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    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Me anytime there's a fun looking spoiler

    Eternal Card Game Me anytime there's a fun looking spoiler

    Me anytime there's a fun looking spoiler

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    unpopular opinion: EHG Edition

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Even handed golem should soft hint when it will actually draw cards so you don't need to mind genius when you've been disrupted in some way.

    Also feel free to add your own 😁😁

    submitted by /u/Thatresolves
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    While I did buy an avatar and shiny powers I am a 100% F2P willing to talk to newer people to this game. You do not need to spend money to hit Master in constructed. (I personally dislike draft and just do it once to get a chest for bronze rank end of season.)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    ECQ: Whispers of the Throne Top 16 Decklists

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Farming Eternal Ep56: To Sear or To Rare

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Welcome to Ep.56.of the Farming Eternal Podcast. This week Patrick and HatsOnlamps are running episode 54 back this week. They are discussing all the rare cards that they would take over Sear. Why sear? It's a generically good uncommon that everyone knows the value of and using Waystone Gate would have been a very short episode.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep56 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep56-to-sear-or-to-rare

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win ( Set 8.5 ) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15tAq4smkoW2bnGpp6lvDffkZzhxRMQutAFisboFl_Zs/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Wait, that silly infinite totem deck made it out of Diamond 1? But it had four Azurite Prixis!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Eternal League Week 4: Whispers of the Throne

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    For the most spoiler* filled video of League play we have released yet, go here:


    We are on the third week of WOTT League. It is in this video that we play the final games of this chapter! In this video I give you a super quick synopsis of changes to the deck, then play 10 games! Please enjoy and subscribe if you want to see more of this type of content.

    For my Week 4 decklist go to Eternal Warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/JRWCbnj8DPA/eternal-league-week-3-whispers-of-the-throne-video-included

    *spoilers referenced in catch line at top refer specifically to the deck decisions made in past weeks and the win rate of the deck over time. No story spoilers or release spoilers are included.

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Chapin on (DWD's reluctance (IMO) in) nerfing golem. Reactionary comment in topic.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I introduce... “Eternal Revenge”

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    (Long, just click the link and drop your thoughts if ya don't need the book to explain what's goin on)

    Coming back to this game after a long time away I was in for a steep learning curve. Lots had changed and my decks were outdated but I'm not a guy to just look at the forums and top charts and copy/paste so I set off to use something wild with one though in mind: I wanna steal cards like "Control Magic" from Magic the Gathering and I wanna use my void like "Gravebone" from Shadow Era. Unfortunately all the echo cards are kinda expensive resource-wise and limited and using Revenge/Recursion is clunky at best... but damnit I think I did it.

    Eternal Revenge

    What I have for you today is honestly one of the most powerful and favorite decks I have ever personally stuck my name on in any TCG (short of "Gravebella" in Shadow Era and an old blue Control in MTG). Is it some chart topping, tournament winning thing? Probably not but damn it's versatile, strong and most of all: fun. It's a high skill, high upside deck where the better you are, and more about the game you know, the better the deck gets. One mistake can cost you the game but when this thing clicks, it's just one smash after another. The deck is strong in the mid to late game but struggles against weenie rushes. Permafrost could potentially be subbed out for lightning strike to combat this, but then you'd lose some strength vs fatty builds. It's also sketchy vs relic heavy decks, but aren't all blue/purple decks?

    Basically you use Echo units with Destiny being played from the void and deck for free with a bonus card drawn, Madness stealing dangerous enemy units and sticking them in your void with Devour/Ice Bolt for card draw/resource fixing and cards like Touch of Resiliance, Xenan Cultist and Jotun Feast-Caller to assist the deck towards its goal of scraping every ounce of card advantage you can. This deck wins games by exhausting your opponents' ability to respond to threats and then building up board until it's unanswerable without a well timed wipe. Check the link for additional details and plays.

