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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Eternal Card Game I did it guys! I got my first salt mail!

    Eternal Card Game I did it guys! I got my first salt mail!

    I did it guys! I got my first salt mail!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    An Eternal flame – a thousand-hour retrospective

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    As I'm posting this, I've nearly clocked in 1000 hours of Eternal. A good moment to reflect on my experience with the game and share some thoughts.

    Who am I? I used to play MTG and Heartstone. With family and work happily taking up most of time, gaming was relegated to playing videogames on my handheld. Still I was craving for some form of competitive gaming, that wouldn't take up an exorbitant amount of time.

    I came to know about Eternal through an article on CFB, which piqued my interest. When I had a seldom day off, I took upon my Eternal journey and started playing.

    For intents and purposes, I consider myself an 'intermediate' player. I'm not a pro that pursues ECQ, with the goal of claiming titles and money. I do hit masters in any format, I actively play in a particular month. I play for fun, but when I play, I want to win.

    First things first: I love Eternal
    If I were to describe Eternal in one sentence (and since I'm writing this, I'm going to. No one can stop me):

    "An affordable strategic card game, that takes an hour to understand, but many more to master."

    I tried a few alternatives. But they were obtuse in gameplay, not available for Mac (Yes, I'm that kind of a person), or weren't worth my money for the amount I wanted to spend.

    Shut up and maintain your wallet in your current position
    The first months of playing Eternal I hadn't spent any money. The game is extremely generous in its rewards. Both in quantity and frequency. With packs containing a large number of cards and multiple ways of earning packs and gold a day. By playing a few days a week, you can amount a collection with which you can start building a deck to play on ladder. In time, I spend money on campaigns and special drafts. Which are all affordably priced. In total I spend about 50 euros for a thousand hours of entertainment. You don't get much more value for money than that.

    Torch the Initiate of Sands
    Eternal is easy to understand. I might be the wrong person to judge, as I've been playing (card) games for over twenty years. But after playing the game for an hour, I felt as if I've been playing this for years. And this certainly doesn't mean the game is a boring copycat. For me it shows how well the Devs know both cardgames and gamers. You don't need to be original and obtuse to differentiate. You just need to make a good game with intuitive UI, balanced gameplay and just enough variation to keep the game fresh. Eternal manages to do that for the most part.

    I don't care for lore and graphics
    Sorry I don't. I'm a designer by trade and appreciate any form of good ░a░e░s░t░h░e░t░i░c░s░. I play games however for their strategic and competitive nature. I'm not interested in who's jekking of Azindel in this particular chapter. If I were to give my opnion, I prefer the artwork and direction of other games more. So your forehead is where I place my deck?

    **Aren't Russians playing this game?*\*
    The community is the best I've seen in any game. I only had to report a player once. And while the playerbase is relatively low in numbers, I prefer it that way. You tend to play against a player more often, but for me that sparks a form of positive rivalry. And managing to beat pchapin felt as if I beat Ruby Weapon. Almost anyone I added on the friend list is open to share advice or a decklist. This makes Eternal a very welcoming game for new players.

    They got it right
    Influence; What a simple and elegant way to eliminate 'power screw'.

    Buffing cards; A good way to keep the game fresh!

    Merchants; Much maligned by some, but when used reactively I think it's a brilliant way to make match-ups way less lopsided.

    Mulligan to at least two power; Wish this could be a thing irl!

    Response to player feedback; Complaints about EHG aside, DWD does listen to feedback and even responds to Reddit threads. Great job being so responsive.

    They got it mostly right
    Timing of cards; I can play Wisdom of Elder eot, but I can't play Finest Hour eot (for whatever reason this may be). Which makes for some unclear distinction between fast spells. And you can react to some summon effects (baby Vaara comes to mind), but not to others. This might be to my background in MTG, where you can respond (and subsequently re-respond) to any card or effect. But I feel the timing of cards can be more consequent.

