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    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Making the Promo Work - Kaleb, Executioner (Expedition Decklist)

    Eternal Card Game Making the Promo Work - Kaleb, Executioner (Expedition Decklist)

    Making the Promo Work - Kaleb, Executioner (Expedition Decklist)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Prism golem didn't get -2/-2. And can we get a replay feature please?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I just lost a game I supposed to win or at least survive few turns, due to this bug. My Behemoth should have blocked that golem with its 5/5 stats, but for some reasons it was 7/7.

    And can we get a replay feature for much more convenient bug reporting job please? I have experience so many variants of bugs since the lastest set, but I could report some only because I would have needed to provide many details like opponent decks, my decks, opponent hands and my hands, and boards, and void...etc at that moment, which I couldn't always capture or memorize it. So in some cases I didn't even bother to report bugs because it requires too much works and lacks of convenience. I only did some that I could take the screenshot in time and seemed simple enough to remember the detail. It would be a really big improvement if we ever get a replay feature. It does so many things: bug report easier, learn from our own games better, learn from other players....etc


    submitted by /u/old_Anton
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    What deck to play for ECQ: Festival of Inspiration

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Some thoughts about changing Eternal

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    So a lot of people have been talking about how "game sucks" or to put it more politely, "how can the game attract and retain players". I've had some personal mullings over this, and I decided to write this giant essay that 50% of ppl would be too bored to read through, but for the 50% who stays I hope this spurs some more thoughts and debates about how to change the game.

    So first, let's talk personal background, so you can have a good sense of where I come from when saying this. I'm from an Asian country, one where TCG isn't really a thing, and my first exposure to card games like this came from Hearthstone. I don't play Hearthstone anymore since I didn't feel like I can keep up with it, and migrated to Eternal when I saw someone giving glowing reviews about the game being F2P friendly. I've been playing Eternal for a year and a half with some long periods of leave, and I've yet to pay a dime for any F2P game since I'm a student. I also play another grind-heavy game called Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH) and know about some gacha games, so suffice to say I know what sort of madness F2P games become at some point.

    So now, what do I think is the major problem with Eternal's game model? To be damn honest, I don't think there is any, or at least one that can be solved easily. Look, as much as I hate to say it, I don't think there's not much of a space where competitive card games can stand on solid ground if they don't have some weird gimmicks or baggage coming with them. From the standpoint of someone who plays or know people who play F2P games, there is simply not much that Eternal can offer outside of "being a TCG". It doesn't have the clout of MtG, or the ubiquitousness of Hearthstone, and it's not a Slay the Spire with the heavy emphasis on single player, and it certainly doesn't have any intellectual property to tie itself to unlike Legends of Runeterra. There's certainly nothing wrong with being a TCG, but the unfortunate problem is that the game needs to be more than that somehow to draw in players, and that is really tough when the game has been established for around 5 years. I do think that a good place to start might be to advertise the game (seriously I have yet to see a single Youtuber making a mention about the game to an non-Eternal player audience), but even then I personally don't know how the game can have good player retention and earn good money.

    A thing that a lot of people say is that the game should be nicer to new players, giving them more rewards and having more help provided so that they are more likely to enjoy the game and stay for long periods of time. I don't really know about this to be honest, for 2 reasons.

    • First, I find that Eternal is already quite friendly for new players. The packs are easy to get, Gauntlet is free and open at all times, and cheap Mono Fire Aggro can drag anyone to Diamond or even Master if you know what you're doing. We could look at Shadowverse with its 50 free card packs to start with as well as pretty decent support for F2P, but I don't really know how much of an improvement that would be compared to our current status.
    • Second, the rather harsh truth is that TCGs aren't very well in line with the system of "whales" that microtransactions favor. To put into perspective, about 5% of mobile gamers make up almost half of the total market share in mobile gaming through the use of in-app purchases. While of course in-app purchases are primarily a mobile device thing, it does drive home the issue that microtransactions are really biased towards a small number of players making major purchases to drive revenue. In most games, this leads to what I like to call the "sea of salt": as strong characters/cards/insert-token-here are locked behind paywalls/timewalls, the game becomes increasingly frustrating for players unwilling to put in the investment. This is exacerbated by the nature of online TCGs: many are here to win against others and show off their skills, not be squashed under what amounts to "I have more money than you so I win", and yet it kinda is necessary that game developers bias themselves towards putting stronger elements behind a paywall lest they don't earn any revenue because nobody is buying anything.

    This is not to say that I have no qualms about the game. One glaring issue for me is how the packs are horrendously imbalanced towards earning commons and uncommons at the expense of rares and legendaries (80 commons per 1 legendary on average sounds really wrong when you think about it), but those sorts of concerns can be left for another date in another 800+ word piece of rambling. I hope this piece has been of good mental stimulation at the very least, and I will try to answer counter arguments that come up though I don't use Reddit much to begin with. If you're really mad at me, you can yell obscenities at my personal discord account, though do be warned my name in the Eternal server is slightly different from here.

    P.S: the links I used do not explicitly support the point I made, but they are paraphrased versions of a point I used in the post, so I hope that helps.

    Anyways, good night, good luck.

    submitted by /u/4thBattery
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    Bad Five Drops (FTS Shrine) - Deck Tech and Game Play

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    Silly plays

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Wallpaper Wednesday!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    The Festival of Inspiration will usher in a new age for the nightmarish Argenport. Will you survive long enough to secure your place?

    Join us this weekend for the Eternal Championship Qualifier: Festival of Inspiration August 21 – August 23! https://www.direwolfdigital.com/eternal/wallpapers/

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Non-fire meta?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    I can't remember the last time there was a meta without a Fire faction being in T0 or T1. Fire is, by far, my least favorite faction (and it shows, I have like level 50 Fire vs level 75 Shadow, even Primal is higher for me). I get it, the balance of having some aggro representation so lengthy control decks don't take over. But you can do this with well-balanced mid-range design and not just shove in the ability for a deck to storm through in 3-5 turns, where if it makes it to turn 6 it loses. I find those games boring as hell, and when I play 3 of them in a row I'm just done for the week.

    With this new set coming out, can we please not have some ridiculously overpowered low-cost Fire card for once, and also have a meta without 3-5 turn overpiwered win conditions (talking about Reanimator and Ubsat here too)?

    submitted by /u/etothepi
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    Strange Manacles - Expedition Deck Tech And Game Play

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

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