal for Help

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Cards seem pretty good, just using too many! Six hours left and I think I am 5-4 and in the 2200's rank. Please help me cut this down to a more reasonable size if you can.


    submitted by /u/Animus777Mundi
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    Echoes of Eternity Draft 1: The Draft

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    To watch me pick from the amazing pool of Echoes of Eternity, go here:


    Notice: The actual matches will be up tomorrow, please enjoy the draft.

    It's time to draft some Echoes of Eternity. This draft environment is rich with powerful cards and fixing for three faction decks that players could only dream in past formats. Today we pick the cards, and tomorrow we play out our games. Please enjoy and join me in tomorrows draft matches.

    For the final product of our draft, please visit Eternal Warcry:


    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Vorlunk Corp's Tapestry

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:16 AM PDT


    Would love to hear your thoughts on my deck inspired by the new card, Vorlunk Corps! Has been very fun to play with so far.

    submitted by /u/Maisutori
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    Twitch has added an Esports Directory. I wonder if DWD could get Eternal's ECQs on it since that might bring in some new eyes.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    New playmat

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I'm debating in getting the new playmat, Is it worth it? Are there much animations on it?

    submitted by /u/ElbowDeep1886
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    Some minor complaints about the game's UI

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    1. When drawn, Cards stay on the RHS of the screen then go to hand. If you have ADD like me and click the mat compulsively, it is very likely you will click on the card and play it without meaning to.

      I thought I was the only one, but just saw a streamer do this.

      I mean, cool streamers also fling their top decks with so much style I think that itself wins them games, but I would love to optionally turn it off.

    2. When a unit has multiple battle skills, only one is shown. It is very easy trick people who are not closely reading card text into taking extra damage/lethal/suboptimal trades.

      Double damage is the worst offender and probably needs a special icon, maybe just next to the damage display ? 2x2

      For example, just reknowned Steel Eyed Pistoleer, who gets double damage on reknown. Battle skill display shows quickdraw (weapon skill). Enemy thinks they will take 5 damage, takes 10 and dies.

    3. This one is more like suggestion. In Choice spells, each choice uniquely targets a) one Player b) one battlefield c) ally unit d) enemy unit. There cannot be 2 choices that target same thing, eg enemy hand vs enemy field. This may limit design space.

    submitted by /u/intotheirishole
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    Which two Theme decks to purchase

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    I can get two theme decks. Which two do you think are the most strongest in Expo? Any suggestions for upgrades?

    submitted by /u/adkats
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    Salty Brew - Even Dramatist Mask Mk II [Throne]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    PSA: On Eternalwarcry you can you '%' as a wildcard while searching decks. Eg: 'budget%ranakno' or 'relic%sac'

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Does not work for cards sadly.

    submitted by /u/intotheirishole
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    So I was about to play my final game to get into Throne Masters ...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    So I've really been struggling to get to Throne Masters this month, going up and down Diamond I and II. No deck seemed consistent, until finally tonight I play a faster Stonescar deck and I get on a winning streak. Finally have only one game to go! I queue up for what I hope will be final game 'til Masters ... and guess who my opponent is?

    TheBoxer. Playing the same deck he just won an ECQ with.

    The end result was pretty much what you'd expect - I got him down to about 9 life but then his card advantage engine started going and that was that.

    There is a happy ending though - I won my next two matches to make it into Masters.

    submitted by /u/Efertik
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    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Will there be another campaign to play through? If so when?

    submitted by /u/tbaileysr
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