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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Look How They Massacred my Girl...

    Eternal Card Game Look How They Massacred my Girl...

    Look How They Massacred my Girl...

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    First Pick #14 - Welcome Back caleboDrafts

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Argent Depths Boxes or Campaigns -Noob

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hey! Noobie here. Played MtG and MtG Arena. Went to Yetispy and and it recommended #1 Average Draft. Have drafted 3 times and Forge 2 times. 3rd recommend is No Wins (I don't know waht that is). 4th it says Argent Depths. Argent is 2 Boxes are 5,800 Gems. Will have to buy gems. In a couple of posts the Campaigns that have the "most good cards" are Shadows of the Spire and Whispers of the Throne.

    Question: where do I buy campaigns? Is Yetispy a good indicator for purchases. Campaign or Argent Depths 2 Boxes?

    Thanks for helping a Newb!

    submitted by /u/CamCoding
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    Dear DWD, please add an option to mark owned cards as "favourite"

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    Some background first - I came to Eternal as a seasoned MtG player and I must say I am having a blast and I am currently considering it the #1 electronic way to enjoy constructed and limited fun, that is not MtG. At first, however, I had a bit of a problem dealing with the ludicrous amount of keywords used within the game compared to MtG, which seems a bit odd considering that it does not exist as long yet. Especially that some of them sound the same (Spark-Surge) and that it took me quite a while to actually understand how Corrupted works (no puzzles for that one, boo-hoo). I eventually got used to it, so there is no problem here for me anymore, but I can see how it can put off other new players, who might not have 20 years of MtG under the belt like me.

    Anyway, as for the main reason I am writing this, currently the biggest barrier to fully enjoy the game for me is that I have by now built quite a sizeable collection of cards and everytime I build or upgrade a deck I have to wade through a huge amount of cards I would never play in any constructed deck whatsoever. I have already considered using pen and paper and I am quite sure that there exists a helpful 3rd party site for that, but it is a shame considering that it seems to me that there should be a very simple solution for this issue. Namely, if there was an option to mark owned cards as "favourite" and be able to filter only them (owned/unowned/favourite), it would be an enormous help for building decks. Will anyone agree with me?

    submitted by /u/MartenInf
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    Open Letter to the Developers of Eternal

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    To the developers of Eternal,

    I am writing an open letter to the DWD team since my emails have returned naught. To provide a quick introduction of myself, I am an Eternal Player who has achieved the Master's Level in the game.

    Recently, DWD emailed me to inform me that I have been banned 15 days from the game due to repeated immediate concession. To provide a backstory for you, I had spent some time last month crafting a viable deck to defeat aggro (e.g. SS, mono fire) as I feel that it is overpowered in this game1. It is indeed true that I have carried out immediate concessions in order to quickly filter out SS/Mono fire decks to test my decks.

    Though I was unaware that it was illegal for us to carry out immediate concessions, I now agree that it was wrong for me to have carried out immediate concessions as this could negatively affect other players. I meant no harm to other players and have vowed not to do it again. However, I would like to ask if an immediate 15 days ban without prior warning is necessary in this regard, especially when I have admitted fault and vowed not to repeat the offence. Moreover, since the new chapter started, I have been playing regularly again and have not carried out such practices.

    To be honest, I have never made any in-game purchases on any game before Eternal. Eternal was actually the first game that i have done so (through diamonds and bundles), because I knew eternal's player base was small, and some funds definitely would be of help. Though monetary support should not abscond one from any wrong doing, players like us choose to give up some of our hard earned money back to the community in order to support the game and its developers. Hence, it does feel disappointing when DWD is unforgiving to its players and issues out such hard bans when a warning would suffice.

    I have written in emails to admit my wrong doing and ask for a lift of the suspension, vowing not to repeat my mistake, but have not received any reply. On this topic, I have also constantly provided suggestions to the game to help improve it2. Weeks ago, I have also written in a simple enquiry, and it has still been left unanswered3. Players like us strive to improve the game and contribute to the community. It is thus my hope that DWD would act not like a policeman charging players of crimes, but as partners who help to make the game better. Regarding this issue, I would hope for the key decision makers in Eternal to allow for the lift of the 15 days suspension as a sign of support for players. For future offences by other players, I would suggest that instead of an immediate suspension, a warning would suffice as a good deterrent (not withstanding serious cases such as cheating!). Eternal's player base is still currently small and it would definitely do no favours to the game to lose players due to authoritative policing.

    I thus hope that the key decision makers of Eternal will be able to respond to this post or my email, and allow players like us to continue providing our continued support to the game.

    ^Side notes digressing from the main issue:

    1 Regarding this issue, I feel that though aggro decks are beatable, it is currently overpowered and players have to make too many significant changes to their decks to accommodate such aggro decks, thus resulting in many decks becoming unviable.

    2 Some suggestions that I have written in (I understand that additional complications may arise, but I think they definitely do deserve some consideration):

    2.1 Instead of being regularly screwed by mana, I would suggest that each turn, players are allowed to pick whether they would like to draw from a power pile or the main deck. This will definitely help out the RNG of not drawing enough power.

    2.2 Instead of literally printing 12 shadow influence on the card text of Acantha, it would be easier on the eyes if numerical representation of '12' be printed instead, thus saving players the trouble of counting.

    2.3 Players have an option in casual to filter out the influences they would like to play against should they wish to do so.

    3 I had previously written in to ask if the promo cards received for participating in events such as ECQ are uncraftable. Weeks have gone by and I have not received a reply for this single query.

    submitted by /u/AdeptnessAsleep
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    Got a bit lucky with my league pool

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Would appreciate some help with this Elysian deck

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT


    I'm pretty sure the core of this deck (Jarrall, Wump, Conjurer, Helio, and a bunch of cheap spells) is at least functional. Usual game plan is some combination of building up some flying threats with Conjurer or Vengeful Flight and win in the air, and pushing enough chip damage with Equivocate and Dazzle that Crystallize or a fully powered Jarrall can finish the job. Where I definitely need help:

    Is the Sodi stuff worth it? Metamorph is amazing if she sticks, but a 3/3 dies to an awful lot. The muster isn't often relevant either, with only Spellshaper being able to trigger the weapon half. And speaking of which, that card is dead more often than I'd like as well. 5 is a lot to pay for an equivocate, and if you can't afford that it's pretty hard to get in with whatever you put it on. On the other hand, it does work well with flyers, and if you do get to 5 it becomes difficult for the opponent to deal with. Plus, sticking it on a berserking Jarrall is always fun :). Wingbreaker is another great effect that unfortunately costs a lot. I feel better about keeping her though because she synergizes better with what the rest of this deck wants to do.

    What on earth should this deck's market strategy be? I really like Crystallize, and Vengeful Flight has been very good as well, but the other slots I'd consider pretty open, as are my card choices for access. Crack is nice because the two cards I really want are 5s, but the dork dies embarrassingly often to Wump and Ark is insanely hard to trigger on 2 because the only undepleted time source on 1 is Insignia. Maybe Transpose would be a better idea? I've also played around with Great Valley Smuggler and more relics in the market, but I didn't really like any of those options that I thought of either.

    Any other ideas? I know I didn't think of everything.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/zsjostrom35
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