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    Friday, June 4, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The next Worlds 2021 Competitor will be crowned tomorrow at the TNE Spring Invitational!

    Eternal Card Game The next Worlds 2021 Competitor will be crowned tomorrow at the TNE Spring Invitational!

    The next Worlds 2021 Competitor will be crowned tomorrow at the TNE Spring Invitational!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    The next Worlds 2021 Competitor will be crowned tomorrow at the TNE Spring Invitational!

    Join Telemokos & 2020 World Champion LightsOutAce on coverage as 16 of the world's hottest players battle it out for $200 cash and the invite to the 2021 World Championships!

    Coverage begins at 1pm EDT at twitch.tv/telemokos!


    Meet the Players:

    1. AmbivalentThoughts [The Barbarian Camp] Racking up leaderboard points with every deck under the sun, AmbivalentThoughts has been near the top of the leaderboard all season, poised to take a Wild Card before winning the final Challenge. What will he select to secure the top spot once again?


    1. Applechips [Team Invoke Lethal] Top of the Winter Season leaderboard and #2 this time around, Applechips has been dominating the competitive Eternal scene for months and shows no sign of stopping. Can he keep the momentum going into this Invitational and lock up his slot in another Worlds?


    1. Roshi Who needs team members to test with, when you've got Twitch Chat? Taking their signature Even Xenan deck to the finals twice, this well-known Twitch Partner has been tantalisingly close to the trophy 3 times this season. Will Roshi be able to close just 1 more win at the Invitational?


    1. AromaNova [Team RankStar] Piloting and tuning meta-decks to perfection, AromaNova has secured their Wild Card through some truly incredible gameplay. The newest - and only - member of TRS through to the Invitational, what decks will this tournament-hardened Eternal veteran bring next weekend?


    1. Spiffirific [WeStreamGames] Famous for their incredible deck-brewing skills, this Winter Invitational finalist brought an array of tuned meta decks and spicy brews throughout the season to secure their spot in this Invitational. What brew will spiffirific bring to tackle the meta this time?


    1. Theovermaster [The Barbarian Camp] The only repeat Wild Card hunter from last season, theovermaster continues to demonstrate that he is one of the most consistently excellent players in Eternal. Known for his incredible deckbuilding and tenacious work-ethic, will this finally be his time for a W?


    1. Mail [The Barbarian Camp] Mail proves that age is not a winning factor, as he's stomped his way through 3 Open Day 2s upon becoming eligible to play - and a Challenge win. A last-minute Wild Card at last season's Invitational, will the advance notice this time give him the winning formula?


    1. Jolterz [Friends of Eternal] Our final Wild Card competitor, jolterz has shown that you don't need the latest campaign to succeed - just incredible technical gameplay. Will they bring classic meta decks for the Invitational, or throw us a curveball from out of left-field?


    1. r3as0n [WeStreamGames] Pioneering the Combrei Relics deck that broke open the Throne meta, r3as0n's penchant for control decks in the TNE means you might be in for a long game against them. With everything on the line, can they piece together the puzzle of the metagame?


    1. heywhyyou [Team Not-Tavrod] Long-time community tournament player heywhyyou slogged their way through a Hooru Kira-filled Top 4 to earn their spot in the Invitational. Though they've been Dealing some Shrooms in Runeterra lately, can they piece together the winning Eternal decks to take home this victory?


    1. imestr8 [We Stream Games] Factionless. Might of the Bastion. Probably something with Chalice. If there's a rogue list amongst the decks, chances are that imestr8 brought it. Will he stick to established decks for the Invitational, or stoke the fire and bring the red-hot spice?


    1. Cananada [The Misplay] Though they've packed wild brews like Elysian Dinosaurs, Cananada has proven with established decks that they've got everything it takes to win. Will they choose something out of left field for the Invitational, or stick to the script?


    1. Sunyveil [Friends of Eternal] With Open Day 2s into the double digits, Sunyveil once again proves why he's one of the all-time greats. Progenitor of the Friends of Eternal community and notorious for defining tournaments with his deck choices, can Suny pioneer another deck to Worlds?


    1. Portich [WeStreamGames] A member of the 'Super Conglomerate', Portich always brings the strongest and most well-tuned deck to any tournament - and knows exactly how to pilot it. This Invitational, can he Come First, Basically and become the CSB member to qualify for Worlds?


    1. PleasingSky4 [WeStreamGames] Clinching the 1st Challenge of the season with Skycrag Sling, many have tried to replicate PleasingSky4's winning strategy but have fallen short. Will PleasingSky4 take the notorious relic to the Invitational, or will team WSG change things up and bring something spicy?


    1. EarthsOverseer [Team Not-Tavrod] EarthsOverseer has shown their versatility in piloting many archetypes in community tournaments, and expertly navigated the Overloader Combo mirror in the finals to clinch their Challenge win. Is it a combo comeback, or will their path to victory be charted with something else?