    Archtypes; In most cardgames you have aggro, control and combo. With some flavors in between scaling from fast to slow gameplay and interactive and non-interactive gameplay. Eternal for the most part seem to center around combat based decks. Either aggro, tempo or midrange. While there are some exceptions the (hoo)rule, I'd like to see more combo or control decks being viable. I feel that relics, tribal synergies, non-removal/draw spells are underrepresented in competitive play. And from what I gander, there isn't much of a casual player base where these cards and strategies can come in to fruition.

    They got it wrong – We need to talk about relic weapons
    Why wouldn't you give these a unique name? The times where I assumed a weapon for a relic weapon or vice versa are laughably high (unlike my armor). Replacing a relic weapon, resets my armor. Why? The way relic weapons can get destroyed (by losing all armor), makes unattractive to play these pro-actively. Most of the time, particularly for draft, these cards play out as singular removal. Which for me, don't give the card type much identity. Heartstone handles weapon in much more cleaner and distinct way.

    Criticism aside. I hope to be playing this game for at least another 1000 hours. Thanks DWD, thanks players and gyoza. I love gyoza.


    submitted by /u/mickysukiyaki
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    The Misplay - #43 - Sunyside Up ft. Sunyveil

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Suny's a card player, a streamer, a podcaster, a community organizer, a musician.... a true Renaissance man.


    We talk about the most recent ECQ and Spring Championship. We play a special version of Name That Card with Suny. Mark pretty strongly believes I shouldn't receive a Wild Card to Worlds. "I don't believe that's true." We discuss the caliber of misplays Suny makes versus the caliber of our misplays.

    We look at the potential of Eternal as an eSport. We consider things we could be doing to help Dire Wolf promote the game and its players. Be sure to check out Friends of Eternal's Fantasy League. Mark and I are still free agents.

    Oh, and Mark's Tik Tok video...any minute now on our Twitter.

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord | Website

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Turn to Seed - A sincere request to DWD

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Sorry for another rant guys but I'm getting to a point where I'm so frustrated about this card that I need to express my deepest feelings.....

    It is beyond my understanding how one-super-easy-to-cast card can just break your whole combo deck or your only tech card unit against certain strategies which you painstakingly included as a counter-measure for your deck's weaknesses. Similar cards such as Avigraft, In Cold Blood, Rain of Frogs, Citywide Ban all cost 4 or more and come with downsides, being a relic or with restrictions, but TTS practically does not.

    0/2 Seeds that take FIVE turns to grow IS NOT A DOWNSIDE.

    For the love of the game and the limited mental tolerance of the community, please nerf it quickly before the next set or it might risk more players distancing from the game. Yes, not just socially.

    I'm sure you have countless ideas on how to fix it as there has been numerous posts and feedback from the community for over a month. An early 3 power card that punishes smart deck building and synergies is never healthy for a card game.

    In conclusion, I propose the following ideas from my own perspective, but I hope the community can also post their own ideas on how to balance this plague of a card:


    1. Make this card cost 5 power instead of 3 if the effect does not change. (To dodge EGH, sigh)
    2. Make the Seeds grow every turn even whilst INSIDE THE DECK. There is nothing more annoying than drawing more Seeds which start at 0 turns again, even Frogs (From RoF) have destiny or Seek Powers could be useful from Royal Decree. Seeds are an actual game ender when drawn.....
    3. Make it hit only the field and hand, NOT the deck & Void.
    4. Make seeds grow after 3 turns giving +3/3 and Endurance. (They did SURVIVE through thick and thin after all)

    I look forward to your response DWD, thank you. (Jekk & Menace too please while you're at it)

    submitted by /u/Skyte87
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    Charity Tournament Peasant Deck Techs 2

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Charity Tournament Peasant Deck Techs 2


    The Eternal Journey team is hosting a FREE charity tournament benefiting the Child's Play organization on June 6th, with the format being commons and uncommons only. So in order to help inspire people to brew and participate Jedi is going to be showcasing various archetypes that could be used in this fun and budget friendly format. Included in the video are the explanations of the deck, a game play video and a link to the deck lists down below. Enjoy and we hope to see you in the Swiss rounds!



