• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Can we talk about Heart of the Vault?

    Eternal Card Game Can we talk about Heart of the Vault?

    Can we talk about Heart of the Vault?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    New Promo Card: Lastlight Judgement

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Woohoo I got to masters for the first time!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Promises by Firelight (as a poem)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Well, I long wanted to write a song taking place in the World of Eternal. But, because I don't have the proper equipment to actually record a song, I'll just post the lyrics as a poem on here. Maybe someone wants to write a nice song around it, maybe change the lyrics for a bit (english isn't my native tongue, and I find it kinda harder to write a poem in English than in German).

    My idea was taking "Promises by Firelight"s story, which is already ingame told by Yorja, and to write a poem about that story. I can imagine someone sitting by the fireside and telling this story as a song, likely some sort of ballad (as I play mostly Irish Folk, it would be very folk-y if I'd play it, but I won't complain if a person picking this up would make something else out of it). So, this is how I imagine Yorja singing the story to Gnash. Maybe there will be more to come, but my next project is writing the next chapters of my fanfic set in Myria (search this reddit for fanfic, you should find it if you want).

    I'll sing you a song, a heroic and terrible tale,
    Of the lands of Xulta, beyond the shadows veil.
    The land where to the ancestors the mighty Sol gave birth
    And the shadows were hungry to extend their girth.

    Come sit you down to Yorja, and listen to her song,
    A song of Horrors and of heroes, and a time long gone,
    Of blood and honor, of friendship, steel and wit,
    Come listen to her story, and by the burning fire sit.

    Aali was the first of them to hear the ancestors call.
    Her ancestor reached out to her, to unite them all.
    A danger from the shadows, here to claim their land,
    She sought out the Champions, to fight for their stand.

    Ixtol was a haughty warrior, did in the Arena fight.
    He was the best of them, to Grodov proved his might.
    He fought the best warriors, and achieved his victories.
    Until Aali came to fight him, and made him part of this story.

    Come sit you down to Yorja, and listen to her song,
    A song of Horrors and of heroes, and a time long gone,
    Of blood and honor, of friendship, steel and wit,
    Come listen to her story, and by the burning fire sit.

    Lys was an explorer, around the world she searched,
    She fought elementals, and thiefs that around her lurked.
    Together with the others, she fought Eremot and his kind,
    But as they lost the fight, the nightmares filled her mind.

    Endra was an artist, and she sought the creating fire,
    But she had to fight, and light the funeral pyre.
    The nightmares in Lys' mind, she burned them away,
    And by the other champions, she then did finally stay.

    Come sit you down to Yorja, and listen to her song,
    A song of Horrors and of heroes, and a time long gone,
    Of blood and honor, of friendship, steel and wit,
    Come listen to her story, and by the burning fire sit.

    Aali tried to convince Kuro, a hunter in the night,
    But twice he had refused to join her in the fight.
    He fought for himself, and lonesome he did fail,
    So he joined them at last, to finish off this tale.

    The five of them were united, as they went to war,
    To prove to the Xultans the cause they're fighting for.
    They went back to fight Eremot and his shadows,
    They fought with the ancestors might to lay them low.

    They listened to their whispers, conjured up their might,
    And with honor, blood and courage did they fight.
    They drove the shadow back where he did belong,
    It was an epic battle, a legend of stories and songs.

    Come sit you down to Yorja, and listen to her song,
    A song of Horrors and of heroes, and a time long gone,
    Of blood and honor, of friendship, steel and wit,
    Come listen to her story, and by the burning fire sit.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    New promo card: Fallout meets Eternal

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Was very entertaining to see the chat go nuts after they revealed it after the ECQ! Quite a high cost and not practical, but imagine if your opponent would drop it on you...

    submitted by /u/Estroyer
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    I really like how current Expedition has the shells of a bunch of old decks in it!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:40 AM PST

    There are so many build-around cards for decks that haven't been good in a long time and it's really fun to get a chance to play them again! Old TPJ Chalice, Temporal Control, and Crown are all decks that were really cool and aren't really good enough anymore, but their skeletons are all legal in Expedition and it's super fun to get a chance to play them again in a setting where they're somewhat more competitive! Chalice in particular I've been really loving, it reminds me of like set 1 constructed and I've really missed playing it.

