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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Eternal Card Game March Promo Quest Begins this Afternoon

    Eternal Card Game March Promo Quest Begins this Afternoon

    March Promo Quest Begins this Afternoon

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Bellows Revolt, why?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Bellows Revolt, why?

    Let's talk about Bellows Revolt and Aegis.

    If a player has aegis and he plays Bellows Revolt he gets all 3 units and loses aegis. This is totally broken, aegis should protect from enemy actions, not your actions, which resulted in enemy actions.

    submitted by /u/Urzzza
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    Evenhanded Golem--is it time to set it into the sun?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    So...seeing the results of yesterday's tourney...is it time to set evenhanded golem into the sun?

    See, the thing is, as time passes, the drawbacks of running an "even only" deck get less and less. With set 9, wasteland broker removed the primary conceit of evenhanded decks--no market access. Thankfully, that card got nerfed to at least die to Jekk/Kenna and not make it so overbearing as a market access utility unit.

    However, VINE GRAFTER, on the other hand, is indeed a unit that goes much further into removing both weaknesses of evenhanded decks:

    A) No market access

    B) Behind on tempo by not being allowed to play on curve.

    When you can just slam a vine grafter on turn 2 (or 3, if you slammed golem), that weakness of losing tempo early on and getting snowballed on just vanishes. Add in Grenahen (who I will continue to refer to as AngryChicken because I miss my old teammates on OND), and, we see where this is going.

    But IMO, this is more a symptom and example than saying "this or that card is imba, nerf".

    That is, as time passes, we're only going to get more and more good even-costed cards. Sometimes, they might even have an odd alternative cost somewhere, such as Tamarys's shift that allows evenhanded decks to play "on curve".

    Ultimately, what it boils down to is that there's a unit that doesn't care about your influence, draws 2 cards for 2 power (and this is VERY important because it makes 2 power hands that much more of an easy keep), and can trade with early-game units such as snowcrust yeti. Couple that with other utility units that stonewall aggro (whether it's grenahen and vinegrafter, or who knows what else in the future), even-costed market access, and at some point, the weakness of running "even only" is going to be a mere formality, while the upside of an unconditional "2.5 for 1" will remain. And yes, this is more than a 2-for-1. Golem is not just "2-cost wisdom", but an actual body.

    My question is: is it time to do what needed to have been done long ago and make golem a 4 power card so that, at the least, we no longer have the case of "turn 2 golem, snap keep"?

    Edit: copying and pasting /u/eternalburnout23 's comment:

    This is one of many reasons why I barely play anymore. I logged into Eternal today for the first time in two weeks, played a few matches, lost to even feln, and lost interest once again. While I'm not denying that there are some cards that are legitimately unbalanced, I think DWD's balance decisions are largely intended to appease the people who complain the most. This is a big part of what makes golem so grating for me-I've had deck after deck yanked out from under my feet, and yet this ostensible meme card has been causing havoc for almost two years and nothing has happened besides giving it voidbound and a stat decrease, which obviously aren't enough. Not to mention, a year after we were told "oh golem is a meme card" we got Wasteland Broker.

    At this point I think I should probably just quit altogether-I've taken long breaks and nothing helps. it's sad, because Eternal could be a great game but DWD insists on shooting themselves in the foot constantly.

    Can we please stop sacrificing more cards on EHG's altar? Severin, Spellshaper, and god knows what else. Stop Alessi'ing around it. 3 strikes. It's time to end this charade, DWD. Send golem to the same place as soulfire drake, steward of the past, bulletshaper, Telut, etc. etc.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    This as pretty neat if you ask me...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    Stormbreak $5k Open on Twitch!!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    The Stormbreak $5k Open kicks off soon! Join us over at the Dire Wolf Digital Twitch account to see the first open winner going to the 2021 World Championship, earn some sweet Twitch drops, and hang out with our awesome broadcasters - LSV, Corey Burkhart, and Andrew Baeckstrom!

    https://www.twitch.tv/direwolfdigital twitch.tv

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Top 5 sets/campaigns to spend gold/real money?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Newbie here but been playing daily for about 2 weeks.

    I'm just curious what most people find to be the best/most worthwhile sets and campaigns to get.

    I mostly play gauntlet and have a green deck that was recommended to me on discord. I also got Awakening for the ascending units. I'll probably get shadows of the spire next (heard it's a good one).

    So what are your top five sets/campaigns?


    submitted by /u/rtrane
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    Stormbreak Review

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Stormbreak Review


    Johnholio and teammate Stormguard do a review of the latest Eternal Bundle, Stormbreak! We go card by card discussing their viability in specific formats as well as the type of synergies or deck shells they can go in! We also managed to convince Darth_Herman2 to do a little predicting as well.

    StormGuard - https://carefulconsiderations.car.blog/

    YouTube - https://youtu.be/PENRFMMruUA

    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/eternal-journey-476372610/eternal-journey-103-storm-break-bundle-review

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Stormbreak Throne T64 decklists (and some commentary from me)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Stay tuned after the Open coverage tomorrow for the Eternal After Show with Telemokos, Sunyveil, & Stormblessed!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Mobile Gauntlet Grinders Beware: Ancient Power

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Mobile Gauntlet Grinders Beware: Ancient Power


    This is mainly for the gauntlet grinders out there (such as myself) who play on mobile and shouldn't be a concern for anybody else (unless you run into someone on Throne who runs the same basic combo).

