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    Eternal Card Game Eternal 12/9 Update Live Balance Notes

    Eternal Card Game Eternal 12/9 Update Live Balance Notes

    Eternal 12/9 Update Live Balance Notes

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 03:34 PM PST

    ‘Twas a long journey to become a better player and come back to a better digital card game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Evaluating the new changes one by one

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:13 PM PST

    So, decided to make my own thread for reaction to the patch changes reviewing them one by one--some people like to make videos, I like to have things written out like I do on my quant trading blog

    Let's go over them.

    Oni Patrol: Onslaught 3/2 -> 3/1. A big "meh" from me. If you have no other 1-drops to run, this is still passable as a 1-cost unit that potentially swings for 3. Much more susceptible to snowballs and uncontracted massacre, though. Still pretty far down the tier list of skycrag aggro 1-drops, after oni ronin, snowcrust yeti, and possibly autotread. Probably behind borderlands lookout in Praxis as well. So, just a shrug.

    League Explorer: biggest nerf is 2F -> 2FF. If you're a fire aggro deck, your power base should mostly be fire sources anyway aside from secondary emblems (E.G. Linrei in skycrag). Still should be coming online the vast majority of games. The other big change is all the depth charges stacking on one relic. This really hurts "playing relics matters" decks (E.G. turn 1 rat cage). It does open up relic destruction as counterplay though, such as with Send An Agent, or the newly buffed Bullseye. IMO, still a fantastic card because it's a 2/2 charge with upside for 2, and that upside is pretty big if your opp doesn't interact with the depth charges in any way.

    Milos: if you're in Skycrag, you're supposed to run the sanity scorcher/counterbear stealth fork. If you're in Stonescar, there's Syl, not to mention potentially Ixtun merchant. Praxis is glutted on good aggro 3s (smuggler, supplier, site). This leaves Rakano? Maybe? But Rakano is just awful these days, so we pretend it doesn't exist. In any case, I see this as a general win rate buff for aggro decks, since now they'll be forced to play the cards that were actually good.

    Pokpok: and a screw you to yetis in particular. I'm not sure if they needed this nerf or not, but they just got Plunk Wumpkin. Net-net, they're probably in a better place than they were before.

    Silverblade Intrusion: no longer makes the free 3/3 revenge flyer, which was the problem for a while now--especially if you're on the draw against Hooru Kira, miss a power drop, try to strategize/wisdom out of the problem, and trigger the 6 cards condition. There really was nothing good that came out of this part of the card besides some extreme frustration, so...glad to see that tail end of a case of a player on the advantage already just sealing the deal for 1 power. Great nerf.

    Keelo: this probably kills Keelo for the foreseeable future IMO. With Vine Grafter, if I play it out on turn 2, I fully expect some interaction to come its way, so it's often correct to sandbag it against anyone with an annihilate. I think the same thing has generally applied for Keelo--you wanted to get one use out of her immediately. With this cost moving from 4 to 5, but Keelo having little practical use as a blocker and zero recourse if permafrosted, I think the cost for building around her is too steep now.

    Evenhanded Golem: I wanted to see this card gone for the longest time, and I hope that this is finally sufficient to render it a niche presence if not outright gone. People should already be packing some number of permafrosts and/or defiles to deal with cards like Champion of Chaos, Midnight Gale, and mono-faction Prism Golem, so a 4/4 golem won't be that frightening. And a temple scribe getting +1/+1 for playing an evenhanded deck is definitely not the end of the world. On the upside, no more having your mood ruined when you're on the draw against turn 2 -> turn 3 golem -> golem. Does this blow a hole in shadow decks as far as card draw goes? Yes, absolutely. Is card draw a fundamental mechanic that needs to be addressed in Eternal? Yes--there should be other ways to play the game besides "murder opponent in top 15 or scoop". However, leaning on a 2-cost factionless card that put deckbuilding on rails was not the way to do it. This is one card I absolutely won't miss.