    I'd really appreciate thoughts from this great community, especially the vets, on viability and changes you'd make to run it yourself at a high level. I'm in gold 2 right now, climbing the ladder, and it's treating me very well. I assume there's a ceiling where the meta just takes over but I'm ok with that. It's not a cheap deck to make (and hard to sub out cards) but I think you can get the idea. Thanks for readin!

    submitted by /u/Killtrend
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    SilverBlade Menace

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Rolling Spikeback

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Otherworldly Pilgrim

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Draft Tutorial Video

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Draft Tutorial Video


    In this installment of a draft walk through you not only get Jedi's thoughts but also co-host of the Eternal Journey podcast DarthHerman2 ! They both discuss possible picks and reasonings behind them during the draft and also breakdown various lines of play during the games portion! Hope this helps you reach those 7 wins in your own right friends!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Worldshaper's Staff

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    What kind of twitch drops we get ?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:45 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Crossps
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    Expansions per year?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    How many expansion(s) we get per year?

    submitted by /u/Crossps
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    What are some good meta decks?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I'm a new player and want to have a deck in mind to build in future. Thanks for answering :)

    submitted by /u/Crossps
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    ECQ with homebrew Even Mono-Shadow

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    So I was not feeling any of the meta decks leading up to the ECQ, I either felt like I wasn't good enough at piloting them, or the ones I was good with I figured people would be too prepared for them. So I said screw it and decided to have some fun with something I brewed up earlier in the week. I ended up going 14-14, and I am both pleased and dissapointed with my performance. Pleased because that's a fair bit better than I expected to do, but dissapointed because I was doing really well early, sitting pretty at 12-3, and then hit a serious run of bad luck, then threw a couple games I should have won because I was tilted. But anyway I thought I'd share the deck and talk about the performance of various cards and whatnot.

    So here's the link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/lKChgHhr8wI/even-shadow

    I consider this to be a fair Golem deck, using him as a draw engine without any ridiculous shenanigans. It's an aggressive midrange deck, so it definitely wants to be the beatdown whenever possible. It can turtle when it has to behind the various lifesteal and deathtouch units, but it's not super good at it due to taking a fair amount of self-damage from Emblems, Waystones, Instigator and Impending Doom. If I had known there would be quite as much aggro as there was, I would have probably cut down on some of the two drops to make room for some Eremot's designs and maybe Malediction. And in retrospect I should probably have a few power seeking cards, namely Vara's favor and maybe Seek Answers. I didn't have power issues very often, but it did happen a few times. So let's take a look at the cards.

    The 2 drops: The Golem does what he does. The rest are shadow aggro staples, and they performed just as well as they do in Stonescar Aggro or whatever else. Instigator is a nice oversized 2drop that gets in extra chip damage, and Warleader can take over the game if left unanswered. The only one I'd consider cutting is Ripknife Assassin. Not because he didn't perform well, he did, the Warcry triggers were very helpful and being able to sit back on defense if they land something big was nice as well. But he makes such a good target for Blazing Salvo, it felt really bad to give the opponent such a nice way to access their market early. At least if Incarnus eats a Salvo you already got value from it, and they aren't using it on curve. Speaking of Incarnus...

    The 4 drops: Incarnus was definitely an all-star. He won me several games with his unblockable, and several more by generating a key card at the right moment. And even if the card he gives you isn't immediately game winning, you are always getting some kind of value. He is one of the things that allowed me to keep up with (and even occasionally outdraw) control decks. Baby Vara is Baby Vara. Her usefulness has not diminished, between helping stabilize against aggro with lifesteal, trading with big scary stuff and getting rid of Aegis, she is just a fantastic card. Impending Doom is just a big dumb flying beater, and he fills that role nicely. A 5/5 flier for 4 is nothing to sneeze at, but he's not doing anything surprising. Lastly we have the new promo Eremot, Mindsplinter. I was pleasantly surprised by his performance. He plays well on both offense and defense, doing a minimum of 4 damage per turn, and often more, or stonewalling little creatures, or trading with big scary fliers like Icaria or Sediti. Also, a lot of people didn't seem to know how he works, as multiple times I had my opponent give themselves face Aegis, and then immediately waste a permafrost or other removal on him. And as far as the influence requirements go, I still played Seal of Devotion, and only had a problem casting him once.

