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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Eternal Card Game The decks people play

    Eternal Card Game The decks people play

    The decks people play

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    5/5 Update

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    We have made the following fixes and improvements:

    • Fixed an issue where Wrath of Caiphus' activated ability could be used from on top of your deck if it was given Warp.

    • Fixed an issue where Mother of Skies would not trigger when you played Proselytize.

    • The Steam achievement "The Meek Shall Inherit" will now be properly granted along with the in-game achievement when completed.

    • Fixed an issue where Authoritarian Creation would incorrectly play invulnerable to damage VFX on the player's avatar.

    • Edge of Prophecy no longer doubles its stats when it goes to the Void.

    • Fixed an issue where the Premium League button would function incorrectly when trying to join the current League.

    If you encounter these issues after restarting Eternal, or have any questions, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game feedback under Options.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    2020 Spring Championships!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Not That Ryan ft. Rexulus

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    What is a Rexulus?

    A) Exotic bird
    B) Language mashup
    C) Ryan's favorite NY underground wrestler


    We are joined this week by ECQ Top 8 competitor Rexulus. We get know Ryan, play some Name That Card, trade ECQ stories, and share some misplays.

    Act two is an ECQ retrospective that continues the dialogue of making pursuing the more competitive side of the game sustainable while still pursuing competitive goals within our means and capacity.

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord | Website

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    What’s working and what isn’t: Day 2 Shadows of the Spire

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Some of the other CCG forums do these after a new set so I thought I'd start one here to see what people think is legit or crap. Mine are as follows.


    Aurelian Supplier: I don't think I've missed the Etb trigger once. Decks that vomit onto the board make the requirement fairly trivial. Sure it whiffs once in while, but generally will hit, especially in decks with Initiate and Drone. Coupled with Distillation, give Praxis a lot of gas.

    J3kk: So far pretty solid in a mono or close to it fire list. If he lands on curve in an aggro deck it can be backbreaking while also providing gas.

    Icaria: doubt this needs explaining.

    Dizo: Absolutely wrecked me a few times, sterling my mana dorks and a good anti aggro blocker, I absolutely hate him.

    Rolling Spikeback: Dont underestimate this guy, he's a horror against control lists, and coupled with Elysian removal can attack pretty often.

    What's not working:

    Jekk's takedown: not hitting a unit for 3 power is just too stiff. I could imagine a deck with a copy in the market or something, but I have a hard time imagining it being a staple.

    What I'm not sure on:

    Wrath of Caiphus: amazing as early fetch, and later draw and volatility hits, but also might draw your opponent into answers they didn't have.

    Spire Shadows: when it works, feels like the most busted thing possible. I've been hit with t4 Marisen and other nonsense, but can it be consistent enough to be for real?

    Authoritarian Creation: very situational. In certain scenarios it can damn near with the game, but I don't know how you slot this into Combrei aggro, and it isn't big enough for relic lists.

    Those are the ones I've tried and run into, let me know what you think so far, overall I think it's a great set, even the bad or mediocre cards are still interested and have jank potential.

    submitted by /u/damballah
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    Question about avatars

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    So I have a question and I figured people on here have been playing longer than I have and can answer. Do you get rewarded with premium or moving avatars by leveling up or do you only get them by purchasing?

    submitted by /u/thegirlthemyththeme
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    Meta Monday - New Beginnings

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    21- 0 Loyalty Oath

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    What could possibly go wrong?!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Eremot, Mindsplinter Attack Bug?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I'm giving Eremot a spin for the first time and noticing some weird behavior when attacking with him. I'm attacking with him and another unit (Memory Dredger) and if I select the Dredger to attack first and then select Eremot, the opposing player's avatar is outlined in blue and I have to select the player as a target before Eremot will attack. However, if I select Eremot first, it goes right into attack mode as does the Dredger when I select it after. does anyone know if this is a bug or if there's an interaction I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/SirBonyP
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    Praxis Brawlers

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Shadows of the Spire full set review

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Best Budget Deck for Throne?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Hey all! I'm a newer player (been playing for about two weeks), and I just hit Gold rank for the first time in Throne. I'm looking for a solid budget deck (around 5000-10000 stone) that is consistent in gameplay and wins a fair amount. Anyone care to share any budget lists that they've had a fair amount of success with?
    I do have the cards from Horus Traver, Whispers of the Throne, and Promises by Firelight, so lists with cards from those campaigns are okay, but none others if possible. I also prefer more aggro/midrange kinds of lists.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/takadimityrant
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    A Truly Impossible Brew, made possible by Spire Shadows

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    4 Evenhanded Golem (Set6 #237)