    Kickflip Monk: Elysian heroes buffed in expedition. Might also be throne playable in bigger throne midrange decks just to stuff aggro? Doubtful.

    Cloudscraper: if it wasn't a limited bomb before, it sure is now. Gnash 2 is a brutal throne market card, and a 6/5 for 5 that bottoms an enemy flyer in draft for contract 2 is just absurd. Reminds me of Grodov's Favored. And it has inscribe. Easy windmill slam pick if you're in T in limited.

    Twisted Farmer: 2/3 ambush for 2SS in throne with upside? That's no joke IMO. Probably requires a specific playstyle to actually want this as far as 2-drops go--namely, some form of sacrifice deck with cards like Kato, carver, and strange burglar. You know the drill.

    Ramba's challenge: not fast, still sucks, but might suck less in limited because invoke is still invoke.

    Know Thy Enemy: better as a makeshift eremot's designs, the same at 6, worse any other time. How often do you get to 8+ power in games? Not too often, I think? IMO, this is a bit of a sidegrade, but I could be wrong and it might be a nerf in aggregate, depending on how much play aggro sees going forward.

    The Throne Room: big nerf for moon room decks, but now has a new purpose for a heroes-matter type deck in throne. If you can stick a couple of heroes, this thing can get out of hand quickly. The question is which faction combination has a number of cheap heroes that can start the snowball and also have some redundant payoffs. Honestly, I might want to start looking for a fit in Hooru, with baby Icaria having the evasion necessary to get a crack in if you untap with her, along with Helena being an absolute house. Skycrag can go oni aggro. And of course, Plunk curves into this very well. And then there's autotread that can really supercharge this.

    Ancient Defenses: sentinels' issue was never lack of attack. 3 power for 4 damage is fine, but sentinels are generally mediocre because they're expensive do-nothing units with zero protection or value on incoming. That said, impound combined with laser blast and this is...something, especially when you remember that Autotread is a sentinel, but ultimately, I still think reverted HotV would be day and night for a lot of archetypes here, be it sentinels, Praxis pledge, FTP, FTJ, etc.

    Bullseye: if I'm correct in my MtG knowledge, Abrade deals 3 to a unit or kills a relic for 2F (Eternal equivalent). Giving up 1 damage and getting a 1 power coupon seems like a fantastic tradeoff for more reactive decks. I think this is maindeckable for more reactive fire decks, as paradoxical as that sounds, but if you're not a reactive deck that cares about relics sticking (because your opponent should be dead), then this isn't for your deck. Really happy about this buff, though.

    Dichro, Conqueror: oh boy. This is such a large buff. Not sure if he sees play because FJS is not in a good place due to the smuggler/Xo juggling engine being busted by the smuggler nerfs from way back when, while the game has moved on. But if there's some sort of reactive/grindy midrange deck in FJS colors, you can be sure Dichro is at least a market card, if not maindeckable IMO.

    Arcanum Monitor: Praxis tokens--aka Praxis small bois--back on the menu? I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Throne Warden: stonebreaker bow, jadehorn, this guy at 4 cost, overlocked sentinel, nothing remains at 4, Wyatt's Junkyard...I think there's an armory deck waiting to be built in throne without needing the sacrifice shenanigans, and this guy will be a large part of it. He's also a 4/4 aegis for 4 that gains 4 life at the least.

    Tinker Overseer: "yes, we've had one expedition revert, but what about second expedition revert?". Lord of the Rings jokes aside, there's also Shen-ra Unbreakable, Backbreaker, Helio, Slumbering Stone, Davia, and I'm not sure what else. A welcome revert, to be sure, though.

    Hooru Sentry: not sure why this thing needed a buff, but it got it anyway.

    Stolen Augmentation: limited QoL buff mostly, I think?