    This bug might not exist on PC but I don't play on PC so I don't know for sure. If you play on a tablet, it is possible your screen is large enough to not run into this bug but again, I don't play on a tablet either so I can't say for certain.

    In the screenshot above, you can't see it but the computer player has Voice of the Speaker and Vodakhan, Temple Speaker on the field, so its power cards are being played by the effect of Destiny while also being Echoed.

    The second copy of the card that was Echoed shows only the card back on the screen and that does not disappear, ever. I'm on a 5.8" screen and the card back that should be temporary is taking up quite a bit of screen space. By taking up this screen space, you can't select units on your side, or their side of the field for attacking or blocking that is blocked by those card backs, which means if a player attacks with units that are covered up by the card backs, you can't block them.

    This was just a fellow warning/bug notice to all of you mobile gauntlet grinders out there: if you see Vodakhan or Voice of the Speaker on the field against Ancient Power, get rid of them immediately even if they're not a threat to you. I didn't get rid of them in the screenshot above because that 7 Attack unit with Regen you see on the top left of my side of the field is The Queen of Glass and in addition to having the entire front side of the board filled up, I had another Desert Alchemist on the field (not just the one you see in my hand) so I didn't think the computer player would attack into unkillable deadly units.

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my post and may your top decks win you the game.

    EDIT: Screenshot wasn't added.

    submitted by /u/belligerentthoughts
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    Reporting ONE SPECIFIC toxic player?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    Reporting ONE SPECIFIC toxic player?

    I run into the same person every single night I play. I don't even play daily., yet whenever I do, EVERY SINGLE TIME I DO, I run into the same person on casual, with the same russian username who is always BM'ing with the bwahaha emote and roping by turn three if his hand EITHER goes his way or doesn't. When they're winning they rope and when they lose they rope.

    Every time I see this player I literally stop playing for a few days but my goodness they are always on. I have to always mute by turn three and just either wait for the turn roping or just just concede and stop playing for the night cuz I now this guys on. Do I just quit playing the game because some asshole that in real life would literally get the shit beaten out of him and kicked out of the group playing cards is perfectly immune and allowed to do this kind of stuff?

    Edit: He even added me to give me some great words. A simple google translate for anyone who doesn't speak russian can show what great people direwolf dev's allow. I would type it out but I'm pretty sure I would get banned on the spot if I wrote it in English.


    submitted by /u/silveredge75
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    Dejavu, I've seen this post before! - Expedition tournaments might be about innovation, in throne we need nerfs.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Hey hey hey, its me again about to do and endless QQ about decisionless straightforward valueful decks!

    Last year I didn't play the game competitively thanks to kyra existing (tbh I quited eternal cuz of him).

    The first year I almost stopped playing thanks to reanimator.

    This ECQ I 2 0'd all of my opponents until top 8 where I could only win one. Who stopped me? A reanimator (hate it as hell but if it was a kyra I would just have quited again probablly).

    There is not much more than hasn't been said in my previous posts (the oldest one, felrauk is already here, vara and azindel also) but I'll go again.

    Stop creating decisionless infinite value cards, sling doesn't need a great pilot just the card, neither kyra and don't get me started on reanimator this last one recieved so much love (while other combos were literally dismantled).

    I don't know if my games were streamed but if it did I hope you guys can watch it later, I think I made 0 mistakes in my entire run, and yeah its a card game, loses can happen anyway, but outplaying your opponent should usually be rewarded, losing the next turn when your opponent had 0 cards the previous feels like sheet.

    as I said in previous posts DISCARD IS THE MOST EFICIENT DRAW METHOD IN ETERNAL, reanimator will always be easy to play and a pain to counter since you have to include specific cards just for it.

    This kind of decks doesn't reward you for outplaying, doesn't reward you for good decisions just for beign lucky and drawing the correct way, yes, most decks can be described this way the problem comes when its hand by hand with infinite value.

    With popo we came with 2 ideas, his genious mastermind combo which was really fun and my solid meta-counter deck on which I think I had 100% winratio against feln during my entire run.

    A solid deck, 8 plunders (the reason I came back into the game <3) never got screwed thanks to them, always outplayed my enemy and lost to a guy who just steamrolled me (WITHOUT AZINDEL AND WITHOUT POWER ABUSE FROM VOID) with a amazingly lucky topdeck -2 even golems into a exploit for my ChoCuning into big vara-

    I do understund these decks fail when they don't get their key card but WE SAW A ECQ WHERE THE FINALS WERE 2 REANIMATORS, I really dislike the fact that decisionless infinite value decks can be so solid.


    Reanimator is the only combo that wasnt destroyed for some reason and I have to repeat this in every post, this is not healthy, destroy all or let them exist.

    Infinite value decisionless decks should not exist, they are unhealthy and feel horrible to play against.

    My rant is over, have a great day, life is beautiful but not as much as you uwu.

    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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    Hero Event?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    I haven't been playing for a long time. Do they still do the Hero Events or have a preset format for it? That was one of my favorite times of the game.

    submitted by /u/Bdhydra
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    Return to game, 3/4s of my decks can't be played. I'm confused.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    I haven't played in over a year. I was bored of Arena so I jumped back in. Playing on Throne most of my decks are grayed out with an X. When I open them to edit there's nothing obviously illegal in them so I have no idea why they aren't playable. I'd understand if all my decks were unplayable but some still are and it seems entirely random. So, what did I miss?

    submitted by /u/Rockguykev
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