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    Saturday, April 18, 2020

    Eternal Card Game OldIronNuts Saturday Night Casual Tourney: Ladies Night!

    Eternal Card Game OldIronNuts Saturday Night Casual Tourney: Ladies Night!

    OldIronNuts Saturday Night Casual Tourney: Ladies Night!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Every Saturday night King OIN holds a casual tournament on his Twitch stream. Tomorrow night we will be running decks with 20+ Female Humanoid Units! The stream starts at 9pm CDT and unless a lot of people show up early and ready to go, the tourney generally start 1-2 hours after that. We have very long streams on Saturdays; at least 8 hours but usually 10 or even 12 hours. This means people from many time zones can drop in and play or watch and see if they get inspired to throw a deck together to play with us as long (or briefly) as they wish.

    These events are designed with special rules to make people think outside the meta and just have fun; there are no prizes other than bragging rights! Multiple champions can and often are declared when someone on the top of the heap has to leave the stream before it is over. So please do stop by OldIronNuts' Twitch stream tomorrow to watch our knights, lords and ladies battle it out, and if this sounds fun to you, all you have to do to enter is show up with a Throne deck that conforms to the above rules! We'll save a seat for you in the Great Hall!

    -Nethescurial (Magistrate of Music, Mayhem and Marketing)

    submitted by /u/Animus777Mundi
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    Archmagister’s Portal + Restrained Action = Expedition Master

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Just wanted to share a really fun deck that I played to masters in expedition this month. The deck revolves around Archmagisters Portal and Restrained Action. It has proven to be fairly well positioned in the metafame and with an essentially singleton deck the games are always different. It feels fairly good against Fire Farris based deck, sacrifice/tokens, and big mana time decks.

    I ended up doing most of the climb with a Time/Justice version splashing primal but at the end I switched it to be a Time/Shadow deck splashing Justice which I think is way stronger. I'm sure neither version is perfectly tuned but both seem pretty close and both are really fun.

    The deck is also very easily tunable for the matchups you are facing. Hope others enjoy it as much as I have.

    Time/Shadow Version https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/N0S1UxH5ghA/ex-restrained-archmagister-master-april-2020?view=list

    Time/Justice Version https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/hrgN2yN19uQ/ex-restrained-archmagister-master-april-2020?view=list

    submitted by /u/Krmedeiros
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    Hyper Tuned “Yeti Dubs” for your thoughts

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT


    Old, returning, player here. I wanted to play around with Touch of Force and Yetis and I came to land on this final build above. I'd like some feedback if you could!

    Essentially I use the synergy of Yetis to do their yeti thing while I stack up burn/double damage to keep the board clean, assist the yetis in killing things or just shoot for the face.

    Static Bolt does massive damage with only a little bit of help from Iceberg+Crone, especially when Double Damage activates with Touch of Force or Sorcery. Even the simple snowball I get from our boy snowslinger can easily do upwards of 6-8 damage.

    Crystallize was always a sideboard until I realized how great it was at completely clearing boards when iceberg and double damage was active.

    Finally, one of the low key all stats of the deck: Cookmaster. During a normal turn, he's 1/1. With Second Sight being a fast spell he can jack himself up to a 5 defender. If he had double damage from earlier that's a 10 damage swing when he looks like a 2/1 at most. On offense there's multiple ways to buff him, from using Sorcery to draw 2 cards with double damage or second sight on offense. A second sight offensive turn makes him a 7/1. Using touch of force he becomes a 14/1... the lowly Greed card can also buff him quite large with Iceberg out, allowing a default 3 card draw for 3.

    Finally, I spent about 5-6k of my saved up shiftstone to max the lands out. There's not a single basic land in the whole deck. I threw in a Shugo because I needed a one off land card.

    One of the last changes I made was to swap out Yeti Troublemaker (3/2 echo for 4cc) for Ruincrawler Yeti. I needed something to kill Attachments and I felt like this was the only move to make.

    Am I missing something? I feel like it lacks draw sometimes but none of the draw I notice would flow with what's going on and I don't know what to remove. The weakest link would be snowslinger, but the snowballs do come in clutch.

    submitted by /u/Killtrend
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    QOL Request - Game History

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I just earned the achievement for getting 10 Expedition wins in a row. But I had no idea it was even going to happen or what decks got me there because my history is full of Gauntlet wins(but mostly losses today).