    Argenport Sewers: completely unplayable card is now...only mostly unplayable, because it requires nightfall? Very safe buff here, but a welcome one to be sure.

    Call the Hit: still very, very niche. 2 attack units you absolutely must remove are so niche. I don't expect to see more of this card in more places. Maybe 2 copies in exp decks?

    Moldermuck: "yes, we've had a second expedition revert, but what about third expedition revert?" See Tinker Overseer entry above =P. Happy for Kas that DWD remembered to revert an expedition nerf now that this card has to contend with all the shenanigans in throne.

    Star-Reader Severin: ehhhh? Shadow relics-matters aggro of some sorts? Xenan rat-nado?

    The Rat King: 3/2 with upside for 3 is...less embarrassing than costing 4. Maybe something you throw out in a reanimator deck if you can't bin him for the Vara chains? Still think he's mostly a meme, but hey, who knows...

    Field Medic: maybe we'll see this thing in expedition now.

    Dawnwalker: not sure this buff is relevant since T fatty midrange seems so outdated outside of Xenan. Very safe buff.

    Smolessi: a buff to Kiralessi/Combrei Kira? Loss of 3+1 and nerfs to teacher/Auralian merchant killed Combrei Alessi, and Alessi blitz got powercrept long ago IMO. Maybe makes it to a tradition heroes list now with Derry Cathain and press-gang?

    Goliath Axe: Combrei armory? Not sure it sees play in Combrei relics, but never say never.

    Pull from Duty: limited buff, I think.

    Curiox's Hunt: limited buff. 3 cost killer + invoke = no joke.

    Torgov's Wares: better than strategize in every way, if you can cast it. Huge buff if discard matters for your deck.

    Deleph: 1 health do-nothing for 3. Still not throne playable, but maybe exp now.

    Mandatory Retirement: negligible buff, but still passable exp interaction.

    Minotaur Lighthoof: Tavrod can now find interaction for relics! In all seriousness, not sure how many decks wanted to maindeck this thing before, but this card is at least worth a market slot now.

    Arcanum Seeker: 4/4 overwhelm for 2. Wowza. Stock up on your paintings and other lifegain cards and go...lifeforce? 4/4 overwhelm for 2 is so juicy to discount the deck entirely.

    Sea of Teeth: a buff just for Stormblessed and his volatility obsession =P. Still super-niche, obv.

    Parapet Sentry: can now shoot down Helena! Again, fire, relics, and 5-drop midrange units probably don't get along too well. Maybe some sort of Praxis relic/sentinel/explorer aggro? Start with lucky prospector, the cryptic etchings onslaught guy, drop mysterium orb, then drop this thing? No matter which way I think about such a deck, it seems really janky.

    Ice Bolt: now has garden's passive on it. Suddenly, Tamarys is about your spells being unable to be negated/aegis'd like Vara is about eating aegis, and Svetya is about buffs and aegis?

    Derry Cathain: enormous buff. Remember: twilight hunt is a card, and Wump and Mizo is a dinosaur. Elysian dinos/explorers might be a deck very, very soon.

    Illuminator: 5/5 overwhelm for 3 that gains 2 life...if you played a spell this turn. This means you need to stock up on a lot of 1-cost spells. Best faction for that? Probably Combrei if I have to guess, with all the stuff for Kira, gavel's insight and so on...maybe Elysian as well, but Ely spells probably has better things to do, if I had to guess.

    Fear: you didn't play this thing for the body, but as a power that could be something else. It's still a mostly-irrelevant do-nothing doofus with a great inscirbe.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Eternal Cold Hunt Patch Notes 12/9

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:45 PM PST

    Fully loaded for Cold Hunt Expedition :)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:39 AM PST

    In Honor of EHG, Amazing Grace with every other beat removed

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:59 AM PST

    The Golemning - EHG Finally Deleted? 12 9 Balance Changes Eternal

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:17 PM PST

    Just fought against a second Dev and won lol

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:09 PM PST

    The correction they missed with this recent balance.....

