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    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Eternal Card Game I won a game as control against disciplinary weights, ask me anything

    Eternal Card Game I won a game as control against disciplinary weights, ask me anything

    I won a game as control against disciplinary weights, ask me anything

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:51 PM PST

    Hey all! I'm a long-time eternal play who just beat a time deck despite getting hit by disciplinary weights on turn three. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about how to attain my legendary status.

    submitted by /u/CzechmateAtheists
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    Ten Budget+ Expedition Decks

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:34 AM PST

    Budget+? What and why?

    Budget decks with only common and uncommon cards are out there already. They've been done, but also I find them a little bit boring usually. So I decided to open the options a little bit by also including the expedition legal campaigns and merchants. Both are extremely safe crafts that you will need to purchase/craft at some point anyway on your way to having actual top tier decks.

    Why are merchants so important? If you're not playing with merchants, you're still in the tutorial. They are absolute game changers. They cause you to always have answers to what the opponent is doing, give you situational cards only when they're good and help smooth out unlucky draws by letting you put unwanted power away into the market for something useful. It's no wonder that every single competitive deck plays merchants.

    For some I also added upgrades to the deck that I would make if I had acces to the rares and legendaries that you get from the expedition theme decks you can buy in the store.

    So with these, I tried to make more consistent, more powerful and more fun decks for all ten dual factions that are still relatively inexpensive. I tried to find a balance between making them powerful, fun/interesting and giving them different play styles from each other. (Fact is though, aggressive decks are much easier to build on a budget than anything else.) While I would rather make something fun than powerful because you're at a disadvantage against top tier decks anyway, I'll add that I got to Diamond III on day three of the season by playing these (without theme deck upgrades) on rotation to give some idea of their power level for those wondering. So, here they are, roughly ordered from most to least powerful, according to my best guesswork:

    Skycrag Yetis

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/Cjzm6Fts2fo/budget-skycrag-yetis

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: Yes

    Yeti's like to attack and throw snowballs and other spells. So, we hit them with our units while killing theirs with our spells, until that fails and we kill the opponent with our spells instead, hopefully buffed by our Wizened Crone and Iceberg Warchief who can make even the smallest snowball hurt quite a bit.

    Theme deck upgrade:

    Market: - Mortar + Prodigious Sorcery

    Rakano Onis

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/yRPfq5ZnChs/budget-rakano-onis

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: No

    We're playing lots of mastery units that we want to keep swinging with. If anything dares stand in our way, they will get dealt with by buffing our units with the draw strength, finest hour or rampage to kill their stuff while getting our mastery going even faster. Shavka Evangel and Red Canyon Smuggler have abilities that let them twice the damage from a single buff, which can be decisive in some games. Inquisitor's Blade and Elder's Feather can let our units take to the skies if the ground isn't safe enough to attack from.

    Theme deck upgrade:

    Main: - Shavka Evangel + Hanaka Loremaster

    Market: - Flash Fire + Magebreaker

    Combrei Midrange

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/PQX397OiPNU/budget-combrei-midrange

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: Yes

    We're playing midrange with a pile of big units. That means, we block the aggro units with our bigger units and kill the control players by hitting them with our big units. Ageless Mentor and Yisha help to get the team even bigger, and if the ground forces can't get through, Archive Curator and Karmic Guardian should get them from the air.

    Hooru Discard

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/Olbm-vKv224/budget-hooru-discard

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: Yes

    Fearstoker Raven is the cornerstone of our deck. The goal is to turn this bird and a couple of other flying units into serious threats. Yisha helps out a lot here, but the Fearstoker also gets buffed by discarding things, which we do with our Gustrider, Workshop Tinker and Lightning Sprite. Icy Gaze is here because discarding it means we get a free stun. Parul's Choice can protect our units form removal, or find some curses from our deck for us.

    Stonescar Dragons

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/vq5IzjTgQw8/budget-stonescar-dragons

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: No

    Aggro dragons! Oni Dragonsmith and Smokedancer become really efficient aggresive units when there's a dragon around, and Teething Whelp and Dread Hellkite are some good aggressive dragons. The welp can turn into a real threat if it keeps hitting (or in one turn if you play a Jekk's Knife on it) and the Hellkite can stop a unit from blocking so our team can attack easier. Unkindness is there to fuel our Devour or for a bunch of surprise damage if we get our Rally from the market.

    Praxis Weapons

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/AWabXtPJ1vA/budget-praxis-weapons

    Uses Dead Reckoning: No

    Uses Trials of Grodov: No

    Another aggro deck where we use weapons to buff our units so they can hit harder. At the same time, Oni Quartermaster lets us draw a card for every weapon we play. These kinds of weapons decks often run into the problem of having weapons without anything to play them on. That's why we play Oni forgemaster, Granite Acolyte and Journeyman Armorer. They are units that also give us weapons, thereby making sure we hopefully have enough of each.

