• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Eternal Card Game DWD can you please let us know if there will be a 2021 competitive season. A simple "Yes" Or "No" would make a lot of people so happy over this holiday season.

    Eternal Card Game DWD can you please let us know if there will be a 2021 competitive season. A simple "Yes" Or "No" would make a lot of people so happy over this holiday season.

    DWD can you please let us know if there will be a 2021 competitive season. A simple "Yes" Or "No" would make a lot of people so happy over this holiday season.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:48 AM PST

    I understand all of your team may be on holidays currently and we hope you are having a great time with your family. This year has been hard for all of us and we all are so grateful for all the work you have put into this game. All of our team and other competitive players have been wondering if there will be a 2021 competitive season. We don't care for the details to be quite honest, just a simple Yes or No would suffice. This is the awkward time of the year where nobody knows the future of the game (we can all assume it will continue being the great game and community it always has been) and it seems like people are getting discouraged by the lack of communication on the future of the competitive scene. I know of quite a few people who are ready to get those fat gem bundles if you announce there will be a 2021 season, myself included. Happy holidays and a happy new year. Hope to hear from you soon.

    -Team Invoke Lethal

    submitted by /u/TeamInvokeLethal
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    Sudden Death boss in gauntlet

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Out of curiosity, did anyone defeat the sudden death boss before? How good did it feel to finally win that nonsense boss?

    submitted by /u/MrFrosty2172
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    [Bug]? Amplify and Kira Ascending

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:17 PM PST

    I don't know if this is working as intended but it seems like a bug to me, when you play a spell that has been amplified on [[Kira Ascending]] (and you have 4 or more J influence) you draw cards equal to the ammount of times you amplified.

    So for example if I play [[Hardiness]] on [[Kira Ascending]], and Amplify x4, I draw 4 cards even though I only played one spell, however it seems aplifying a spell in other cases still only counts as one spell being cast (I tested on Gauntlet with [[Calderan Cradle]]).

    submitted by /u/Hoyt-the-mage
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    Feln Madness

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:26 PM PST

    A really neat custom card idea for primal to allow it to dip into shadow's color identity!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Salty Brew - Simple Sentinels

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Card rarity discrepancy when positively transforming cards

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    So I used to run a transformation deck way back when and now that those decks are somewhat viable ive been curious if other people experience the same feeling I do that when cards are positively transformed (aka performed by owner, typically to a cost +1 rng creature), the resulting card is a typically uncommon or rarer card.

    Despite commons being the most common card rarity, I feel like rng transformed cards are more likely than not to be uncommon or better.

    Does anyone else feel that way or is it observers bias?

    submitted by /u/hardkillz
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    Shuffling system is not random.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    TL;DR Having a Majority of "Good" cards in your deck is most likely causing you to draw them over drawing a power card.

    Edit: Some below have heavily missed the point. The numbers below are not for an Entire game (25 cards). it is the probability of ONE card. I am aware that repeating a 3% Process multiple times is going to increase the chance of a success the more you do it. the point of the post is to prove that its near statistically impossible that in 17 out of 20 games I get the eremot card. before 17 draws (7 starting hand, 10 draws before end of game)

    I have been playing this game for about a Year and I have noticed several flaws with the deck shuffling and drawing system, one game I can go 7 or more turns without drawing a single power card while another I can only seem to draw power cards for the majority of the game. In my Current deck I have 2 copies of "Eremot, Death incarnate" I have noticed that out of my last 20 games 17 of them I had pulled one or more copies of that card. How is it that with 25+ power cards in a Deck i can go several turns in a row without a draw of one, but every game I can get a card i only have 2 copies of.

    I did the math and its only a 3.5 chance (I rounded up its actually around 3.35%) That in ONE game I would draw a Single copy of a card I have 2 of in a deck.

    The actual Percent's.

    [Rounded Percent] (Actual percent; Within a few thousandths)

    1 of 75 [1.5%](1.34%)

    2 of 75 [3%](2.7%)

    3 of 75 [4%](4%)

    4 of 75 [5.5](5.4)

    Now on average my games last 10 turns, however my Deck is fairly well built and makes for swift victories so for an average player Ill make the Average turn count 15

    With a Turn count of 15 you'd draw 15 times, but with card effects and extra variables Ill add another 10 drawn cards for a total of 25.

    1 of 50 [2%](2%)

    2 of 50 [4%](4%)

    3 of 50 [6%](6%)

    4 0f 50[8%](8%)

    That means on Average in a Full game my chance of drawing my "Eremot, Death incarnate" should be 3.5%, however its happened 17 times out of my last 20 games. So what's

    more likely? Im getting a 3.5% outcome every game or There is a System in the code that is giving priority to certain cards over others.

    My conclusion, The game most likely has a ranking system of cards where certain cards have a percent chance to be drawn above other cards, this percent could be likely done with a ranking where a card is given a Value based on its effect in the game. The more cards with Values higher than Power cards, the less chance you draw a power card. The solution to getting a balanced game? 27 power cards, 20 spells, 20 Monsters, And 8 extra cards of your choice (Weapons, Curses, Attachments, Etc.) This should give you a better and more balanced outcome to your games.

    Happy gaming everyone!

    submitted by /u/YGTWSL
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