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 02:07 PM PST

    "Know THINE Enemy"

    submitted by /u/ficus_deltoidea
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    If we can Xultan Ambassador be a 2 cost then why can't we do the same for these cards as well?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Continued discussion about draft

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:08 AM PST

    In the current draft meta there are 966 cards you can open, and 535 of them are units. Only 12 units across the draft packs have ambush (7 of those are rare/legendary). 14 cards that can let you warcry (3 rares). 16 cards that can enable killer (7 rare/legendary). 19 cards with revenge on them (9 rare/legendary). There are only 18 options to silence a unit in play or in the opponent's hand (8 rare/legendary). And as they have been rotated out of the draft meta, there are 0 cards with mastery, imbue, mentor/student, or plunder.

    Say you want to go for armor synergy because you picked up a Horngrinder or Shieldsmith; there are only 12 cards that can provide you armor (excluding 4 legendaries), and 10 of the 29 draftable relic weapons are also found at rare/legendary. With a pool of 966 cards, the armor gaining strategy is hard to pull off. Why are there as many cards that invoke (12) as there are options to gain armor? Invoke is an ability that should be entirely removed from the draft format, even if it is fun to use.

    There are 52 units with stealth that you can draft, and 3 other cards (Ring of Glamour, Cloaked Guide, and Rooted Observer) that help with stealth synergy, making it one of the more viable paths to take. There are 60 cards with contract, and they have become a strong tool to out-value your opponent. Finally, the 39 cards with inscribe have been very good to help decks become more consistent with power; the problem (in my view) is that these new mechanics are not strategic or fun to use.

    Edit: To address what NorthernPolarity158 said, the statistics I gave are not going to mislead you. In fact, the boosted cards are part of the reason there is a divide between the pushed/viable strategies (stealth, valor, contract), and secondary strategies where the synergy is "incidental". The cards found in draft packs have traditionally included the most recent set, but I think a more balanced approach that includes synergies from across Eternal's history would be a welcome change.

    submitted by /u/OhKaptain
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    How does the new LCQ format stack up with the old open format?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:10 AM PST

    Google sheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nRrFd69AVOtkW3HcmIFgqCAM59OtG5SSqm1xuXtNDEI/edit?usp=sharing

    I did some math based on the new announcement about qualifying for day 2 of the LCQ. I thought I would absolutely hate the format, because it basically means that anybody with sufficient money and time could qualify for the top 64. It turns out that I still don't love it, but I also don't hate it as much as I thought I would.

    Here's the most important info:

    Winrate New Chance to 7-0 in 7 runs New Chance to Q in 7 Runs Old Chance to get 19+W Old Chance to get 18+W
    70% 45.21% 87.30% 68.25% 80.87%
    65% 29.66% 72.66% 46.07% 61.60%
    60% 18.02% 54.49% 25.88% 39.86%
    55% 10.18% 36.67% 11.87% 21.35%
    50% 5.34% 22.16% 4.36% 9.25%

    (Byes from Mastery Medallions are not taken into account)

    Soooo... there's definitely more variance in the new format but assuming 7 runs (which uses the same amount of gold and only a little more in gems) you're roughly as likely to make day 2. There's the added bonus that you get to spend as much or as little currency as you'd like, including stopping early if you get 7 wins in one of your first runs. On the other hand, even with a respectable 55% WR it's not hard to imagine doing 12 runs and busting each time.

    What does everyone else think?

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    So today is a great day for MTG - it's became digital like Eternal :-)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 10:40 PM PST


    TL; DR - now cards in MTGA can for example "conjure" (put 4 copies of a card in deck) and "perpetually" gains buffs, like ability or +x\+x.

    We're using this since 2016 :-)

    submitted by /u/Velsevul
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    Eternal World Championship Event Dates and More Announced - February 12 & 13

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 11:10 AM PST

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