    Mono Fire Decklist: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/BfotTs0jhV4/peasant-mono-fire

    Elysian Dinos Decklist: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/vnW6356B-eI/peasant-elysian-dinos

    Menace Scream Decklist: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/gwNctKBRoWY/peasant-menace-scream

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Streamers or youtubers to watch?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I just came back I a lot of the youtubers I used to follow are no longer active (like manus or thatresolves) any you recomend?

    submitted by /u/burritolurker1616
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    "Chronicles of the Throne" physical cards

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    I wasn't sure where else to ask something like this, and I'm not coming across a lot of info so far in my search. I can see that there are 2 decks currently available for the physical game, sold on the main website and even Amazon. What I'm wondering is if those 2 main deck boxes are all there is right now? Or am i missing like "booster packs" and/or faction decks somewhere?

    If i'm not mistaken it just looks like the physical version is still pretty young, so maybe I joined the ship at a great time to start collecting. >:3

    New player to Eternal, and basically to CCG's in general. Grew up with yugioh and pokemon on Toonami, but never really got into card games through the years... Maybe i was just too busy with Minecraft, LoL etc. LMAO. Great game so far! I looked into quite a few different ones out there, and have tried collecting a bit of MTG here and there over the years but it never really stuck. So far I'm falling in love with this game on Switch. <3

    Thanks for any info you can provide! Also, for those of you that have gotten some, how is the quality? Early yugioh & pokemon stuff was pretty flimsy cardboard. I'm curious how they feel. :)

    submitted by /u/TheColorChangingFox
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    Echoes of Eternity Draft + Matches 4

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    To see if the least popular draft combination can make it in today's draft environment, go here:


    Time to see what strange builds we can make in this new format! Can an odd color combination make its way to victory? Find out in today's Matches!

    For the full decklist I used in this draft, please visit Eternal Warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/_nEJ8HN61Oo/echoes-of-eternity-draft-matches-4

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Future Draft Pack Inclusions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    What cards would you choose to see in the next draft packs, without knowing what the upcoming set will be like? Is there a specific card you'd want to see make a comeback or a whole archtype become more prevailant?

    I would like to see Tandem Watchwing and Ground Crew make it back into the draft packs. Valkyrie synergy is fun and thematic, and I have always been fond of drafting Justice.



    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    I need consistency advice

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Help me understand current monetization strategy, please?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a casual Eternal player, and I love to play the game. It's looking to me like hyperinlflation has happened so badly in the game since last I played regularly (a year or so ago), than in game currency and even gems are now worthless to me.

    I'm casual, and I can still win lots of matches at bronze level ranked, plus do all my daily quests, with decks I built years ago when the game first came out. So, I guess kudos to the devs for avoiding power creep, at least on the lower ranks.

    So, new cards and decks don't hold much value to me.

    What I'm noticing is that things I would actually spend real money on, mostly cosmetics, such as card backs, are now locked behind either league/tournament participation, or watching streamers on Twitch to earn "influence" currency to spend at the "community store".

    I don't understand what the devs are thinking , here. They've effectively removed every last thing I would spend real money on (cosmetics) from playing the casual game, and locked it behind streamer support and league/tournament participation.

    The only incentive I have as a casual player to keep playing is just a few matches from time to time for pure enjoyment of the game. None of the currency means anything - it's so hyperinflated, it's worthless to me. I have no interest in ranking, watching or paying streamers, or participating in leagues/tournaments.

    So, my question to the community, is what are the devs trying to do here with their monetization strategy? I'd drop real money on card backs, totems, and other cosmetics, but all that's been locked behind stuff I have no interest in. Have the devs lost all interest in getting money from casual players like me?

    submitted by /u/BelgarathMTH
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