    Argenport Paladins

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/gBfXhDZy0V8/budget-argenport-paladins

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: Yes

    Anointer of the Faithful is a paladin that lets us play other paladins easier and makes them stronger. The most important paladin is Hero of the People though. We want to play her and buff her by playing our other units. If she dies we can bring her back with exalted by using Immortalize so that those buffs also go on the weapon she makes if she dies again.

    Theme deck upgrade:

    Main: - Auric Sentry + Nivia, Most Devoted

    Market: -Honor the Fallen - Emerald Coin + Soulflame Rider + Cast into shadow

    Elysian Killers

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/x4PQbNJo5HQ/budget-elysian-killers

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: Yes

    We get a killer theme going so we can draw extra cards with Preyfinder. We should try to keep the board clear with our killer attack so one of our units can hit the opponent and let Sodi, Wingbreaker draw some cards too.

    Theme deck upgrade:

    Main: - 2 Omnivoruos Vorlunk + Sodi the Metamorph + Ila & Mizo

    Market: - Changeestik + Sodi's Spellshaper

    Foul Feln

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/r-2KeXHT3Gw/budget-foul-feln

    Uses Dead Reckoning: Yes

    Uses Trials of Grodov: No

    I didn't know what to do with Feln for a long time, until I saw Befoul and decided to make this weird combo deck for it. The result might not be the best deck of the bunch, but maybe the most unique. To make Befoul work, we need a couple of things. First of all, things to sacrifice. That's why Tend the Flock and Unkindness are here. We should also try to fill our opponent's void a bit. Sunset Priest and Wretched Raven take care of that. Sunset Priest also makes our self discard, and we have Lightning sprite to help out with that too, so we can discard our Icy Gaze and Faceless One so we can play them for free. Gorgon Fanatic can draw us more cards and Minotaur Lighthoof can help him or our Banewolfs to infiltrate. It's not always necessary to get two Banewolfs from Befoul btw. If we can sacrifice some sheep or ravens to get one banewolf in play on turn four, it's always worth it.

    Xenan Ramp

    Deck link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/rH_8ubcvRO0/budget-xenan-ramp

    Uses Dead Reckoning: No

    Uses Trials of Grodov: No

    Poor Xenan, last place :(. It would have been more powerful to make another aggro deck with the usual cheap minions, but I wanted to show you this ramp deck instead. Being a ramp deck means we want to increase our maximum power asap so we can start playing powerful expensive stuff. The problem is the powerful expensive stuff is all rare or legendary. So what we're doing with all that power instead is playing Twinbrood Sauropods and Immortalizing them so we get two dino's with exalted from our void and hopefully that much value should be enough to secure us a win.

    Theme deck upgrade:

    Main: - 2 Xenan Lifespeaker + Zhen Zu, Hand of Nahid + Nahid, the Immortal

    Market: - Edict of Grodov + Worthy Cause

    Additional upgrades

    I'm not going over upgrading each of these decks in detail, but I will give you some ideas for some more very safe crafts that will improve multiple decks you might be interested in.

    Emblems: The emblems area special kind of power that can also give you a minion instead of increasing your maximum power. This helps you to not get stuck with hands that have too much power and nothing to do.They are extremely powerful, most competitive decks play emblems and any budget deck will be improved by them too. Because decimating them is so much better than not decimating I wouldn't recommend changing four power for four emblems though, I would rather take out two power and two non-power cards to add four emblems in.

    Varret: Varret is a neutral card, so he can be played in any deck. Some top tier decks play him and all of our budget aggro decks will be improved if we find a place for him there too.

    submitted by /u/Huldir
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    Came home, saw the newest post, got inspired

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    Reminder - Tuesday Night Eternal Expedition Challenge is TONIGHT at 8:30p - Register now!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:10 AM PST


    Direwolf dropped an unexpected slew of changes to the Expedition format yesterday, meaning this is the perfect time to test out your own spicy brew! Be sure to sign-up now for our last open tournament of the year tonight!

    Join us at 8:30p Eastern on December 3rd and bring your best Expedition deck in a winner-take-all brawl. Tuesday, December 3 @ 8:30pm ET! Minimum 75 cards, markets legal, Flame of Xulta Expedition legality (see below).

