• Breaking News

    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Eternal Card Game new bastion rising spoiler, and you don't want to miss this one.

    Eternal Card Game new bastion rising spoiler, and you don't want to miss this one.

    new bastion rising spoiler, and you don't want to miss this one.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    [Bastion Rising] - Uxu, Carnivorous Bloom

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Announcing the Drafter, a fan-built draft companion for Eternal Card Game coming soon to ShiftStoned

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Announcing the Drafter, a fan-built draft companion for Eternal Card Game coming soon to ShiftStoned

    Huckleberries, brewers and cardsanguars:

    First and foremost, I am pleased to announce a new tool joining the fan-built player resources at ShiftStoned at the end of this week's celebration!

    Featuring evaluations by Jedi_EJ & his Eternal Journey Podcast co-hosts Johnholio and darth_herman2, The Drafter will be your card selection companion when picking and brewing for Eternal Card Game draft runs. It is easily the next best thing to drafting directly with these talented players themselves!


    Coding wizardry for the Drafter was generously contributed by mlntn of Team Misplay, with indispensable organizational support provided by freaky wiki champion PusillanimousGamer.

    This is new territory for all of us, and bound to be a bit experimental. We are looking forward to the community's response when the Drafter goes live at the end of the celebration and the regular Draft format returns.

    Recent past and future

    Secondly, keen observers may have noticed a slowdown from the ShiftStoned organization during the past few months. Updates and content releases have been less frequent. My own contributions have been minimal due to some (mostly positive) IRL demands on free time. The truth is, PapaCapricorn got Power screwed. My apologies to any collaborators or community members who may have been disappointed or inconvenienced by these lapses.

    With that being said, what a time to return! The Eternal Celebration is in full swing (...welcome new players!). The 2020 World Championship is just weeks away. And there are ever more new cards on the horizon to brew with.

    ShiftStoned is celebrating with a re-designed layout and some significant back-end improvements that will make updating easier for us. While the future for ShiftStoned and for me as an Eternal player remain mysterious at the moment, it gives me a thrill to share these new developments with you now.

    May you always find the Power and Influence you need, when you need it!


    submitted by /u/PapaCapricorn
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    [Eternal Celebration Giveaway] 3 Codes / Stream to "Decks That Make Kaelos Laugh"

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet. Then I'm picking it up and throwing it down again, because if there's anything my viewers know about me, it's that I like throwing (self-HEYOOOOOOOO!)

    2020 has been a rough year for everyone, so...

    Make me laugh. Make me laugh so hard I can't breathe and fall over out-of-frame and am quietly thumping on something while snorting in the most undignified fashion and alarming my poor, sainted dog & insanity wolf. Make me laugh so hard you're unsure if I'm actually looking at a gif in #kids-falling-over and / or have encountered Krevin.

    Three decks per day that make me laugh hardest / cause general delight on stream will be awarded one of the Eternal Celebration Giveaway codes generously provided by DWD.



    • Stream is M-F (5 days, 3 codes per day) from about 6-7pm US Eastern and lasting 4-5 hours. twitch.tv/kaelosthereckoning
    • Blind Mirror Match Fridays are back, so be prepared to play Bo3 vs. me with any decks submitted on Friday. You may name a champion to play in your stead (with their agreement.)
    • Submit all decklists on Discord in the #mirror-match-queue of ye olde dayes or ask a chat mod to post it for you there. Same rules as mirror match decklists--I play them in the order they're submitted, and you can submit multiples but people who have not yet had a deck played will be prioritized over a second+ list.
    • Excepting Friday, decks will be played in Throne so try to submit decks where I'm likely to survive long enough to see them go off.

