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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Mini deck tech: new take on an oldie but goody: Stonescar burn! Now with more card draw! (Thanks to volatility :D)

    Eternal Card Game Mini deck tech: new take on an oldie but goody: Stonescar burn! Now with more card draw! (Thanks to volatility :D)

    Mini deck tech: new take on an oldie but goody: Stonescar burn! Now with more card draw! (Thanks to volatility :D)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Any sliver like decks?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I loved using them in magic. Anything here similar?

    Edit: any deck lists with echoes of eternity? Actually bought the packs and I heard they have good strangers

    submitted by /u/oaklandtovegas
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    Echoes of Eternity Gauntlet Design and Strategy Primer

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    A little tour of 7-win draft decklists (Echoes of Eternity)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:01 AM PST

    A little tour of 7-win draft decklists (Echoes of Eternity)

    Hey folks!

    I just thought I'd pop in here to highlight some strategies that I've found success with in the Echoes of Eternity draft format by examining some lists that managed to go all the way. I'm still finding footing myself, but this format is complex enough that I thought that others might find this kind of example-based analysis helpful. Let's get to it!

    TJS Midrange


    Here, the core of the deck is really the Argenport suite of interaction and recursion, which pushes the deck towards a plan of trading, redeveloping threats, and grinding out the opponent. I consider the key components of this kind of midrange deck to be:

    • Recursion effects (e.g. Surgeon's Saw, Triumphant Return)
    • High-quality threats (e.g. Rageheart Paladin, Valkyrie Denouncer)
    • Interaction (e.g. relic weapons, Eviscerate, Wind Conjuring)

    The Combrei cards are mostly beefing up the second bullet-point. I would note that the main downside of Triumphant Return is that its large mana cost often prevents you from buying back an expensive threat and replaying it in the same turn; as a result, cheap, overstatted threats like Intrepid Longhorn and Seasoned Spelunker help prevent your Returns from being dead before the late game, so that you can live long enough to bring your inevitability to bear (or just apply faster pressure).

    As for shortcomings, this deck is slightly short on non-weapon relics to make Rageheart Paladin really shine, and I would probably cut the Purgedriver in retrospect because it's a dead card so often (though I did want to try it out).

    TJP Relics


    Here, we have an example of the kind of fiddly relic-based strategy that I have a love-hate relationship with. The core of the deck is a reactive interaction suite built around Elysian synergy cards, supporting a midrange shell which generally wins with flying units or Time fatties on the ground. Key components here are:

    • Medium-cost relics (e.g. Majestic Skies, Snowfort, Wurmstone, Platinum Qirin)
    • Relic synergy units (e.g. Bookclub Yeti, Acantha's Outrider, Rageheart Paladin)
    • Secondary interaction (e.g. Biting Winds, Wind Conjuring)

    Overall, the payoff for doing the relic nonsense is access to a larger-than-usual suite of interaction: by leveraging cards like Bookclub Yeti and Honeypot, we get access to removal spells that nobody else is really that interested in drafting. Acantha's Outrider backs up this interaction suite with a cheap flying clock that can easily end the game on its own.

    In messing around with these kinds of decks, I've found that the number of relics you generally want in order to be happy with the relic synergy package is something like 4. To this end, I've been pretty impressed with Platinum Qirin, since Eternity Core seems to hit the sweet spot of impact and cost for relic-size-matters.

    FTP Spell Damage


    Here, the core of the deck is a suite of Skycrag spell-damage synergy cards, with Time supporting a Stranger sub-theme. The deck wins by promoting relatively stalled board states and then cracking them open with beefed up damage spells. The key pieces are:

    • Big-butt spell damage units (e.g. Spellstorm Stranger, Double Helix Drake, Boltcrafter Shaman)
    • Many-for-one damage spells (e.g. Ruinous Burst, Reverberating Strike, Greed's Reward)
    • Additional units / interaction promoting small-to-medium board stalls

    I would emphasize that the goal here is really something like creating a stall and then killing your opponent's entire board with Reverberating Strike; for this reason, you want spell-damage units which promote a stall (Wizened Crone is a trap) and damage spells which become two-for-ones or better once your synergy is online.

