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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Gauntlet Speed Run 12:42 (2nd Place WR)

    Eternal Card Game Gauntlet Speed Run 12:42 (2nd Place WR)

    Gauntlet Speed Run 12:42 (2nd Place WR)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Gauntlet Speed Run 12:42 (2nd Place WR)


    Jedi manages to get a second place world record speed run in the Eternal Gauntlet ! Special thanks to Nrausch1 for the deck list!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Just a normal 33 turn game

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Can we please get nerfs before the ECQ?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    So, as I came back into the game cuz of this mega fun expansion I said there were 2-3 cards that were a problem in this post.
    I didn't mention them but it was obvious it was ubsat aka instawin, curtain call aka I don't respect the rules of the game and ruffian aka one shot: the movie: the game: the justice deck.
    I though those cards would embrace the nerf before the ECQ.

    Now as we get closer into the expedition ECQ Ill have to mention the cards that are problematic and beg for a nerf soon so people can craft other stuff before the tournament.

    We still have ruffian as a "oh, anything came out of your reach? Bad luck you died from 20 hp cuz you had no blocker for that 3/3 with flying thats actually free"
    We have the 1 mana make 2 creatures invulnerable aka, avoid any damage removal/overwhelm plus summon that sexy 3/3 with revenge and draw another one just in case its not enough value for 1 as a fast spell.
    Ijin and Telut:
    Telut does way too many things just by existing, IMO it should just buff weapons.
    Ijin shouldn't buff herself or nerf the armor stats.

    Friends in low places: NO, just NO. A 2 mana fast spell can't do 30 good things, have we learned nothing from curtain call? Don't even try to use the influence as a excuse, it doesn't have a requirement we know that the "worst case scenario" its a aegis ijin or telut.
    I've been playing a horrible control with (not joking) 24 removals but rakano STILL GETS ME EVEN IF I DRAW INFINITE CARDS PER TURN AND REMOVE ALMOST EVERYTHING. How? They have 2 cards that are a 3x1 and cost 1 and 2, so even if their board its empty or with a 0/2 seed they will obliterate my hp if I don't have the correct FAST answer.

    Curtain call its still broken, I think I don't have to state why we already saw it in the past ECQ.
    Equalize its not a fun design or a card with some kind of decision, its pristine light all over again, its only countered by face aegis and it punish the winning player just cuz it was winning.

    We really need to fix these cards before the ECQ, PLEASE.

    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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    Greatest Card Game

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Hi there.

    Just want to drop in and say that this is the best card battle game I have played or playing (not to mention MTG).

    MTG was nice. But didn't go on after the PS3 release I think. Well that was a shame. Anyway.

    I have played this game since it came out in 2016 and have multiple builds. Never spend a dime and reached Diamant Status last year in the Throne Batlles.

    Struggling to get to that tier again. But can't get rid of my 150 card deck. 😂. When it gets going it's good. Need to have at least 3x Time/Prim/Shad to get things going my way.

    Love it. And just to twee a few stuff I think I will be Diamant Status next month.

    Keep up the good work Eternal!!!!

    submitted by /u/AfteMath-
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    Deck Check - Rebuild the Vault (THRONE)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    The Eternal Card Art Tournament - Rounds #31 and #32

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Bracket Link


    Round #31 and #32 Poll


    Congratulations to those who voted for Argenport Cylix, Nivia, Most Devoted, Substitute, and Steamrider! All four will be advancing in the tournament.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Anyone still getting the bug where you cant hold to see the card text and its hard to play cards?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Its very annoying

    submitted by /u/whynotsaysthisguy
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    Friends in Low Places has destroyed diverse, meaningful play

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    4 out of 5 decks are Rakano aggro playing this without any thought on turn 5 with Marley coming out for free with Aegis (???) swinging for 8 with overwhelm, blowing up relics, weapons, silencing deadly units, plunder your bad cards away and let's ignore the 4x 1-1 decay units.

    Endra was bad, but not like this. I actually feel bad for my opponent knowing we both know why I'm holding up 2 power swinging face with 2-1 dorks and there's nothing they can do. Note you can't Royal Decree it away since it's a fast spell.