    An Incomplete List of Things That Make Kaelos Laugh

    1. Fire Bomb Lethal
    2. Torching Face, including own
    3. Times an opponent has to do math (like a blocker) and I do not (because I am not a blocker)
    4. Completely undeserved wins
    5. Fire Bombs (own)
    6. Times an opponent gets wrecked in a completely unanticipated way and we get to watch them hover over the card that did it for two minutes as they read the text, attempt to comprehend, repeat
    7. Decks built around completely awful and / or obscure cards that win anyway
    8. Gratuitously large weapons
    9. Stabilizing at 1-2 health
    10. Obliterating, Decimation...ing, Flame Blasting, Otherwise Large-Torching Face, including own
    11. Ridiculous bond decks including cards like Novaquake Titan and Clutchkeeper
    12. Fire Bombs (opponent)
    13. Any kind of explosion which is a Fire Bomb at heart (see: things that cause players to hit themselves in the face because that is honestly the most hilarious damage regardless of target)
    14. Disgustingly fast aggro decks which include Bandit Queen
    15. Deadly ping damage
    16. Transform decks where I can roll completely ridiculous and unanticipated units
    17. Power bases that are completely inappropriate but somehow functional
    18. Combos that are really simple, clever ideas... Nothing complicated, please--I find it difficult to breathe and think simultaneously, which will rule out laughter.
    19. Board-wide, crazy effects like ye olde Jarrall OTK or Jekk, Hunted Fugitive + Rooftop Vigilante
    20. But seriously, arson.


    Find the Stupid Deck Builder within your heart. I look forward to my imminent hypoxia.

    submitted by /u/Kaelos_The_Reckoning
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    [Celebration] Brewer's Ball: Tribal Clash Decklists & Live Stream!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    We need more events like these.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    We need more events like these.

    The Tricky Treats event has been really fun. Maybe it's the hero format. Probably it's just that we have something else to do with our gold.

    DWD, can we get more of these sorts of events? Please!

    Even if you just recycled events from the past and on a regular basis, I'd be happy. Doing this, I think it shows that things are happening. Not all tournaments have to be high stakes to get people playing. And look at the quality of players in the top 10, myself excluded of course. People put serious thought into the decks they played, I know I did and I'm a terrible brewer (write up in EternalWarcry), for packs and maybe some chests.


    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    Caiphus trying to Hero's Invoke

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Is everyone getting awesome Twitch drops this week?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I've had single packs, single rares and single legendaries for Twitch drops at a much higher rate this few days. Was there an announcement for better drops during the Eternal celebrations or is it just an extraordinary good streak of luck?

    submitted by /u/chewbooboo
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    Halloween Card Back

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Just wondering how difficult it is to get the Halloween card back in the event. Is it just getting 3 wins? Is there a chance I won't get it if I enter the event?

    Hate to ask but time Is limited work/kids and I don't wanna enter unless that card back is pretty much a guarantee.

    Appreciate the help. By the way I'm a supporter of the game with real money. Just tight on time.

    submitted by /u/SaintFyle
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    Continuously Copy Caiphus Copiously, Consecutively, and Creatively - Hero Format Eternal

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    There is still a way to beat the Master:Killer Puzzle

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    As some of you may know, this puzzle was broken when Carnosaur was nerfed.

    I didn't realise the puzzle was broken, so I spent hours trying to work it out.
    Eventually, I found this bug that works:

    Play Noble Firemane

    Use Xenan Initiation on Sand Viper

    Kill Dormant Sentinel with Sand Viper's Killer

    Attack with Carnosaur and Ancient Terrazon.
    For some reason, the AI will block Carnosaur with both Rhinarc and Scorpion Wasp even though it only needs to block it with SW.

    Choose to attack Rhinarc with Carnosaur.

    Then play bad news, attack, and win (since Ancient Terrazon killed the AI sand viper, and the AI scorpion wasp is exhausted from blocking carnosaur)

    Yes, you do need to play Noble Firemane, even though you don't do anything with it. I tried it without playing noble firemane and for some reason the AI blocks correctly in that instance.

    submitted by /u/RJrules64
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    Unpopular Opinion: the turn timer is still too long.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    In the past they've nerfed combo and control and I think they could accomplish much the same task of raining on the parade of those players by simply forcing quicker play.


    submitted by /u/Ergo-Ogre575
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