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    Thursday, November 25, 2021

    Eternal Card Game A holdover bug in the collection from the Awakening bundle, released 15 months ago

    Eternal Card Game A holdover bug in the collection from the Awakening bundle, released 15 months ago

    A holdover bug in the collection from the Awakening bundle, released 15 months ago

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:48 AM PST

    I didnt want to rant about this...

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 06:17 PM PST

    I didnt want to rant about this...

    Well, as i posted in other tread something didnt work well in the draft tournament and i didnt get to read the enemy pool before i had time to edit my deck in the top 8... ok sometimes shit happens in live events. And after 9/9 day 2, 5 top 16 (1 top 8 and a top 4) and tons of effort i still didnt qualify for worlds, and thats okay because the rules said so when the season started and thats it.

    And as you see in the image at the start of the season we ve been proomised 4 slots("we're reserving the last fourth seats at the eternal world championship for players who repeatedly demonstrate excellence troughout the championship series") with 2 forms of "last chance qualifiyng" one for those who spiked 2 tournament up to top 2 or 4 but didnt get to win, and a tournament for all the people who got at least 2 top 16 and rewarded up to 4 spots minus the players that got qualified by the first way (2) leaving 2 spots for this super crowded of great players tournament (almost 30 players).

    But now they just announced an OPEN LCQ that was confirmed took one of the spot of the already super crowded of good player LCQ OF PEOPLE WITH 2X TOP 16, leaving it with half of the spot we were supposed to have... tell me people, is it wrong that i feel cheated and mad now?

    Edit: sorry for my bad english


    submitted by /u/Popotito-Eternal
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    More thoughts post set 12

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:54 PM PST

    So...another stream of consciousness about playing Eternal post set 12.

    One thing I'd like to preface: I've been playing a TON of Eternal lately. It's actually REALLY FUN. So, whichever complaints I might be writing here are far more the exception than the rule.

    Golem and its repetitive play patterns: so, I've been playing a lot of (and against) evenhanded golem in throne. And, honestly, I'm not going to debate whether or not the card is overpowered or not. However, what it is...is crazy repetitive. Golem -> exploit -> exploit -> golem -> etc. and so forth. Granted, I think it's also a searing (torching? Breach the defenses'ing) indictment at Eternal not really providing some on-rate cards for identities that should be in certain factions' wheelhouses (E.G. primal transform, shadow's life for cards fire's rituals, time's creature-synergistic card draw + lifegain, etc.). However, at the end of the day, regardless of power level, evenhanded golem decks just feel...tiring to play against when it happens. So. Often. Granted, I am fully guilty in contributing to the problem by playing them, but again, all of this in the hopes that this card is put out to pasture. Seeing the opponent go golem -> golem isn't particularly fun. Or lost scroll -> golem + exploit. For all of the positives present in throne, I really think golem takes much more than it gives, and IMO, the reason for that, both playing with and against, is just how repetitive it is. I remember when DWD handed out nerfs for cards being omnipresent, or repetitive play patterns. I think golem checks off both of these boxes, and I think there is more to be gained if this card got moved to 4 cost so that hands aren't as trivial as "turn 2 golem, snap keep".

    Swingy relics + face aegis = too good for the interaction we have: While "nerf moon" could be a shorthand way to read this post by some, that couldn't be further from the truth--simply because I think that this was an issue before Waxing Moon (Sling), and might be one after assuming some new game-swinging relic comes around. Simply put--I think relics are too good for their answers to basically be confined to the market. Send An Agent and Mandatory Retirement are great designs, and I think more maindeckable attachment hate would alleviate a lot of frustration that comes from playing against face aegis + game-swinging relic types of decks (sling, moon, etc.). Heck, one way to make a third maindeckable relic removal card playable would be to just unnerf Heart of the Vault--and suddenly Impound becomes that much more playable!

    Imbalance of Power in Throne: well, this one is simple: vows, paintings, and tomes against nerfed cylixes, in terms of "duals received since insignias". And playing cylix factions after their nerf just feels rough. Going t1 symbol and then seeing that depleted cylix is just all sorts of "remember when you could play a 2-drop here?" I tried Xenan vowerglass reanimator recently, and, well, emphasis on tried. Katra still has me on her nope-list. And the way I see it is: completing paintings means that much more chance to hit a 2-drop on turn 2. Completing vows...I think is fairly insignificant outside of hourglass strategies, for whom it would be massive--namely for Xenan in that it could finally play its insignia in vowerglass strategies. In any case, ever since DWD stopped completing power cycles starting with cylixes, things seemingly have gone a little bit sideways in throne regarding power bases.

    Expedition is kind of fun right now. LightsOutAce says that current expedition feels like set 3 Eternal all over again. I've been Skycrag aggro'ing people into the abyss there, but have seen some other fairly interesting decks. I'm forever and always a throne junkie, but expedition does feel better to play these days.

