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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Eternal Card Game A thank you to the Eternal Twitch community

    Eternal Card Game A thank you to the Eternal Twitch community

    A thank you to the Eternal Twitch community

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Just three days ago I played Eternal for the first time. Having played really only FPS games my whole life playing a TCG is really new to me. A lot of the natural movements or style that you may have picked up over the years does not apply for me. With that said I have had a TON of support. Too many people to count have been patiently teaching me as I go. My overall feeling is that the community simply loves this game and wants to see it flourish.

    As a creator I am especially thankful for the other creators who raided / hosted me. Frankly that just encouraged me to keep learning and growing. A special thank you to those are below.

    - Ant_man_rising

    - gatosujo143

    - Shimrra3

    - y0ttabyte

    - punsforall

    - emoney_bags

    - Kasendrith

    Naturally you can find all of them on Twitch. I just wanted to take a moment to say a proper thank you. Much love!

    submitted by /u/TwitchtvtilTruth
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    ECQ: Strange Lands

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Epic Highlights - A Perfectly Reasonable Game of Eternal

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Does Knucks going to 6 really help?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I've played a fair bit of Knucklebones control, and you if you aren't desperate you'd almost always want to wait until 8 power to play it because there are a fair number of random cards that cost 8. (Just as a reminder: Knucks transforms all your power too.) What do you think would allow safe 6 power Knucks drops? Extra power draw cards to load up on power ahead of time? Just YOLO because you're not really gonna win anyway?

    submitted by /u/RFeynman1972
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    Unplayable lag

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:16 AM PST

    Anyone else getting this? I am missing turns some games because of how slow the animations are.

    It can't be my interest as I have 30 ping on CSGO atm lol

    submitted by /u/Thatsplumb
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    The Test about "Can maximum power be negative number?" (description is in comment)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Why so much removal compared to interesting interactive debuffs?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Why does ever new set have more "kill" type removal? It's all pretty much the same with slight variants of cost and targeting options.

    Compared to, say, stun effects or attack reduction or silence? If these effects were more prevalent you'd be left with part of your board and there would be a metagame decision of whether you want big bodies in a silence heavy meta or powerful text in an attack reduction meta, etc.

    Instead most spells that target enemy units just kill them. Pretty boring!

    submitted by /u/drtalll
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    Awesome drops

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:52 PM PST

    I made bank with dropsmas from extra shiftstone. Yesterday I pulled a premium legendary and then a legendary.

    Thank you DW!!!

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Bug - Prodigious Sorcery and Decimate

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Prodigious Sorcery is not giving Static Bolt double damage when decimated.

    Seems to work fine on static damage cards. Haven't tried with other variable damage cards.

    submitted by /u/Z0lted
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    Endra was an issue, but smh Albon is ok.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Overwhelming majority of decks I played against today after shavka "nerf" are shavka decks

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Edit 2: I am told the nerf is not active yet. Feel free to ignore this post. I didn't pay enough attention to when it comes live. I have no questions to devs then. In other respects I think they are doing a good job. We will see how it unfolds. I hope the deck will be less dominant.

    Gj devs (not really). What could be effective nerfs?

    1)Remove shavka's song ability to damage players Right now it takes only 7 shavka summons to deal 28 damage to a player

    2)or remove its ability to damage units Pressure is impossible because shavkas destroy your board then kill you

    3)or count damage increase to players and to board separately then they won't be able to kill your board and then to finish you with a couple of shavkas

    4)or limit maximum damage shavka song can do (I think 4 or five will be more than enough) or remove or at least cut in half shavka's song mana generation Shavka is very unfair to the opposite player because by turn 5 its basically over and the opposite player is just passively watches as he is being killed. He plays one card on turn 4 and shavka player plays like 26 different cards on turn 5 and like 72 on turn 6. Again this is fundamentally unfair. You are not supposed to play 20 power worth of cards on turn 5. Allowing it breaks the game.

    5) or make shavka untargetable by spells (it will be also a buff) Mirror image, clutchmate, sleeping draught, 4 mana fast spell mirror image thingy

    6) or nerf haunting scream more, make it 5 mana maybe

    For now unless you have faction specific cards like Shush winning doesn't seem to be possible. It's like carpet shuffle on steroids,

    Edit: formatting.

    submitted by /u/redditor57436
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