    Of course, I would be remiss not to mention that Touch of Battle is absolutely absurd if you happen to be playing Time with this kind of strategy: turning Ruinous Burst into a double kill-spell or Reverberating Strike into a one-sided board wipe is utterly backbreaking.

    FTJ Midrange


    Here is the first genuinely 3-faction deck in this article, and it's a triple of factions that I end up drafting very often. The core of the deck is a suite of beefy Combrei creatures, backed up by relic weapons to dominate the board state. The deck often plays as something of a big midrange deck angling towards Edge of Prophecy to end the game. The key pieces are:

    • Ramp / extra power (e.g. Waystone Gate, Display of Creation)
    • Meaty Combrei threats (e.g. Intrepid Longhorn, Gravewatch Ancestor, Xenan Guardian, Rageheart Paladin)
    • Rakano relic weapons (e.g. Enchanted Platemail, Bladecrafter, Edge of Prophecy)

    Towards the third bullet-point, I would add that I typically want exactly one Edge of Prophecy in my deck and at least one way to buy it back; here I'm using Soldrain Smithing, which is probably the worst of them. The second Edge is generally worse than the first Bladecrafter in my experience, since the powerful thing to be doing is playing the same Edge two times, not playing two separate Edges.

    I'd like to shout out Display of Creation a bit more as well; one of the main faults of relic weapons is that opposing fliers often kill them before you can get a juicy two-for-one. A common application of Display of Creation is neutering your opponent's fliers and eating them with your big ground units, which counteracts this downside quite nicely.

    TJP Strangers


    Here we have the only actually good Stranger deck I've ever drafted in the format, adopting the general attitude that such a deck ought to be centered in a tight core of strangers with strong abilities buffing each other (rather than playing a lot of vanilla strangers).

    Such a core naturally finds itself in TJP, where one has access to a wealth of stats, through Determined and Battle-Tested Stranger, evasion through Soaring Stranger, and a wealth of keywords through Steely, Tireless, and Valorous Strangers.

    Of these, Time seems the most irreplaceable (you really want your Strangers to be winning in combat), but I could see a powerful Stranger shell happening in for example, TJS, as the uncommon Shadow strangers in the draft packs also pack quite a punch.

    As a final remark, I think another reason to stay relatively centered in colors is that you want your non-Strangers to be good cards as well. Here I'm playing some impactful TJP units which would be much harder to play consistently with a thinner power-spread (especially Brood of Eremot, Brutal Frostlord, and Albon).

    Closing Remarks

    There are some pretty striking commonalities between these decks, independent of the strategies employed. For instance, they're all playing 3 factions including Time. My feeling is that in this draft format, there is basically no downside to playing 3 factions, since good fixing is so abundant. I do feel that there are substantial losses to consistency (or the power of your opening) when you play more than 3 factions beyond a splash -- fixing Strangers are not fundamentally good cards, and they dilute the quality of your hands -- but that sacrifice may be worth making if you respect early pressure less than I do.

    I think that this latter point is also the reason that I end up playing Time so often in this format: the higher-quality units allow you to apply pressure to your opponents in a way that doesn't just get blanked by fixing strangers, and they play as a nice foil to relic weapons, which may be the format's most effective way of punishing an opponent for having too lax an attitude towards their own board presence.

    Among the decks presented here, I think that the FTJ Midrange deck is the one I'm most able to consistently assemble in a powerful way, considering that many of the pieces are fairly interchangeable and that perturbations of the strategy remain pretty powerful -- you can lean more or less heavily on relic synergy pieces, on weapon synergies, or on your creature gameplan, and still have a really good deck.

    I should also add that I'm aware that sacrifice strategies centered in Stonescar can be quite powerful, but I've yet to really pop off with one, which is why no such deck was featured here. Perhaps someone else can chime in with useful tips on that and other decks that weren't featured here.