    The 6 drops: mono shadow is a little lacking in this department, with Karvet being the only really good one, but boy is he good. A big lifestealing flier that comes with an extra body is no joke. But I didn't think he was quite enough top end on his own, so I just had to include Caiphus. It has nothing to do with him being a pet card of mine, I swear. He was another all-star, helping me win almost every game I played him, and doing it single-handedly a good number of times. Charge, unblockable, double damage for lethal, you say? Don't mind if I do! Lifesteal, endurance, and killer to close the door on aggro? Yup, I'll take that too.

    The removal: 2 each of Annihilate and Defile for the early game were just fine. In Cold Blood was the catch-all, and it performed spectacularly. One game I removed my opponents last 3 cards with one ICB. It was a Combrei ramp deck, they played a Marshal Ironthorn and apparently had 2 more in hand. I swear I could hear them cussing me out. The surprise all-star here, however, was Null Blade. That thing saved my ass more times than I can count, even giving me lethal on an empty board once.

    So yeah, that's the deck. I had a lot of fun. If you have any questions about or suggestions for the deck, hit me up!

    submitted by /u/TesticularArsonist
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    Best way for a beginner to build some decks for ranked games?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    The first thing I did was buy and play through the homecoming campaign. I was thinking I would do each campaign for the cards and then be in a pretty good spot to build some decks.

    All I'm really interested in is net decking some ranked matches though, I don't really get a whole lot out of building my own decks or playing AI. I'm willing to spend some money (probably no more than $100 now). I also am not sure if I should go for some expedition or throne builds, probably whichever is more active. I just want 2-3 semi-competitive decks.

    Are the campaigns worth doing to get myself some starting cards? Are some of them completely useless with the limited card pool modes?

    submitted by /u/fruityjellygummybear
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    Why is the final Best of 3?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    It's ok for normal rounds as Bo3, but final? With a game involving luck like card game, final should have been Bo5 at least, and I personally prefer it Bo7, and semi-final Bo5. Congratz to the winner nonetheless but it's really pity to see the loser losing due to power screw at 2.

    submitted by /u/old_Anton
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    How many times you can redraw in a game?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:41 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Crossps
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    Eternal Lore Along: Eremot Mindsplitter

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    To hear some lore hot off the press, go here:


    Just a clarification: I do not own nor have I had any part in the writing of the lore I read, all rights remain with Dire Wolf Digital. If I am going about these lore readings in an improper way, let me know via email (shadowchef1@gmail.com) or comment down below.

    This week we learn more about Eremot's evil plan!

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Back after a really long time.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    As the title says, it's been a while. I love that this sub is as active as it is. I was worried because card games are flaky sometimes with their playerbase, and well I always had my fingers crossed for this one. Pleased to see we got SEALED LEAGUES and EXPEDITIONS WTH IS THAT?

    A few eternal warcry searches later and I stumbled upon my first love, falling in love for the first time all over again. Clockroaches. I made some adjustments to a time/shadow deck online and I've been pretty successfully grinding out of silver.


    The list is budget and advice is nice, but I really wanna have a conversation about what I missed. What exactly is expedition? How are you all doing? Are strangers still a problem? I don't doubt that evenhanded golem is dumb, but is the game healthy overall or are there other problems that are less obvious?

    submitted by /u/czerkthejerk
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    How should DWD fix Evenhanded Golem?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    It seems most people agree EHG should be nerfed, but I haven't found much discussion about how. Here are some ideas, with the assumption that the card text may not contain odd numbers (for thematic reasons). Which do you like?

    I'll reserve my own opinion for discussion below, so as to not taint the results. ;)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/iron_naden
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