    4 Petition (Set4 #274)

    4 Auralian Merchant (Set4 #70)

    4 Dune Phantom (Set1 #89)

    4 Eager Offering (Set7 #45)

    4 Ebon Dune Smuggler (Set5 #221)

    4 Kerendon Merchant (Set4 #217)

    4 Sandspout Mirage (Set4 #83)

    4 Umbren Voidbringer (Set6 #211)

    2 Woda, Grodov's Listener (Set7 #53)

    4 Waystone Infuser (Set2 #63)

    4 Panoptic Guardian (Set3 #89)

    4 Marisen, the Eldest (Set1 #123)

    3 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)

    4 Amber Waystone (Set3 #51)

    2 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    4 Emblem of Makkar (Set7 #121)

    4 Crest of Mystery (Set4 #266)

    4 Xenan Banner (Set2 #201)

    4 Xenan Insignia (Set7 #184)


    1 Eremot's Designs (Set1007 #9)

    1 Spire Shadows (Set1087 #18)

    1 Banish (Set2 #207)

    1 Azindel, Revealed (Set1004 #21)

    1 Seat of Mystery (Set0 #61)

    Obviously the deck is super janky, and it doesn't really play smoothly, but if you get a hand with a merchant, and especially a merchant and a golem, this deck is brimming with power. 0 cost 4/5 ambushers and the ability to run merchants and golems in the same deck make this a truly rare breed!

    submitted by /u/sampat6256
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    Pocket Aces

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:17 PM PDT


    I have a fun brew I've been working on I'd love feedback on. Ace is such a great card I built a deck around him.

    submitted by /u/Killtrend
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    Eternal League Week 1: Shadow of the Spire

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    To watch the sealed pool get opened, and games get played, go here:


    We are on the 1st week of SOTS League. It is in this video that we play the first games of this chapter! In this video I open my packs, give you a rundown of what I'm running, then play 10 games! Please enjoy and subscribe if you want to see more of this type of content.

    For my Week 1 decklist go to Eternal Warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/wxSgPD9wnQU/eternal-league-week-1-shadow-of-the-spire

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    A Mad Man Rant – Even Handed Golem and his new best friend Spire Shadows

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Greetings Friends,

    Listen to a mad man rant about a card for a moment. This time, about Even Handed Golem. It allows a lot of decks the ability to shine, some to gain that advantage of card draw, some to gain access to different strategies and tie their deck a little bit together… some using it as some sort of rope to keep their Jank together… I am not innocent there.

    Now, the issue that comes is the new card, Spire Shadows. What a wonderful card, opening up so many different strategies and cards that never see play have sky rocketed into the lime-light. What an amazing jank card that will forever change the landscape that is midrange, every new card a threat, so many different colors already being tried. However something has come to my attention regarding this card, even during the original card discussion when Spire Shadows was first teased.

    Even Handed Golem's only payoff was that you had no access to a market. Even the new Market cards are odd values to avoid giving Golem access to a market. Now with this new card, it has given Even Handed Golem the key to opening the markets. Is it jank? Somewhat. Can it be used reliably? Yes.

    We have given a card that a lot of people are complaining about a lot of power. The same power that Grodov's stranger had before he was nerfed. Now I know it is still the early stages of finding the perfect deck for the Spire Shadows and Even Handed Golem and making it work so that markets can be used freely, opening up some play styles considered abominations like Crown EHG.

    Don't get me wrong, the excitement and the ideas are endless with this new card combination, and it has been less than 24 hours since the cards release, how can we know the impact of what this will do? I will let you know that the impact can be very powerful, as by itself, Spire of Shadows allows a lot of insane combos fairly early on with turn 4, 8/7s that spawn units every turn or even a 10/6 Flyer with Aegis on Turn 3. The combos are endless with Spire, but allows EHG to also gain access to Markets is something that Direwolf will be quick about to taking care of.

    We know why every likes Even Handed Golem. It has a stable body along with the two draw advantage. Other cards have been nerfed because of how powerful the card is. But it is now my guess that this is where we see the Even Handed Golem receive its nerf. Either the full body of the Golem, or even just the attack part, we may see the infamous golem finally take its nerf in stride. Don't get me wrong, it will still be usable in many decks, just less beefy. I forsee Even Handed Golem becoming a 1/2 or a 1/1. Giving golem easy access to markets and merchants is not something that Direwolf would forsee or possibly they created this card to finally get at the Golem in the first place. By themselves, they are powerful cards. Together, they break all sense of fairness. You may say I am wrong and that this won't become a problem, but I can assure you, it breaks the identity of the Golem and the blockade of the markets to the fair sentinel of the even costs. I forsee the changes coming in soon to bring the Golem more in line, and let the new Spire Shadows decks run crazy. You may say I am wrong here, but only time will tell.

    TL/DR: Spire Shadows breaks Even Handed Golem's Identity by allowing access to markets and we may finally see another nerf to the Void-Bound creature.

    submitted by /u/ForemoleDin
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