• Breaking News

    Friday, September 17, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Week of 9/9/21

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Week of 9/9/21

    The Misplay Meta - Week of 9/9/21

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Farming Eternal Ep107: Deedub's from the Misplay

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to Ep.107 of the Farming Eternal Podcast. This week Deedub from the Misplay joins Patrick on the podcast to talk about his team's draft tournament prep. Deedub explains why they love fire so much and how he got to the top 4 of the draft open. Have a listen to the great insights this week.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (Link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep107. https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep107-deedubs-from-the-misplay

    You can find our faction-by-faction breakdown of all our 7-win (Set 11) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cwNDd9Mm_4D7rMQ08fiyDEJty8q9p8lwrYChwhZ8lgw/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
    [link] [comments]

    F2P Challenge, Episode 3 (Recap)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    Reminder: The TNE Summer Invitational is awarding a seat to worlds this Sunday

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    Reminder: The TNE Summer Invitational is awarding a seat to worlds this Sunday

    It's hard to believe, but this Sunday at 5p UTC/1p EDT is the Summer Invitational.

    Players have been competing for 12 weeks, and 16 players have advanced for a shot at a World Championship invite.

    Join Telemokos, Watchwolf92, & BK on coverage of the last TNE of the season!


    submitted by /u/Telemokos
    [link] [comments]

    Has a new set or campaign or expansion been announced recently? I feel like it’s been a couple of months since the last one.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 04:01 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/vsully360
    [link] [comments]

    How to deal with decks centered on sites and removal?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    There are few things I hate more in this game than going up against a deck that does nothing but remove your units until it can drop a site. My understanding of sites is that they are supposed to encourage the play of units to remove them, but how is that realistic when removal in this game is so strong? On top of that, no matter how many units I have on the board an opponent can just drop a site as a buffer for a round since you have to attack it with either all or none. Feels like a bad design to me. Do I need to run cards with site specific removal to counter them? I just don't find it a very enjoyable game mechanic.

    submitted by /u/neonharvest
    [link] [comments]

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