    • Tuesday, December 3 @ 8:30p Eastern
    • 100% Free to Enter
    • Coverage at www.twitch.tv/telemokos begins at 8:15p Eastern with /u/telemokos and /u/mattyocre!
    • Minimum 75 card decks + legal markets
    • Maximum 4 copies of each non-sigil card in your deck
    • Decks must follow the Flame of Xulta Expedition legality (see official card list here)
    • Prize pool begins at $1 per player, will increase with any donations.
      • Donations are welcome at paypal.me/tuesdaynighteternal
      • All donations are welcome and will go directly to the pot
      • Winner-take-all, if 20+ competitors, runner-up will also receive $10
    • 4 rounds of swiss followed by top 4 playoff
    • Best-of-3 rounds, finals will be Best-of-5
    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    A complete new format!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Draft Masters Leaderboard Changes

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Last month exposed a loophole in the high-ranked Draft Leaderboard logic that unfortunately incentivized a small number of players at the top of Master to "camp" on their rating and avoid playing games. While the results from November are valid and reflective of the Draft Championship Points awarded, we never want players to feel like they'll be punished for playing Eternal. To that end, we're making a small adjustment to how the Draft Leaderboard treats wins and losses by Master players to better reflect ratings changes among top Master players based on ongoing wins and losses.

    Draft and the Eternal World Championship

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Meta Monday: December Week 1

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:22 PM PST

    Discussing the most recent patch changes to Draft and Expedition!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:21 PM PST

    I beat a DireWolf!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    Decided to queue into a sealed game with a weird mill deck and came across an opponent with a little wolf next to their name, after I won I got a cool little card back, was not expecting it at all, thanks Scarlatch!

    submitted by /u/ReallyRyan123
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    Expedition is great in theory, but in practice it needs work.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    I loved the new, curated expedition when it was first announced. It was incredibly refreshing not to play against the same old OP cards from Ranked for once, and the lower power level of the format meant cards that either got powercreeped out of relevance or never quite made it in Throne had a chance to shine. Attacking and blocking mattered a lot more, and units tended to stick around for more than a turn.

    I also liked the idea of having a format for newer players-the Throne card pool is huge, the format is high powered, and I remembered being a new player and feeling like acquiring all those busted legendaries was an unattainable slog, despite hearing about how generous the game was.

    I'm worried about how Expedition is shaping up-I think the changes announced today are a bad idea and will turn new players away. Expedition was presented as a way for new players to ease into the game with a smaller card pool that was acquirable through draft. When you're just starting out, it takes weeks to grind out the shiftstone for your first real meta deck. We've now had three large shakeups (the Cultists nerfs, the campaigns, and now the draft update) in a month or so. (and presumably there's a campaign coming by the end of January) How is that anything but a huge barrier for new players, who can't know with any degree of reliability whether the deck they're grinding towards will be good in a few weeks or a few months? If I was trying to get a friend into Eternal, I'm not sure what I'd tell them if they asked me what first deck to work towards-"I honestly don't know-the new player format gets new cards thrown into it with no warning every few weeks." is not a glowing recommendation for a game I'd otherwise be trying to get people into. Imagine how frustrating it would be to put in all that time, effort, and/or money, only to have the format you were told was new player friendly shaken up with no notice, and now your deck is ineffective against the new meta. Not to mention the frustration of never knowing what cards and decks are safe to craft because the card pool changes without notice.

    This doesn't just hurt new players. People who make videos and write articles (I dislike the term "content creator-it's so corporate and soulless) are also affected, as projects they've put hours of effort into are suddenly obsolete with no warning.

    I think if Expedition is going to be the new player friendly format it was supposed to be, it needs to remain relatively stable. Maybe having the curated EX set also be the draft set isn't a good idea, or maybe there needs to be a grace period for dusting cards surrounding format changes, so newer players aren't set back as much, or maybe there's some other solution we haven't thought of, so draft can stay fresh while providing a small card pool for new players. At the very least, we need some advance notice as to when things like the campaigns being added are going to happen.

    I also think we need some answers as to what Expedition is going to look like long term:

    -will Set 8 Expedition feature all of set 7?

    -how much will the curated packs change?

    -what is the plan behind these format changes?

    I still think Expedition is a good idea, and it's definitely been a fun change of pace, but I don't think constant meta shakeups are good for it.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/YrSkinnyFists23
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    Puzzle: Exalted Silver

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:30 PM PST

    Throne laddering help

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I'm running into a lot of stonescar aggro. It's frustrated the hell out of me (tilted af right now haha). What beats this deck?

    What deck would you recommend for laddering atm?

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Shadow should not have a invoke unit.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:16 PM PST

    Shit annoying as fuck to deal with. Even with the health nerf doesn't stop it. It like the only invoke card that see play and it always grab the right card for them.

    Shit like this is why I consider my self a salty person.

    submitted by /u/WhyTryndamere
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