    I'd like to see more factional identities explored at a throne level. Things like primal transform, shadow's life for cards, fire's "card draw with a drawback" (usually pitch at eot, sometimes others), and time's card draw + lifegain/creature buffs. Overall, I'd like to see more interesting card draw options and maindeckable relic interaction. I'd like to play a longer game with more factions, and right now, I think that's kind of difficult to do outside of either golem decks, or various Skycrag decks.

    Can Garden of Omens get more health with its new ability? So, one card I would like to see buffed is Garden of Omens. Its 2 health was balanced around the passive of making your spells cost 1 less, and nowadays, the card is entirely absent. I tried it in a skycrag market, but it's just so fragile, but for a reason that no longer exists anymore. If it had 3-4 health, I think it might be an interesting maindeckable card again, especially because it provides some much needed attachment interaction.

    Silverblade Menace: has become a bit of a hot topic these days. LightsOutAce (one of my favorite players, no irony whatsoever) says that it simply adds an unfun element to the game--spend the whole game jockeying for board position, using units supplemented by spells to grind out an advantage, then someone bonks you once or twice with a brokered/recurred Silverblade Menace, and that's that. IMO, I think the controversy is a bit overblown in that countermeasures for the card exist. Namely, things like cobalt waystone, just desserts, bubble shield in Hooru Kira, Lumen Reclaimer and Petra as market options, and Grodov's Stranger maindeck. Still, I'd like to see a revert to Rizahn back down to 3 spells, and I think silverblade menace will feel less frustrating still.

    Throne is...fun if you're not trying to play super-reactive decks. Ultimately, the longer a game goes on, the longer the chance of your opponent landing some bomb you don't have the interaction on hand to deal with. Whether it's Stormhalt Plating backed by a choice of J-based sweepers (nothing remains in AP, Shenra Speaks in Combrei), brokered silverblades, Vara chains, etc. interaction just isn't good enough to sustain a long game. Do something proactive, disrupt your opponent a few times, then hope to get there. There are still a good number of decks that have a functional gameplan within those confines. Within these constraints, throne games can still be fun and skill-testing, though my small lament is that one has to work within those parameters a bit more than I'd like when trying to brew something up to enjoy a bit of a longer game. I know LightsOutAce likes his grindy midrange games in which one can 1-for-1 and 2-for-1 their way to the last couple of cards standing, and I'd love it if Throne can have such decks be competitive again (Tasbu nerf REALLY didn't help things, DWD!), just without that blasted golem.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Two Rules Explanation Help

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:22 AM PST

    Two Rules Explanation Help

    Hi Eternal,

    been playing for a few weeks now and really enjoying it. I have 2 questions on rules i'd like your opinion on.

    1. Sometimes, Jufi, Sprite Seer will appear with her cost being 5 in red instead of 3. Could someone explain that ? I understand the Intrigue 2 mechanism, but I wonder why does the cost of the card changes and why it's red ? Also in this scenario you don't see it, but I have enough power to cast it.

    Jufi, Sprite Seer Cost in red

    1. The second part of the Reflector card is confusing me.

    Ultimate: When you play another unit, reveal Reflector to transform it into a copy of that unit. If that unit is hidden, Reflector becomes hidden first.

    The second portion "If that unit is hidden ..." led me to believe that if Reflector was no longer Stealthed (because I blocked with it) and I cast a Stealth unit, it would go back Stealth and trigger the Ultimate and transform, but now what's happening is that if Reflector is already revealed (because i blocked), it won't transform into the new casted unit on my turn.

    Is that intended or am I missing something ?

    Thanks a lot for your help,

    submitted by /u/ElMuyCaliente
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    Help with some card interactions. Indifference and Fall Short.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:30 PM PST

    *Edit - (That makes a lot more sense now! Appreciate the quick replies!)

    I had a weird interaction during a draft game recently. Cards involved were

    Indifference - "Choose one of your units, it can't die this turn."

    Fall Short - "Kill an enemy unit without battle skills"

    Lightning Strike - "Deal 4 damage to an attack enemy"

    Opponent played Fall Short on my unit when it attacked. I countered with Indifference. They countered with Lightning Strike on the same unit. The unit dies.

    I don't claim to be someone that can read the matrix but this one confused me. Can I get some help in figuring out how this interaction works and why?

    submitted by /u/Bryal
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    Zido, or how to win on turn 1

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Voprex's Choice does not trigger on reveal effects?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:52 PM PST

    Opponent played Voprex's Choice and I had to sacrifice Raniya, Never Caught. This took place on the enemy turn, but I did not get to draw a Sabotage. Does sacrificing a unit bypass the reveal text on cards?

    submitted by /u/neonharvest
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    How would you feel with a transfer weapon spell?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 06:01 PM PST

    High cost obviously. But a simple spell rather than more traits you have to learn and be aware of.

    submitted by /u/Thatsplumb
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