    At any rate, I hope that this little tour has been of some use to you!

    All the best,


    submitted by /u/Vulfe
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    Top 32 with Menace Dragons - ECQ Echoes of Eternity (Throne)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Edit: Decklist for EWC https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/9GcbPqn7uUQ/menace-dragons

    Thank you NeoAlmost for setting that up!

    Hello everyone! I was super excited to play in the ECQ this last weekend and made it to day 2 with a record of 22-6. I won my first round of day two vs reanimator and lost the next one to even deadly elysian.

    I have been playing a good deal of dragons in Throne and Expedition and wow is it powerful. Eclipse Dragon was already an all-star in the last format and now the support team of Acedonis and Skylord Tolek make for an incredibly powerful suite of sweet dragons. Playing the full set of Xo gives us the card advantage and reliable casts of volatility to make the deck easily play the long game. Meanwhile Oni Dragonsmith can make for some unbeatable tempo plays if your influence lines up well. Let me know your thoughts on the deck and maybe take it for a spin if you have the chance.

    P.S. Careful about casting volatility with oni dragonsmith in play :)

    Earths Overseer

    4 Blazing Salvo (Set8 #1)

    4 Menace Chant (Set8 #187)

    4 Oni Dragonsmith (Set1003 #2)

    4 Sear (Set8 #8)

    4 Cozin Darkheart (Set7 #10)

    3 Display of Menace (Set8 #188)

    4 Dragon Forge (Set7 #12)

    4 Acedonis, Untainted (Set8 #153)

    4 Crimson Firemaw (Set1002 #3)

    4 Eclipse Dragon (Set6 #35)

    4 Skylord Tolek (Set8 #189)

    1 Black-Sky Harbinger (Set1 #385)

    1 Karvet, Solar Dragon (Set7 #146)

    1 Spitflame Draconus (Set1007 #13)

    4 Xo of the Endless Hoard (Set5 #36)

    4 Seat of Fury (Set0 #53)

    3 Crest of Chaos (Set3 #268)

    3 Crest of Fury (Set3 #266)

    2 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    2 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)

    3 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)

    1 Crest of Cunning (Set3 #267)

    3 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)

    4 Seat of Chaos (Set0 #60)


    1 Annihilate (Set1 #269)

    1 Unseal (Set3 #167)

    1 Varas Favor (Set0 #35)

    1 Volatility (Set8 #11)

    1 Draconic Ire (Set7 #11)

    submitted by /u/EarthsOverseer
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    ECQ: Echoes of Eternity Top 16 Decklists

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Top 5 Echoes of Eternity Safe Crafts

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:51 AM PST

    Top 5 Echoes of Eternity Safe Crafts


    Having a hard time trying to figure out where to spend your hard earned shift stoned? Well maybe my top 5 list will help steer you in one direction or another. In this video I try to give a break down of the rare or legendaries in Echoes of Eternity that I feel have to most flexibility and/or longevity for your collection based on application, uniqueness, and plain old how many you might need based on your play style! It's not the end all be all list, but it might help a player or two.


    This is something new so feel free to state the good, the bad, and the troll.

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Mechanics question: can volatility hit flameblast if you cast it with 7 power?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    So, scenario:

    I have 7 power, I play volatility. I'm at 5/7 power now. Flameblast is technically a 5-cost spell now. Is it a valid volatility target?

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Eternal Highlights #139 - Ascended Stranger

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Discussing the new Promo, Lastlight Judgement!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Salty Brew - Cultist Midrange [Expedition]

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Got a free draft ticket from the ECQ stream. Turned into this nice 7-0

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Stranger Deck Issue

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    For fun, I tried to make a Stranger deck. All was going well until the next few days after. Now, when I use Traver's Farm, it just makes me unable to do anything at all for the rest of the game. All I can do is pass the turn by timing out.

    Any help please?

    submitted by /u/Coleclaw199
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