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    Monday, November 23, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Some statistics after 300+ Gauntlet games

    Eternal Card Game Some statistics after 300+ Gauntlet games

    Some statistics after 300+ Gauntlet games

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Some statistics after 300+ Gauntlet games

    Being Corona-bored I decided to log my gauntlet games for a while. Mostly to check if and how often the gauntlet deck get power screwed. The short answer is that they do get screwed at times, but in my 300 games they only missed 3 power turn 3 in 6 games and 4 power turn 4 in 21 games.


    Anyway, I think they just run a lot of power draw cards especially in the multicolor decks, which explains why the mono-color ones get power screwed more often. Interestingly there are no 4F decks what I have seen.

    What did impress me was the number of different Gauntlet decks though. In my 300 games I faced 70+ different decks not counting bosses.

    1F: 7

    2F: 59

    3F: 4

    5F: 2

    When it came to bosses it was less diverse, more than one fourth of my boss fights were against the Burn Scars boss. I did win more often than what I thought I did though, but that just shows you only remember your losses. :) And yes, Sudden death is the worst boss as I suspected, the only boss where I have below 50% winrate.


    submitted by /u/TheDoomfarer
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    Who is the world champion?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:45 AM PST

    I know who it is, but I think it is terrible of DWD to not post more on the website or other digital channels (except for a few words on twitter) They have not delivered the hype or the attention worlds should have! There are probably reasons but Im very dissipointed

    The lack of hype kinda makes me question another year of OP from DWD

    submitted by /u/JockeD1
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    New Player - Where to start?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Hello guys I'm a new player to Eternal and need some directions.

    I have played the tutorial and some of those special AI modes (the one you draft a deck and the other you take a constructed deck to a series) and haven't touched pvp since i started. I think I made a mistake and bought one pre-made deck with cards that have already rotated out of the meta. The thing is, I felt a little bit overwhelmed by the information the game throws at me and got a little confused on where to start.

    Just as a context: I have played MtG for about 10 years so I'm familiar with most mechanics and concepts we heave here. I have also played Mythgard, an excelent CCG with a lot of complexility and strategy involved.
    With all that said, I am a competitive player that have reached the highest ladder rank in every CCG I played, and want more info on the competitive scene in eternal, I came from Mythgard because I heard here we have big tourneys so wanted to know more about them.

    Also, a lot of typical new player questions:

    - where do I go from here?

    - How is the best way to build collection?

    - How long do you guys think I will take to have a reasonable competitive collection?

    (Considering I have around 30m - 1h of play each day, and a little more on weekends)

    - Any advice on how to spend the resources ?

    - How does the rotation work ?

    - Where can I check decklists ?

    - Do we have a color wheel ?

    - Craft priority list for legendaries?

    I know I asked a lot, so sorry for that and thanks to anyone who answers any of these questions. Only one more question regarding my favorite deck archetype of all times:

    - Do we have dredge/self-mill and/or reanimator in this game??

    Thanks, I hope you guys see me on the highest ranks of ladder and top spots of tourneys soon. I also hope to see you there ;)

    submitted by /u/lucasHipolito
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    Vlog: Inside Worlds testing with The Barbarian Camp

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Draft Video - Praxis

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Draft Video - Praxis


    We are drafting Eternal Draft packs first, but still getting to play with some sweet Argent Depths cards. Let's find out how a praxis deck does in this limited format.


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Kerendon / Junk Ultimate Broti Mandrake Deck - Expedition Game Play & Deck Tech

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Very cool matchmaking, DWD

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:23 PM PST

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