    I'd like it if the history can be broken up into modes so I can see when neat things like this will happen and/or to have more information to go on in-game for knowing how my decks perform. Also, it would be useful for others who want to go after these achievements but don't want to have to exclusively play the mode or use pen-and-paper.

    I'm going to give feedback in-game as well.

    submitted by /u/thorketil
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    Looking at the card list for the Scion Draft and b

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Can I have advice for my League Pool? It doesn't look good to me. Colors? Synergies? (EWC Link Inside)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:04 AM PDT


    I've tried a few things and I simply can't find a way to make a deck from this list that is competitive or consistent. I have a few good cards but nothing to support them synergistically. What do you guys think? What color(s) should I be looking at? Aggro or control?

    I'm sorry to come to you guys hat in hand like this but I am at my wits end. We're 3 weeks in and I've not gotten a single win. I'm used to playing constructed throne and having more things I can combo with and make them work together.

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Dino
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    Money Brew - Amilli, Rampmarshal

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    Natural turn 4.. with 1Throne room on 3 and Throne Room and a Ratcage on 4.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Eternal Spring Challenge (Stonescar Aggro, Throne) Part 2

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Go here to catch up on some Spring Chalenge content:


    Last Friday the Spring challenge Whispers of the Throne event took place for the throne format. In this we continue to aggro out the competition. Enjoy the coverage and get ready for more over the next 2 days! The deck I brought was a version of LuciaDysis' STONESCAR ISN'T A PLACE deck. Check out the original build (without budget replacements I had to make) here at eternal warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/002g68tU5NE/stonescar-isnt-a-place My budget version: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/zTdA4VoYTnE/real-stonescar-v-2-0-spring-challenge-decklist

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Now this looks good

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Scarlatch killed my Scion Draft run AMA

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    I didn't find Harsh Rule in time :<

    submitted by /u/LivingArea
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    Karla, Spirit of Resistance (Part 8)(FanFic!)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Well, another chapter! Watch out, as we enter the territory where we interact with the canon story! As always, I'd be happy to read what you think, guys.

    The full story can be found here.

    They moved to their new location the following morning. Karla expected some form of old farm, nearly worn down by time. Instead, they found a nearly intact mansion. Judging by the looks, it was used just a few years ago. Some weeds started growing on the place, dust had settled everywhere, but most statues where intact, as was the house itself. Karla started wondering to what kind of family the Fox had belonged. But she didn't care, as the Fox was fighting for the righteous cause, no matter if she was a noble or a peasant.

    They rebuild their forges around the house and stored their food and other belongings inside. It was far enough away from any used streets so that they wouldn't be found easily, but close enough to some important traderoutes for them to continue their nightly activities. The first night, they didn't go out, because they all were pretty exhausted from moving their stuff. They slept inside the old main hall, they used the old kitchen. Even though they were exhausted, they were in good spirits, and so they drank and celebrated, played cards and dice.

    Karla sat outside of the mansion, deep in her thoughts. She had a mug full of ale in her hands and was enjoying the cold and clear night. Her life had been full of losses. She never had the possibility to fight for those important to her. Now, finally, she was part of something. Something big, something that would make a difference for everyone in Kosul, maybe even outside of it. She liked the thought of following generations remembering all their names. She sat there until the first rays of sunlight broke through the surrounding forest, then she went to bed. Most of the other rebels were already sleeping and snoring, the smell of alcohol was omnipresent.

    The next day was back to business. Karla was woken up by the sound of hammers hitting ambosses and steel. The first weapons clashed in training, and she knew, it was time to stand up. The world wouldn't change itself. When the night fell, it was time to raid the surrounding traderoutes.

    Even though they were further away from Korovyat now, it didn't take long for the militiamen to find their usual hunting grounds. The merchants got more and more careful, hiring mercenaries to protect them on their way to the city. More and more fights were the consequence. Karla did take part in many of them, earning the respect of her fellow rebels. She started to understand that changing the world meant erasing all resistance. She spared those who didn't fight against them, but everyone drawing their weapon against them was their enemy. So Karla trained harder and harder. She had lost too much in her life to be able to let others fight her fights now. She had to stand up for what she believed in, and she believed in the Fox.

    She didn't earn only the respect of the normal rebels. Even the Fox started paying her respects due to her immovable ideals. But as time went on, Karla got more and more into fights with her comrades who weren't as radical in their beliefs as she was. She just couldn't understand people trying to drive away Yushkov just for another tyrant to take over. Nobody should stand above the people of Kosul, and nobody should stand beneath it.

