• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Opinion: It’s time for DWD to decrease buy-in prices or create new ways to play limited

    Eternal Card Game Opinion: It’s time for DWD to decrease buy-in prices or create new ways to play limited

    Opinion: It’s time for DWD to decrease buy-in prices or create new ways to play limited

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I think it's more important now than ever to improve player retention. Eternal is at a teetering point between thriving and dying. Other DCGs like mtga and lor are slowly taking away eternal's playerbase (both current and potential) simply because they have a higher budget and larger development team behind them. If eternal wants to maintain their identity of being the one true budget-friendly, free-to-play CCG, they need to overhaul the experience in the limited formats. I suggest starting with either decreasing current buy-ins or allowing players to buy-in with shiftstone. This actually increases the amount of playtime overall because players are playing more of what they enjoy instead of grinding out formats they don't enjoy as much. Then look into creating new, permanent limited formats like phantom draft, Scion draft, cube draft, forge revamp, more sealed events, etc.

    Why do I leave out constructed from the equation? Well nothing can be done to improve constructed outside of balance patches and new cards to avoid a stale meta. You got your 1%ers and your netdeckers, and the occasional janky piles. That's the extent of it. Expedition was a nice way to change up constructed but it has just become a dumbed down version of throne. Expedition should just become a pauper constructed format IMO.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted talks.

    • A poor, limited player
    submitted by /u/pikerbocker69
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    The Misplay - #74 - Seek Not The Grenahen King

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Reminder: TNE Challenge #6 is Friday @ 5p UTC/1p EDT - No Bans!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Good morning everyone! Just a quick reminder that the sixth challenge of the Summer Season is this coming Friday (Jul 30) at 5p UTC / 1p EDT.

    As you can probably tell - this coincides with the Expedition Open happening the same weekend. To assist the players as much as possible, our goal is to have the Expedition Challenge format mirror the Open format as much as we can within our power. Because of this, we will be lifting all card bans for this weekends tournament. This means that whatever cards work on ladder and in the upcoming Open will work the same way in TNE.

    Our hope is that this will help the community have a more enjoyable weekend between the two TNEs and the Open this weekend!

    Signups are available here: https://battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal/summer-challenge-6-expedition/60bfad3e35e1df4292c039de/info?infoTab=details


    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Yeti Combo 17-3 Top 52 Masters

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    Climbed from low 200 ranked master to the cusp of top 50 with this beauty.

    Deck matches up well with the field. Most sling lists have zero disruption for the combo and not enough pressure to kill you before you find it. Even Argenport has disruption, but no pressure. Feln AAC has exploits and a single copy of rejection in the market for disruption. Skycrag and Stonescar aggro are tougher matchups that seem impossible to win on the draw, but Aymar gives you a lot of hope in these spots. Kira is slower than both of these aggressive decks, and doesn't have any interaction for the combo, so it's a pretty decent matchup as well.

    tl;dr Deck slaps. Draw cards -> Click mouse -> Win games

    submitted by /u/AdmiralUpboat
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    Bored ��

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Why is it on any platform that isn't touchscreen or PC you are forced to listen to the same dialogue over and over and over and over again with no way of skipping. Completely removes replayability on campaigns and is fucking annoying to try play a campaign for the first time, really makes me not want to spend money on this game or put time into it

    submitted by /u/Stitch0706
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    Kanya West (Xenan Kanya Talir Combo) - Throne Deck Tech

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:06 AM PDT

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