    Worse even, Rakano did NOT need this card, Silverblade intrusion was already preventing damage while Ruffian was already pumping out OTK numbers and now board wipes don't even stop this card since the unit gets aegis (y tho). Really hoping to see a nerf before ladder resets or it'll be a seriously boring climb to the top.

    Suggestion: Make it not a fast spell, let people deal with it before it comes down.


    Side note- am I alone thinking the surge mechanic has grown stale already? I can't think of another mechanic that when released made obsolete so many other mechanics. The insane effects for gaining influence, that's something we do MOST turns. Who would ever run an empower unit ever again if the surge units are always at least better.

    Notice the new decay mechanic is still fun and interesting.

    submitted by /u/sg57
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    Update on homebrew quad-color deck - Masters!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    No response window on Silent Hysteria?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Love too post on here primarily about bugs that cost me winnable games.

    Opponent plays Silent Hysteria on their turn, I have power available and a fast spell i specifically held in response (Forget, to trigger my Blurhaze Worm and draw 2 before my team gets silenced).

    I do not get a response window, my team gets silenced, I lose.

    After my last post wondering about Mysterious Waystone, someone clarified the timing and response windows and I absolutely cannot figure out why I wasn't allowed to respond.

    Bug report submitted but I feel like I might as well be submitting those to a trash can for all I ever hear back, so I'm posting here too.

    Would be very cool to stop losing draft games to timing bugs like this at some point. 🙂

    submitted by /u/mysecretcardgameacct
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    I've been thinking about this Hero format for a while now and I was wondering if this sounds fun to you.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    I've been toying with the idea of a fun casual tournament with themed deck-building restrictions.

    The rules are as follows:

    Upon signup, every player selects a Hero currently available in Expedition. Each Hero may only be picked once, first come, first served.

    Once the signups are closed, a list of picked heroes is published. Players may now build their deck.

    • Their deck must be valid in the Expedition format.
    • It must include 4 copies of their Hero or 1 in the Market.
    • It cannot include any Hero picked by other players.
    • All cards in their deck must be of their Hero's faction.
    • If their hero is Rare or Promo, the deck cannot include more than 3 copies of Uncommon cards, 2 copies of Rare and Promo cards and 1 copie or Legendary cards. (They may be in the Market.)
    • If their hero is Legendary, the deck cannot include more than 3 copies of Common cards, 2 copies of Uncommon cards and 1 copie or Rare and Promo cards. (They may be in the Market.) It cannot include any other Legendary cards.

    The goal is to make a unique deckbuilding environment that will (likely) be heavily themed around your Hero since it's the card with the most copies in your deck. Since it offers unique challenges and restrictions, it's very unlikely that you'll know what to expect from your opponent.

    If this thing were to happen, it'll probably be a single elim swiss tournament to test things out. Let me know if it that sounds fun. And I don't mind if you want to organise something like that yourself, I'm only throwing the idea out there.

    submitted by /u/E-308
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    Possible bug with new Tavrod?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Ok, so my Siphoner Paladin holding a +2/2 exalted weapon (So now a 3/7) blocked a 3/2 reckless unit bringing it to 3/4. Combat ends and opp plays Tavrod, Auric Financier and the summon effect procs and somehow kills my Paladin who then went to the void as 1/1.

    Am I missing something here? Shouldn't my Siphoned Paladin have survived from the snapshot effect? I think Tavrod somehow interacted with the combat damage a 2nd time?

    There's no other relevant cards in play.

    EDIT: I found this old post regarding the old Withering Witch: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/comments/6jjezv/so_this_is_how_withering_witch_actually_works/

    EDIT 2: So if Tavrod worked the same way, it basically meant it applied a "virtual -0/-4 debuff" (4 coming from 7 minus 3, since Tavrod will only see the 7 Health which ignores the battle damage) on my Paladin so it THEN dies to the "sticky" battle damage......oh so confusing.....

    Think of it as a Blightmoth that applies "-0/-X" where X = Target Unit's Maximum Health (Ignoring the battle damage) - Lowest Stat.

    submitted by /u/Skyte87
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