    This conviction of her went so far that the Fox gave her the orders to execute traitors. Karla understood that they couldn't allow anyono to go back to Korovyat. The risks were too high. Whoever went away was her prey. She hunted them down with bow and hammer. The forests became her home.

    One day, Andrik vanished. He had gone to try and convert some people in the smaller villages to their cause, and he didn't return for days. They expected him to be away for two days, maybe three, depending on the weather. But when he didn't return on the sixth day, Karla and some other set out to find him. They disguised as simple merchants, trying to sell low-quality wares. In each village they entered they asked about the priest, but they all told them he had moved on when nobody wanted to join his cause.

    It took them three days to find the priest. He was standing atop a stake, people all around him holding torches and pitchforks, screaming at him, calling him a traitor to the Orens. One of them was waving a torch, holding it against the stake again and again, but the sparks didn't catch. Angrily, he shouted at Andrik. "Give yourself up to the truth, heretic, and Yushkovs seer may grant you mercy."

    The Priest smiled. "Then come, light your pyre. I won't tell that madman where the Fox is." He closed his eyes, ready to be burned for his convictions. Karla had to hold herself back. They were a group of four people, but the people standing there were almost two dozen! They had no chance to rescue the priest. But someone else had. Just as Karla cursed herself for not taking more rebels with her, a young woman, riding on a white bear approached the crowd. On her side rode a handsome young man. In the distance, Karla could see more people, a lot more people, standing, waiting. The girl was definitely Kosulian, judging from her clothes a noble from a wealthy family. But the man wore clothes Karla had seen very seldom in Kosul. Some of the rebels wore similar clothing, as did a few of the merchants she had met in her life. This man was from across the borders, that was clear to her.

    The young woman on the bear turned to her companion. "Did you hear that? We have to stop that!" she said, her eyes were filled with disgust of these people.

    The man riding at her side leaned over to her. His eyes were full of wisdom, something not seen much in the eyes of young men. He seemed to have seen things like this happen too often. "These a your people, Svetya. Remind them of that." He folded his hands, waiting for her to react.

    And she did react. She led her mount towards the crowd and stopped just about two meters away from them. She sat upright, her body under tension, and something majestetic in her look. Then she shouted: "I am Svetya Katarina Stormhalt-Kurtz, rightful Orene of Kosul. I command you: Put down that torch!"

    The man with the torch turned to her. He chuckled, pouring some more oil over the wood. "Not a chance...girl!" He looked at his companions, then he gave them a sign. Pitchforks were raised, as were swords and other weapons, both improvised and martial. They formed something resembling ranks, then they charged.

    Karla already saw the body of the young girl pierced by those weapons. She closed her eyes, expecting her deathcries. Instead, she heard more running, the growl of the bear...and the clashing of weapons. Shots rang out, people cried in pain and death. Karla opened her eyes and saw how these foreign people formed a real army in a matter of seconds. She watched in awe. That was something she wished to achieve with her group. The foreigners slaughtered the crowd. Only a few of them were injured, and only a single foreigner was killed in this whole fight. The Kosulian crowd was shattered and slain.

    The girl dismounted from her bear and freed Andrik. With a warm look she gave him some water. "Are you part of the resistance, friend?" she asked nicely.

    The priest drank a bit of the water while massaging his wrists. He nodded thankfully. "I am no fighter, but I do what I can to bring comfort to those who suffer under Yushkov. If you are who you claim to be, then you must come with me." Karla sighed. She too had heard what the girl shouted. She was a descendant of the old Oren. She too was one of the oppressors. And Andrik had invited her to the resistance. She feared the worst. With a sign she told her squad to fall back. They had to reach their hideout before this girl did. She looked back a last time, her eyes resting at that rider. He really was handsome.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    How is it even possible to be ranked lower than top 500 in Sealed?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hey. So I just finished my Sealed run*, and I ended up thinking... The top rewards (Legendary+) are for anyone who finished within the first 500 places. Well, that's about the average playerbase of Eternal altogether, and I bet a good chunk of those don't even enter every Sealed.

    How is it even possible not to be in top 500? I can't remember for sure, but I have a feeling the starting rank at the beginning of each Sealed run is in the thousands. What's happening, is there some sort of shady behind-the-scenes rank padding system I don't know about?

    submitted by /u/Lycanka
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    Today's deck, looks and feel mediocre, but 2-0 so far!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:42 PM PDT

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