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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Eternal Card Game This much synergy shouldn't be possible

    Eternal Card Game This much synergy shouldn't be possible

    This much synergy shouldn't be possible

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Confession: I miss Meta Mondays

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Although I never contributed to them or would take on the responsibility or work of writing my own, I really freaking miss meta Monday articles. I always looked forward to seeing what was popular/what I should work towards and confirming the "unfair decks" I was always complaining about to my poor gf who couldn't care less.

    RIP Meta Mondays

    submitted by /u/EschewObfuscati0n
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    Introducing The Fan Made Eternal Hero Format

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Argent Depths Draft Video

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Argent Depths Draft Video


    We are back at it again ladies and gentlemen, Jedi is drafting Eternal's Argent Depths and this time we end up with a pretty sweet Hooru deck thanks to our p1p1.


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Eternal Dragon Highlander

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Can we add "player built theme decks" to the community store?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Okay, so, it seems new players don't seem to be particularly well-equipped to get started in Eternal, at least if my interaction with one such player trying to build a budget rakano deck was any indication. So, I just had an idea...

    Can we have individual players try and build theme decks that follow the same constraints as the in-store ones (1 legendary, 3 individual rares, 17 uncommons outside the power base, no playset of anything outside the power base besides seek power, no promo or campaign cards, no markets), and submit them as decks players can purchase once either for gold/gems, or in the community store?

    That is, what if new players could buy a deck containing 3 torches, 3 annihilates, 2 defiles, a Chacha, an instigator, a hideout pistol, and a bandit queen?

    Or maybe rise to the challenge, valkyrie enforcer, vanquisher's blade, and Icaria the Liberator?

    And maybe when such a theme deck gets purchased, the player that built it can get some community store currency?

    DWD, can we get some help on this one?

    Maybe there can be an event for decks built under these constraints, and the top 8 decklists can become theme decks?

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    I have returned : )

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I made a post a few weeks ago contemplating if I wanted to return to Eternal after playing it in beta. I first learned about Eternal when Direwolf was licensed to make TES Legends for Bethesda. Today I made the decision to return! :D

    I go by Myrefly in-game, and dropped some money on gems to thank Direwolf for updating this game for three consecutive years while I away.

    There was so many new cards when I came back (and new keywords!) it was like being in a candy store with so many possibilities. However, I am currently in total noob status and making mistakes galore in every match! I won't be much of a threat right now, but I'll dedicate the time needed to climb the ranks and master this game's nuances.

    I play Legends of Runeterra too, but I actually like the mechanics of this game more. LoR has AAA production value, but it seems to be lacking Eternal's depth by comparison. I feel like I have more creative freedom in Eternal, and I'm only just getting started.

    Thanks for encouraging me to come back, and thank you Direwolf for sticking to your game when Bethesda sent you packing. (TES Legends)

    submitted by /u/LeOpinionHasArrived
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    How to approach Rakano?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    So we all know the nerf is gonna happen soon, but how?

    Here are some of my thoughts as I really wish to point out some things which some of us might not have considered. I'm not claiming to be knowledgeable or anything but just want DWD to make the best decision while taking in as much thoughts from the community as possible :)

    Anyway, here goes my rant! xxx

    Ironthorn, Lawman


    · The main turbo-enabler for Rakano Surge decks.

    · Its existence in Rakano makes influence strategies kind of unfair for other factions.

    · Some cards become too good too fast because of it, like FILP, Intrusion & Iljin (FILP is just too strong in general though).

    · Surge as a mechanic becomes too strong with him, which may badly impact future designs for Surge.


    1. Change his whole effect to something else entirely (Eg. Duplicate the effects of Surge on your other cards when they activate).
    2. No other option seems good for the game imo.


    · Really, I think Ironthorn Lawman just needs to be changed entirely to prevent future imbalance for Influence strategies. Rakano Surge is only as oppressive as it is now mainly due to this card so things might calm down without him (and FILP).

    · Marshal Ironthorn at 5-cost is at a good comparison, no idea why this Ironthorn is 2-cost.

    · The Plunder is providing too much on an already acceptable body & an insane effect, it needs to be removed as it's just giving Rakano too much consistency that they don't deserve as a beat-down deck.

    Friends in Low Places (FILP)


    · Too much card advantage.

    · Too strong & explosive an impact + at fast-speed too for too little cost.

    · Giving +4/4 is HUGE and way better than +3/3, because often they make 7/7s+ which most units in the game cannot attack into. Not to mention when they attack with them.

    · Influence thresholds are too easy to reach currently with Lawman's existence.

    · Has Plunder for reasons….beyond me.

    · Basically a good cast at ANY stage of the game both offensively & defensively.


    Prerequisite: Change Lawman's effect!

    1. Remove Plunder , Give +3/3.
    2. Remove Plunder, Restrict it to cast on "You attacking units" only.
    3. Remove Plunder, Make Justice effect pull up to 3-cost units max instead of 4-cost.
    4. Make the card 4-cost if no changes, Yes seriously….lol


    · Well, this card makes both attacking into and defending against Rakano very miserable. The player holding onto this card basically have no disadvantage reserving on the 2-power at any stage of the game because its just too good at all times.

    · The Plunder gives EVEN MORE card advantage and longevity to an Archetype which should not really prolong into the late game like a control deck.

    · Many players probably haven't done this before, but being able to cast FILP on the opp's units is quite ridiculous, letting Rakano basically defend after board wipes or "Ambush" win the next turn from nowhere. This is what suggestion 2 was aiming at.

