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    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Help a returning player, please

    Eternal Card Game Help a returning player, please

    Help a returning player, please

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

    Hi, I left eternal when the Dark Frontier was released, and now I wanted to return to play the game. I'd usually pick a few list on Eternal War Cry that I like it to start playing again, but I saw that there were Balance changes two days ago and I don't want to spend my Shiftstone in decks that are not longer good.

    Are there decks that are fine after the changes? What should I craft?


    submitted by /u/Celtarra28
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    Backlash Podcast: The Overmaster is here and has opinions

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Welcome to a special episode of backlash! Tim thought I wasn't avalible this week (I won't be on next week's episode) so he recruited the master of scream Overmaster! If you enjoyed us having a guest, let us know and maybe we can look into it more often.

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/backlash-a-ccg-podcast/id1457585662

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/twittermagictim

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2Agdg7REYrwH7IpiWhxHhg?si=ElmjKGMhS92x7LNvO2PjGw

    submitted by /u/NotoriousGHP
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    Can someone help me to trim down this draft deck? Im planing on playing a curse deck. TIA

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    Luckboxed my way out of a hard lesson

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PST

    Drunkenly came up with a deck idea using Varret so I crafted 4 according to the beer.

    Next legend pulled... you guessed it. So for a month I unchecked legendary everytime ground up cards for their shiftstone thinking why would they ever nerf this card.

    Lo, my persistence was rewarded. I asked not why, nor how, Varret incurred the wrath of the nerf bat, but whatever it was... prayer works.

    submitted by /u/TheIrishBAMF
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    I'm garbage at Draft, send help.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:35 PM PST

    I've never gotten more than 2 wins in draft. Any tips on how to build a deck would be much appreciated? My guess is I'm going wrong by picking every legendary and rare I see.

    submitted by /u/T3nt4c135
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    Modernized armory

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    After getting advice here I put together this modernized old school armory deck.

    3 Seek Power (Set1 #408)

    4 Torch (Set1 #8)

    1 Auric Reclaimer (Set6 #190)

    4 Quarry (Set1001 #15)

    4 Rakano Artisan (Set1 #312)

    1 Cen Wastes Smuggler (Set6 #229)

    1 Hidden Road Smuggler (Set5 #210)

    2 Magebreaker (Set7 #15)

    1 Red Canyon Smuggler (Set5 #198)

    4 Sword of Icaria (Set1 #315)

    2 Vanquish (Set1 #143)

    3 Auric Runehammer (Set1 #166)

    4 Conspicuous Traveler (Set7 #159)

    3 Malediction (Set6 #208)

    3 Rise to the Challenge (Set1 #320)

    4 Harsh Rule (Set1 #172)

    1 Smuggler's Stash (Set1 #396)

    1 Starsteel Daisho (Set1 #328)

    1 Stonescar Maul (Set1 #52)

    1 Icaria, the Liberator (Set1 #329)

    1 Spear of the Dying Sun (Set7 #30)

    4 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)

    5 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)

    1 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    4 Seat of Glory (Set0 #56)

    4 Seat of Chaos (Set0 #60)

    1 Crest of Vengeance (Set3 #264)

    4 Seat of Vengeance (Set0 #55)

    3 Token of Ambition (Set5 #236)


    1 Slay (Set2 #236)

    1 Deathstrike (Set1 #290)

    1 Navani, Warsinger (Set1 #323)

    1 Downfall (Set4 #135)

    1 Eviscerate (Set6 #213)

    I've only played three times since adding the market and twice I won because of pulling removal from my market. The third time I won anyway and just didn't pull any of my market cards. Not being sure what I should put in there my market is filled with removal and a Navani Warsinger because a 4/4 with a warcry that applies to the entire deck sounded good but I didn't want to make any cuts.

    As mentioned in the other thread the spear is a substitute for the Sword of Icaria that I don't own. The tokens as I explained I could only see replacing with Banners, which much of the time would also come into play depleted, or Sigils which run the risk of not drawing the color I need leaving me short one to play important cards.

    They're right I think about replacing the Vanquish with Pristine Light but I lack the shift stone for now.

    submitted by /u/Proxiehunter
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    Is Time the Strongest Faction?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PST

    Obviously there are factions that can compete at every rank but as I was looking through the top rated decks I noticed time is in the majority of them. Also looking through the majority of my losses a time faction is involved.

    submitted by /u/T3nt4c135
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    Budget Curses for Gobble Gobble Event

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    No Newsletter Today?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:18 PM PST

    Usually comes out Friday, wonder if the Tuesday BF notice messed with it.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Zudokorn
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    The throne metagame sucks

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:03 PM PST

    I realize this isn't constructive, but my last give masters games (and really the last 50 or so since the patch) have been:

    FTJ midrange

    FTJ midrange

    FTJ midrange

    Elysian Maul

    FTJ midrange

    Taking Xulta arcanum to 4 toughness didn't work.

    submitted by /u/some_q
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