    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    The Misplay Meta - Week of 5/27/21

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    What is supposed to happen when you steal Manacles?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I just had a situation where I played Manacles to lock down 2 of my opponents units. On their next turn they played a Reappropriator stealing my Manacles, which caused both of their units to ready which I expected to happen. However they then got to choose 2 of my units to lock down which ended up costing me the game. Is this the intended interaction of stealing a Manacles?

    submitted by /u/Titanik14
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    Elding has a relevant type.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Turns out that Elding being a Cultist suddenly matters when you put in Karvet to trigger Vara additional times. Play Elding from hand with a full board including both Vara and Karvet, sac him, sac another Unit to play the Pale Rider who triggers Vara again, reanimate Elding and sac him due to board size, and you suddenly generated two 6/3 weapons as well as two Pale Riders and reanimated 2 additional units, one due to having played Elding the first time, and one due to the second rider.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    Trouble with Xbox store?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    I play exclusively on an Xbox Series X for reference.

    I wanted to buy some gems yesterday after the balance changes so I could get stone to craft a throne deck I was eyeing. The gems were completely greyed out where they couldn't be selected.

    I then went online and bought the gems through their website (which apparently comes with free draft tickets, wish I knew that before!) and logged back on and my gems are there. However, my ability to buy packs is also greyed out so the gems are functionally useless….

    I emailed support but have yet to get a response. Has anybody run into this? I can still purchase other things on Xbox, the problem appears limited to the Eternal client. And I've been advised to not play on any other platform as it screws with achievements, which is my primary focus.

    Just wondering if anybody has run into this before.

    submitted by /u/SzmFTW
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    Mastery Medallion Display Bug

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Do people really think Sandstorm Titan is balanced?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    I mean, even after factoring in the perspective of the angle in his art, his left hand is clearly larger than his right, which would definitely throw his balance off while standing let alone walking. Also, he has a constant sandstorm spinning around him which would kick up all the sand under his feet so he surely can't get good purchase on the desert floor while stumbling around.

    Credit: Kamehamehachoo

    submitted by /u/xSlysoft
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    Is there any incentive for NOT using markets?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Started having some doubts on the market system for a while, thinking if they genuine or not. I searched if there has been any similar discussion on the subreddit and I found multiple ones, although fragmented and dismissed more as a side point.

    Taking inspiration, I decided to look at markets from another angle and ask a simple question.

    What are the advantages a deck, nowadays, gains from NOT using the market?

    Because as of now, they are either none or extremely limited (and most of the time, even in those cases markets surclass the choice). And if it is like that, then there is no choice at all in deckbuilding: you are forced to play the market and you gain nothing from not doing it, there is absolutely no pro-contro ratio.

    I also considered some counter arguments, feel free to post more of them:

    [It actually adds more choice]

    Again, not being able to distance myself from the market without my deck plan plummeting against market ones is depressing. The choice shown around like some sort of flag is 5 cards chosen periodically from always the same ones, it makes card viability even more brutal as always the top 5 cards possible for that spot will be there. Not having Pristine Light for that Kira deck? Get fucked.

    [There is more critical thinking involved with merchants]

    Critical thinking happens once every 50 games when both parties do not draw any merchant and have to manage resources for once. As predicted, games quickly turned into "first one to draw merchant and bomb wins". Critical then goes even more straight out of the window when you have multiple market accesses for fetching your exodia faster, be it a bomb or bullet.

    [You can play market hate if it irks so much]

    If Eternal has showed me something is that to play something is easier than to counter it. Most markets as a matter of facts work now more on the premise to always allow for bombing instead of fetching bullets (unless those bullets are bombs themselves or the best there are). When you actually try go for market hate, the results are either extremely lackluster (Ponysnatcher) and again not giving you any incentive to play marketless or still skewed towards going markets yourself: why play Incendiary Slagmite (which requires onslaught, mind you) on main when you can put it in your market and fetch it when needed? Same with Embargo Officer, which apparentely on the tournament everyone showed how it isn't a "even field" option, but more of a "we both use the same cabinet but only I want to enter in it" one.

    [Aggro actually plays better without market]

    Plain False. Nowadays Aggro will always try to fit the market as possible, the only decks that still don't use it are budget ones (which speaks wonder when lately we had a certain post regarding rarity bias). To add salt to the injury, any other deck type cannot hope to survive without the market. You don't hear about marketless midrange or control, or am I wrong?

    [Markets are the DWD answer to sideboard, it's the same]

    Sideboards happen outside of games because it's best of 3. Market happens in game and is equivalent of drawing better cards. Is the same concept behind the draw-kill-bomb heavy meta in which turn 3-4 is end game. They are essentially different things and the first one doesn't make the same play patterns overly present, if not exercebated when we talk about multiple tutors

    And I'd like to add a last point: market was THE mechanic most changed together with its tutors. Merchants either made or broke the deck, old market was a nightmare to deal with. It has been inherentely prone to being abused while also parrotted as the best thing to ever come. Says a lot

    Finally, I want an answer. I want someone to tell me, genuinely, what are the ACTUAL advantages in not running the market. Because at this point as the deckbuilder adds me automatically Seek Power everytime i create a deck, it can start doing the same for market tutors and finally drop the facade

    submitted by /u/DiPiStyle
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    Exploit is balanced ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Thought for sure that card would get an update on the next balance but no dice.

    2 mana, you can see the other persons hand, get rid of their best card, and you get to generate a card after seeing their deck?

    Then about 95% of the time if i play a shadow deck they play this on turn 2 .. how could this card ALWAYS be in players opening hand?

    Anyways ..

    submitted by /u/Greefer
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