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    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Stormbreak Throne Open

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Stormbreak Throne Open

    The Misplay Meta - Stormbreak Throne Open


    Congrats to the winner of Spring Challenge 4!


    EarthsOverseer on Overloader Combo!!

    This was a crazy event with lots of unexpected decks, including a wild mirror match in the finals. Turns out Expedition is far from solved! Let's see how the meta settles between this event and the Open in a few weeks!

    Youtube VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFNaTbzAV8MK3qgVZrgBOmgX-D3d2Q2m

    Decklists: https://eternalwarcry.com/tournaments/d/oa8N3kCu6nw/tne-spring-challenge-4-expedition-top-15

    See you back on Friday, April 9 with the next Throne Challenge!




    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    New Sealed League: Aftermath!


    Bad behavior on master…?


    I'm a casual (I only have one throne deck, a homebrew) that somehow accidentally found my way to master for the first time, but it's frustrating because I'm running into so many bad sports here on master and on diamond. People spamming disparaging emotes over and over again, deliberately timing out as soon as they realize they're gonna lose etc. I get that this is anecdotal rather than data since it's just my personal experience: down on silver and gold people were polite and happy except for the occasional bad actor. Up here, I've met the occasional polite and kind person, sure, but so many people who just make the experience miserable—not through any card decisions or card play, but with emote spamming and timing out.

    Playing against someone who is spamming "You're going down, punk!" 10000 times, from the minute the game starts until it's over, it's just not a good time. Is there a way to mute emotes on the Nintendo version?

    Edit: I found out how to mute them on Switch! Use the left controller to highlight their avatar and then hold down the right controller.

    submitted by /u/Pink2DS
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    Has anyone bought a Premium League?


    Every month when I sign up for a league I always see the option for the premium version for 5000 gems. I have never played a game against a person with an all premium deck though so I am wondering has anyone bought the Premium League before? Is it actually worth it?

    Also does it only make the drafting packs premium or does it apply to the packs you get after the league as well?

    submitted by /u/MoreApricot
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    Lord Steyer's deck (Expedition)


    Discussion: IMO the biggest problem with Kairos and company is the influence requirement


    I read Ilyak post regarding the tournament and how the majority of the decks were primal. While this post could be a rant regarding golem, maveloft or primal in general, I want to focus on somehting else that seemed to not have been discussed much on Ilyad thread: influence requirement

    Over the times, decks have come by whose main gimmick was to cheat out powerful cards by skipping their cost. What it seems ignored, in my opinion, is that most cheating out affects not just costs, but mainly influence. Kairos decks are just one of many about ignoring influence as much as possible: Talir decks can cheat out any units as long as it has a single time influence, which leads to Vodakan and/or Kairos otk from just Etchings while playing completely unrelated factions outside of a single time; Kairos centric decks play mostly Tradition to cheat him out with Clear the Way and Reweave, again disregarding the Fire requirement for the added benefits of Primal

    The idea about cheating out requirements is not however relegated to Time only: Jennev can use Diogo Elonze to cheat out usually Aid of the Hooru even thou those decks run no Justice; Krull shaped an entire meta by being played in decks with literally not a single Shadow influence and got changed for it. While from one side I recognize the potential of having certain effects not being affected by influence, the big problem in this concept is the market. You drew a card that you wanted to cheat out or Krull? Not a problem, change it with one of your market and the trouble is mitigated, now that Krull/Jotun isn't a dead card anymore. Opponent doesn't run market disruption? Congratz, you just need to draw/stall and you got this. Or better, you could be disrupted, but if to run your combo you require efforts, your opponent requires ten times that amount to ruin it, giving you an edge outside of the occasional match up

    My point is this: influence requirement is something that should have pros and cons. The idea of running a deck with cards that don't meet your influence should be balanced by the fact that you need specific cards to make it work. The problem with this however is double: from one side, markets still make your plan accessible while easing out the cons; from the other, the combos available disregarding influence can end a game in no time and require more effort for your opponent to counter them than for you to run them. At the end of the day, I simply say this: everyone asked for a Krull change and DWD granted it, giving it an influence requirement; since such requirement causes problems for other cards as well, apply the same treatment and then suddenly Reweave sheningans and co. can be contained

    This said, I now ask: is it too much or spot on? Is it a foolish proposal? Half true, half wrong? You tell me

    submitted by /u/DiPiStyle
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