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    Eternal Card Game Eternal Draft Updates

    Eternal Card Game Eternal Draft Updates

    Eternal Draft Updates

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    Eternal: Sweet purple square edition

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:57 AM PST

    Gauntlet Pain

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Is it just me, or has gauntlet gotten much more frustrating and bullshit? I used to steamroll Gauntlet to farm it for gold, but now I'm lucky if I make it past the fifth run. The enemies and decks have a fuck ton more removal and they always seem to get it endlessly, and the decks they play are straight aggro nonsense that you can't keep up with if you make even one mistake.

    It also doesn't help that my opening hands are pretty much always shit and I can't get power to save my life.

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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    I'm new to drafting and don't understand how to tell what cards are "best". Can I get some advice? Please and thank you.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    What I need is hard numbers. If I'm looking at a straight 4 cost, 4/4, how do I know if that's better than say...a 3 cost 3/5?

    How do I know which cards are "bombs"? I hear that a lot and that it's good to look for them but how do I know what they are? How do I know which removals to take or not take? I can't even decide on a color and end up with a mix of all colors that makes RNG-esus cry.

    I read the article Rankstar put up on drafting - the concepts and terms help but what I'd really like is to enter all of my possible cards choices into a chart or something and have it tell me "Is this a bomb" or "this card is better value than this one because X reasons". (Or just have someone who's good at it sit with me on Twitch stream and teach me to do it.)

    I'm doing something wrong because other than one tone I got 6 wins I only average about 3 and feel like I'm wasting my gems/gold/tickets by entering.

    submitted by /u/Tracaine2019
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    I just bought Flames of Xulta theme deck bundle and is very down now

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:18 AM PST

    I'm a new player and have never seen a bundle more expensive than its components.

    submitted by /u/txhwind
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    In your opinion, what is the most fun deck to play?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:17 AM PST

    I'm a returning player, there seems to be loads of cool new decks.

    I had an epic match yesterday against a guy who had an enchantment that created a golem when he cast a spell (I was feln if you are reading this).

    Looked like a super fun deck.

    I'm loving the vara + caiphus + mirror deck that's been around for a while with scream and gorgon fanatic.


    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Jekks campaign

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:40 AM PST

    Whenever you use malice on shadowlands feaster it crashes the game

    submitted by /u/Stitch0706
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    DWD store issue

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:52 PM PST

    I was looking to buy the Black Friday deal on the online DWD store, but every time I try to purchase it, the store rejects my payment. I doubt the issue could be from PayPal, as I bought something today and yesterday with PayPal. What gives? What would be some solutions?

    submitted by /u/Toocoo4you
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    Need Help for Week 1 League

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

    December League - Decision time!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I'm faced with an interesting decision with my league this month. Quite interesting. Here are the two possible decks:



    Both look super interesting to play. The biggest question mark is whether Ramba would be playable in any reasonable time frame. Because 2x Ramba is pretty good. Or are all the Oni and regular and exalted weapons flying around just going to be strictly better than Ramba?

    What do you guys think? I'm leaning toward the Rakano deck, but not sure. Side note: think for just a moment about that Burning Claw in the Rakano deck .... yeah, I'm probably having very similar thoughts to you.

    submitted by /u/TheScot650
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    Wtf is that broken T2 thing ?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:47 AM PST

    Not the root cause, but it doesn't help

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:52 AM PST

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