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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Meta Snapshot before the ECQ

    Eternal Card Game Meta Snapshot before the ECQ

    Meta Snapshot before the ECQ

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Meta Snapshot before the ECQ

    Breakdown of the Meta since the last Meta snapshot. Shaded regions in the main graph indicate 5% of the meta, any particular deck archetype encompassing more than 5% of the meta is labeled, factions are shown if they make up more than 2.5% of the meta. Decks making up more than 5% of the metagame were plotted on the Reactivity and Otherzoniness metrics.

    I didn't reach my target game number, but since there's an ECQ coming up I think I should publish the snapshot now.

    If you want to contribute to further installments please submit your games here. I am grateful to the following players who did so since the last Snapshot:


    With 133 Expedition games and 83 Throne games reported the data isn't as rich as I would like to have it, but we can still see some trends.

    As expected Stonescar remained Top dog in Throne, losing nothing to the balance patch and some versions even gaining a bit from the buffs. The second biggest deck is Feln midrange, which last time wasn't making a big impact, but it seems like this strategy was suppressed by the Surge decks. Xenan midrange comes next, with a number of non-midrange Xenan decks in tow (mostly reanimator). 4th place is shared by mono fire aggro and Rats. This is followed by two very different decks playing both Justice and Primal - Hooru Hatebears and Ixtun control. Hatebears is still a disruptive aggro deck that eventually drops Svetyas, while Ixtun control is just that, sweeping regularly and eventually beating down with Palace or Sanctum or Knife.

    Expedition has Mono Fire as the top deck. Not a big surprise as it was just behind Rakano surge last time and Rakano surge is mostly gone now. Skycrag aggro is likely still playing Edge of Uprising and went from the 4th most popular to the number 2 slot. The Elysian decks that were ahead of it last time dropped to the 4th most popular. In between a new contender has risen, the TJS control/armoury decks that let Shen-Ra speak.

    Then we have 3 flavors of Shadow based midrange with Argenport, Xenan, and straight mono S, followed by Stonescar aggro and finally FJS midrange, trying to keep the surge going.

    An interesting feature of this reports Expedition meta is that while the correlation of otherzoniness and reactivity still holds, the more reactive decks have lower otherzoniness than in Thone or even previous Expedition metas.

    submitted by /u/susuexp
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    Mother of Shrine (FPS Shrine)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Majestic skies is dope

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Hey all I'm new to eternal and I've learned my favorite card is definitely majestic skies I was wondering if anyone has any cool decks with it they could share I'm cool with combo or whatever I'm just looking for ideas so I can abuse the shit out of this card

    submitted by /u/rubik12g0d
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    Shouldn't Kaleb, Executioner be a Scion?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm sure there's some story reason why he's a Nightmare, but shouldn't he at least be a Nightmare Scion?

    I don't know what exactly makes a Scion in the context of the game but he's still a major character with a claim to the throne even if he's somehow been transformed.

    Kaleb, Executioner

    submitted by /u/Valentinee105
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    My favourite jank brews - Argent Depths edition

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    I had fun compiling these the last few sets and a non-zero amount of people seemed to enjoy them, so I figured I'd keep posting these every time a new set is about to come out and I brew up a new batch.

    Standard jank disclaimer: These are just the decks I had the most fun with this release. Performance and deck building quality vary wildly.

    Turbosloth - My only expedition deck this time around, it's a Xenan midrange deck with a focus on Ambush (i.e. Xenan Midrange but worse). Desperate Courier is my favourite card this set, and lets you do some silly things - ambushing Sites off Gentle Grazer is one of my favourite things to happen.

    Snow Shrek and Emo Fiona - seeing Jotun Bonebreaker and Katra side-by-side got some gears turning. I don't think this deck quite gets there but it's still fun to try scream a surprise bonebreaker for 15 or 25.

    Built to Last - The initial idea for this was to use Rebuild to ramp into an active Hall of Lost Kings, but it turns out all the combo pieces are pretty bad in isolation and the combo itself wasn't reliable. Instead let's use it to ramp into power sinks, and maybe an early OG Kaleb. HoLK is still in the market though!

    Mulligan Maeve - Wow, Maeve is pretty bonkers. All those small units with incremental values (card drawing, exalted etc.) are chump blockers that turn into threats the second time around, and Maeve herself can draw an absurd amount of cards really quickly.

    Kennanigans - Kenna+Throne Room+grenadin. Probably sounds familiar but has a little extra spice with Shared Vision, copy effects, and a market Calderan Gunsmith.

    Compound V - Argenport midrange with a Counsel of Heroes flair. It works pretty nicely with Revenge and Pristine Light, letting you double your units repeatedly and keeping a steady flow of new units up.

    Feel free to post your own brews too, I love seeing what people come up with!

    submitted by /u/DiscoIgnition
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    Imbue is a little confusing

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    How is imbue supposed to function? In a game just now, my opponent's Maveloft Huntress imbued a unit, and then on my turn, I used Turn To Seed. The Imbuing unit didn't lose any stats--nothing particularly weird here, I guess...the Imbue checks for stats when the stun happens, I suppose, and it doesn't keep updating if the stats change later. The Seed is still stunned, though, and behaves as a stunned Imbue target normally would. Then I kill the Seed.... and the Huntress still doesn't lose any stats. Is this how its supposed to work? Just checking that I'm not misunderstanding the mechanic before I make a bug report.

    The text of Imbue seems to suggest that when the unit is no longer stunned from the Imbue effect, regardless of how if that happens because of, say for example, dying, that the unit should lose its stat buff.

    submitted by /u/ParityAchieved
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    EJ80 Podcast - Pointers for Deck Building

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    EJ80 Podcast - Pointers for Deck Building


    Team Eternal Journey is in full swing this week as we bring on both Sakarnen and Kal_Shadowstep as guests to better inform all those up and coming deck builders on how to go about their brewing! This show focusing on leveling up your overall deck building mainly in constructed, but does offer tips for adjusting and tuning a limited deck from start to finish. We discuss more broad stroke approaches than specifics as to help the wide range of our audience. Included in the show are the shout outs, pack one pick one, what's the play, and constructed corner segments.

    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/eternal-journey-476372610/eternal-journey-80-pointers-for-deck-building

    Draft Championship - https://www.direwolfdigital.com/news/2020-eternal-draft-championship/

    ECQ Festival - https://www.direwolfdigital.com/news/ecq-festival-of-inspiration/

    SteelChucker Rolant Deck - https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/CN-9pZpVF6k/rolant-gets-even-49-0-masters-gauntlet

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    How does the game determine what factions a deck is re: levels and quests?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I'm playing a fire/time/shadow deck in a League, but I'm getting credit only as a mono-time deck, even when I haven't played a single time card (except power). It's annoying that winning a game in which I played mostly fire cards doesn't give any fire xp, or advance my "win five vs. games with a fire deck" quest.

    submitted by /u/Autumn_Thunder
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    Argent Depths Draft + Matches 6

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    To see what great drafters I face against this week, go here: https://youtu.be/AoWB8CTKQxM

    This week we face some of the greatest in eternal drafting! Note: My recording was acting up in post, so the first 2 picks are cut out. Please enjoy!

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Curtain Call rewording please

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    So today I learnt that even if the card reads "Your units can't die this turn" it doesn't specify its units on the board. It should read "Buff all your units with -Can't die this turn-" or something like that.

    Example, if I play CC and then play a unit with killer, it will die if the opponent unit damage kills it.

    Animation sugests the correct line of play, but in a card game I usually follow the text.

    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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