    I hope Expedition as a format keeps doing this thing of cycling in historically good cards that aren't good enough anymore, it's really fun to give them another chance to shine :)

    submitted by /u/Miraweave
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    ECQ: Echoes of Eternity T64 decklists

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST


    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Am I the only one who noticed it was the name of the league for a day? On mobile it was in the top of the little side bar thing on the left of the screen.

    submitted by /u/CountingGhosts
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    Is there a draft tier list for Echoes of Eternity?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    As the title says I didn't find anything but perhaps I was looking in the wrong places, anyone knows someone where can I find some guidelines for the new cards? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mantequillaaa
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    [DECK] World of Ambush (Bonus Tomes and Crowns!)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Question about sacrifice spells and negate

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    So i have a question, why are spells that let you sacrifice units the only ones where a part of then (the sacrifice effect) still happens, even if i negate them? I mean, the card effect clearly states, that the sacrifice happens with the effect and not as part of the cost. Is this just bad labeling -> working as intended?

    submitted by /u/uv239
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    Eternal Highlights #138 - The Prophet

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    EoE Rare and Legendary Review Beginner/Veteran Friendly

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    EoE Rare and Legendary Review Beginner/Veteran Friendly


    Both beginner and veteran friendly. Jedi, Johnholio, and Darth_Herman2 are back with another marathon episode doing an in-depth review of each legendary and rare in the Echoes of Eternity set. We cut out all the extra segments in the show to make sure we had enough time to discuss any cards we didn't all agree on. Included is why we think a card is good or bad, what decks might want the card, what kind of decks they enable, where you might want to draft them, and a final grade to help you better assess the cards on your own.


    If you are a visual learner the video version of the show with the cards on screen is being uploaded to YouTube as we speak so expect the link in the next hour or two.


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    New AI Gauntlet Deck - Kodosh's Armory

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Watch out for this one - it runs multiple copies of Shen Ra Speaks and has Stormhalt Knife in it.

    Stormhalt Knife is the only card in the game of Eternal I vehemently despise. I strongly considered uninstalling the game when I found out I have to experience the pure crap design of this card now in PvE too.

    submitted by /u/Cizzle_Steam
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    Deck Check - Heart of the Strangers (THRONE)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Salty Brew - BULL$%@T suicidal Stonescar

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:51 AM PST

    Evenhanded Golem is worse for the game than Endra ever was.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    EHG causes uninteractive, highrolly games with no counterplay. And no, Royal Decree doesn't count-by the time you've fished it out of the market your opponent has gone golem into golem and probably tossed a few Sand Warriors out for good measure, and slamming poor Jenny merchant face first into Sand Warrior's desert-honed and sweaty abs in order to onslaught Decree is going to leave you dead on board to 10/10 worth of stats over four bodies, not to mention four cards down.

    Games with and against Endra were loads of fun. There was actual counterplay. People just didn't seem to realize that if your opponent swung Endra into your blockers mid-combo-turn, they wanted you to block so they could recur Endra and get another activation. Maybe Endra wasn't the problem, maybe people just shouldn't have given away so many free wins by not giving a second's thought as to why their opponents were swinging a 2/2 into Rizahn. Maybe people who didn't want to partake in the basic metagaming strategy of play something that beats what your opponents play didn't deserve to win. We certainly get enough posts in here from people who are upset that their bad decks lose to good decks and think demanding everyone else play bad decks is a better strategy than, idk, switching to good decks.

    Meanwhile I queue into golem again and clonk-clonk! I'm down two cards. Clonk-clonk! down four. Vanquish gets nerfed to 3. Desecrate gets nerfed to 3. The entire balance of interaction in one format gets disrupted to make room for a boring card that leads to boring nongames where the entire match is decided by "how many golems in your opponent's opening hand?" and you might as well have just played War. Endra languishes unplayed, safely nerfed to 3FFF, Shavka's song a one-hit wonder. Clonk-clonk and Throne becomes a miserable format where the best deck is helmed by a throwaway card for people who don't like markets that ended up way better and more consistent than anyone intended and why do people dislike markets when they are skill-testing and thought-provoking both during deckbuilding and play? I lost a game once where I forgot to play around decree for one turn and marketed for Endra with another Endra in hand. I deserved to lose that game because I made a mistake and got punished for it.

    I queue into golem again. Clonk-clonk I guess I should have played around that by reaching into my opponent's deck and adding a card that costs 3. Maybe Endra?

    submitted by /u/YrSkinnyFists23
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