• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 22, 2020

    Eternal Card Game So much wasted potential... (I spent way more time on this crappy meme than I'd like to admit)

    Eternal Card Game So much wasted potential... (I spent way more time on this crappy meme than I'd like to admit)

    So much wasted potential... (I spent way more time on this crappy meme than I'd like to admit)

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Eternal's Pauper Art Tournament - Submissions

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hello all, once again! Due to my current irl situation, I have suddenly found much more free time for the next two weeks, so I decided to start another art tournament seeing as the first one seemed to go over pretty well. This time, there's a restriction on the cards you can submit: they must be of a common rarity! I am also allowing tokens that can be generated from a common card, including, but not limited to, Shades of common corrupted units, Snowballs, and tokens from Monuments.

    It was a pretty shocking conclusion from the analysis of the last tournament how little attention common cards got even though there are some fantastic artworks from that set of cards. My plan is to make the tournament be composed of 64 cards, like last time, but it mostly depends on how many submissions I get. A key difference this time for the submission polls is that you should rank your top five common cards from 1st to 5th. I didn't include it last time, but I thought it may be a good idea to try it this time.

    And now, without further ado, the submission poll!

    EDIT: I will be keeping the poll open until the end of Monday (UTC 6:00 AM on Tuesday). Hopefully we should get a wider range of submissions with an extended submission phase.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Need for greed

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I was inspired by Discoignition's sweet and janky Counsel deck and made a Counsel deck too. Unfortunately I ended up with my favourite usual suspects, Rolant and Makto.


    4 Evenhanded Golem (Set6 #237)

    3 Lay Siege (Set7 #71)

    4 Lost Scroll (Set5 #208)

    4 Reweave (Set6 #101)

    4 Spiritweaver (Set9 #153)

    4 Counsel of Heroes (Set1085 #8)

    2 Necessary Measures (Set1005 #9)

    4 Rolant, Iron Tyrant (Set9 #207)

    4 Rolant's Honor Guard (Set1 #183)

    4 Severin of the Dark (Set9 #178)

    4 Svetya, Lightbringer (Set9 #105)

    4 Makto, Valorous Savior (Set9 #108)

    1 Rolant, the Iron Fist (Set1 #185)

    1 Svetya, Merciful Orene (Set1005 #12)

    1 Spirit of Resistance (Set2 #253)

    6 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)

    5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    4 Argenport Banner (Set2 #231)

    4 Argenport Cylix (Set9 #205)

    4 Argenport Insignia (Set7 #195)

    4 Crest of Vengeance (Set3 #264)

    submitted by /u/honza099
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    (Throne) Minotaur Tribal

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys, do you like cows? Do you also like making people who play aggro cry? Do you also like playing stupid decks?

    Then I got something for you my friend!


    Any improvements would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jtruhamchuk
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    eternalwarcry.com - You can follow users now

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Ahoy ahoy!

    A new update was just pushed letting you follow users! What this means is that when you are following a user, you will receive notifications whenever they add/update any public decks of theirs. This has been requested by several users and it's finally here!


    You can also search decks only for users you are following!


    In your private profile area, you can see the list of users you are following to quickly manage whoever they may be!

    Some other updates include the new menu as you may have noticed in the past few months! It's actually just one single menu now compared to 2 separate menus. It was bugging me for the longest time.

    Hopefully everything is working as expected!

    Thanks to all the Patreons that help support the site, I really appreciate it. Anything helps! https://www.patreon.com/stevercakes

    If you do pledge any amount from $1 and up, once your account on eternalwarcry.com is associated with your Patreon account, and while your pledge is active, the ads will be removed for your account!

    Thanks to everybody that uses the site! If you have any suggestions, please do feel free to contact me. We'll talk and see if it's a good fit for the site and if it is, i'll do my best to implement it.




    Previous Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/comments/hfa4o1/eternalwarcrycom_argent_depth_cards_added/

    submitted by /u/Stevercakes
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    This one was epic!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Finally Invurable, Aegis, Endurance, Revenge Makto

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Proud of the first step

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Another newb looking for input

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    I started playing a month or two ago and I recently purchased some gems with which to get all the campaigns because I've been told they their are several staple cards that come in handy that are made available via the campaigns but id also like to know what are some good legendaries to begin drafting to begin getting to a deck that is competitive across the board. Also are their any particular sets that I might want to focus on buying a box or so of? And which legendaries or rares are must haves? I already got the smugglers and merchants of my primary factions because I definitely see the advantage of having market access.

    submitted by /u/Tekashn
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    Deck Building Challenges?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I was just thinking, what if there was some kind of weekly deck building challenge on the sub reddit? Would people be interested in this? I was thinking every week their could be some kind of challenge, like build a deck around X card, build a XY faction deck in any format, build a throne control deck, etc. and everyone could post their submissions. There wouldn't be any "winning" or prizes or anything like that, it's purely just a deck building and brewing exercise as well as an opportunity to share decks with other people.

    It would be fun to see if people try to make the deck as meta as possible, or maybe try to focus on showing off the challenge theme as much as possible, regardless of win rate. I'd like to see how everyone feels about this idea.

    submitted by /u/TheAvocado96
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    TTS Meta?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I played a few games of Expedition yesterday, watched a bit of a Calebovich stream ... and it seems like every deck in the entire meta right now has primal in it and is playing 4x Turn To Seed.

    Is this accurate? Did we just get a massive round of nerfs to address a meta centered entirely on one card (FiLP) and then replace it with a meta entirely centered on a different card (TTS)?

    Or am I just unlucky in my matchmaking, and the meta is not actually made up almost entirely of TTS decks?

    submitted by /u/TheScot650
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