    · Justice effect being able to pull 4-cost units is way too overpowered not to mention the Aegis….4-cost units for aggro decks are mostly their top end win-cons, especially on things like Marley & Siege Train who already have game ending effects. It's too strong.

    · Influence effects are too easily reached due to Lawman.

    Special Mentions:

    · TOO MUCH PLUNDER! – Between Cylixes, FILP & Lawman, all these Plunders are giving too much consistency & reach for Rakano. It also allows them to "switch up" between card draw & Surge to adapt to the board. Removing Plunder from FILP & Lawman should make things more fair.

    · Silverblade Intrusion - Another problem card but I think its fine as long as Lawman is changed. Mono Justice, Combrei & Argenport also needs this card imo.

    · Ruffian – Again, as long as Lawman is out of the picture this card will not be overpowered. Turn 10+ super swings with it are fine, just not Turn 5-ish with Lawman.

    · Jekk & Milos – While Jekk is annoying it remains to be the only "efficient removal" for aggro strategies against chunky units, so maybe it can stay. Milos on the other hand I actually hate more as it creates Charging 10+ swings too easily when combined with other tricks, so I will love if the Overwhelm was removed from it.

    Thanks for reading folks!

    submitted by /u/DaLoneWolf_1
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    Expedition Summer Challenge Top 16 Decklists

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    The Eternal Card Art Tournament - Rounds #47 and #48

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Bracket Link


    Round #47 and #48 Poll


    Congratulations to those who voted for Magebreaker and Nivia, Most Devoted! Those two have advanced in the tournament once again.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Top 10 w/ Shadow In Expedition List

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Eternal Draft format design compared to magic

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I've played a decent amount of eternal draft over the years, and even more mtg draft. Between both games I play on average 4 drafts per week. I love limited formats in general because it challenges every element of your skills, especially the fundamentals like card advantage and mana/power utilization, deck building, signal reading (draft specific), tempo, etc. I also love playing with all the cards in the set, not just the constructed-playables. I consume a lot of content to get better at it via podcasts, twitch, etc

    The biggest difference between the draft formats of the games feels like complexity and "chaos" level. Eternal feels higher on both, which has its pros and cons. I'm not going to touch on complexity as much because that's a personal preference thing. I think eternal's complexity is a touch too high for me, as I rarely find myself comfortable with a format, as opposed to magic where I eventually feel like I have a decent understanding and my practice and learning has "paid off".

    I'd define chaos level as a metric based on: chance of blowouts, variance in power level between cards, cards that are either great or terrible game-to-game, cards that are great or terrible deck-to-deck. Some chaos is fun. Too much and it starts to feel very hard to tell if you're even playing/drafting well, or just hitting cold or hot streaks. Admittedly not everyone is a spike (values winning games higher than other elements of play), but I'd say most players would at least like to feel like they're getting better the more reps they get in.

    Some examples would be a fair ask. Grisly contest is a powerful card, one of the few cheap "unconditional" removal spells available. However, it has a steep cost (sac a unit) that makes it sometimes awesome and sometimes blank in your hand. It's also a gamble to take in draft since despite being a monocolor card, it only goes in certain decks with a critical mass of sac fodder. Other decks it will be a liability or virtually unplayable. I've seen a player get the card on its revenge side and have it swing the game chaotically as their only unit was the best on the board by a wide margin, probably due to an randomly early revenge draw.

    Conversely, magic formats sometimes include bone splinters, (1 power sac a unit kill a unit), but there are often more slay-like spells in the format alongside it, and the token or steal+sac decks get it late in the draft once they've already committed to a deck that is interested in it.

    In eternal you sometimes feel pressured (at least for me, uncomfortably) into taking the high risk removal early because there is so little removal, which is important for dealing with weapons and gigantic imbue creatures. Admittedly there are other solutions for those cards but they're a mixed bag and hard to get. You're not main-decking bore in draft unless you're desperate. So we end up main decking more stuns and bounce spells, or weird removal spells that only work sometimes.

    Eternal limited games also tend to go longer, and you can play 7 and 8 drops somewhat reliably without ramp. This is sometimes a lot of fun, and you feel rewarded for building a deck that survives to the late game. However, given the lack of removal (outside of lucky drafts/draws), this approach gives your opponent a lot of time to assemble something that feels dumb, like a lucky invoke, or a 20/20 imbue creature that you can't find removal for, and makes your 7/7 look embarrassing.

    Overall I'm not going to stop playing eternal draft. I still really enjoy it and can see the devs are very creative and like to turn old draft heuristics on their head (this is very cool when done well). I just would like to see two things: a draft format that's a bit more intuitive (not always, but at least sometimes). And a bit less "chaos" in the cards and gameplay. Maybe a periodic "core set" (in magic, core sets have simpler cards and tend to reward more classic strategies) for a short period. I'm sure some players would hate this, but I think it would be very new player friendly, and I tend to enjoy them as a palate cleanser between advanced formats.

    If you got here: wow, thanks for reading this wall of text! Especially if dwd is reading 😀.

    submitted by /u/algeoMA
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    Enemy player discarded entire deck to gain 90 attack

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:36 PM PDT


    Don't know what card combo this is, but the enemy player played a card the discarded his entire deck, he used a card to generate power, and then nailed me with a unit card that gained attack based on discards that turn.

    It happened so fast that I wasn't able to see the names of any of these cards. Anyone got any ideas?

    submitted by /u/SatisPassion
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    Ranking up

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    At what point does a .500 win % yield negative results in online play ?

    submitted by /u/NoviceEtern
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