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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Making the Promo Work - Jolu, the Gift-Giver

    Eternal Card Game Making the Promo Work - Jolu, the Gift-Giver

    Making the Promo Work - Jolu, the Gift-Giver

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Jolu, the Gift-Giver feels like a good build-around promo. It has a unique (and in some niche cases, outright debilitating) effect, and decent stats for its cost. In the Expedition format, it's a Mandrake-destroyer. Most playable mandrakes are cheap, and the deck is built to chain ultimate triggers. So for this holiday season as my gift to you, I present you with the answer to Expedition Mandrakes.

    Jolu, the Gift-Giver can remove threats from your opponent's side of the board before they become threatening. Steal their The Merriest Mandrake and give them a Passionate Stonehammer in return. Bonus points if it's already used up its berserk. Shoaldredger is completely nullified as a threat in this deck, because its cost will almost always be 1 or 0, meaning we can trade literally any of our units for a 7/6 beatstick.

    Tavrod, Auric Financier does a bit to meddle with the Mandrake strategy as well. Some of the best mandrakes don't have square stats, so The Merriest Mandrake dies when Tavrod drops, Goliath Flytrap loses its staying power, and Shadowcreeper becomes a chump-blocker.

    Jolu, the Gift-Giver doesn't really fit with the valkyries... or any tribe in the expedition format... but she does her job of disrupting the enemy's unit-based gameplan in just about any matchup.


    submitted by /u/JaxxisR
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    Farming Eternal Ep81: The Tribes of Empire of Glass

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep. 81 of Farming Eternal. This week HatsonLamps and Patrick discuss the 5 tribes of the Empire of Glass. What makes them tick? What do they look like? What are the pay-offs? What are the weaknesses? Everything you could ever want to know.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep.81 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep81-the-tribes-of-empire-of-glass

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win ( Set 10 ) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G9UfwKbZR9n0oqWCD6C544GoFcutc3FCVBBqvh1Dp4A/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Getting back into eternal

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Hello, I used to play eternal when it was new on the market, and recently thought I would try to get back into it. I have cards from the first three sets (up to dusk road) and a few thousand gold and shift. Is there a website to see what some of the tier decks are so I can get back into versus, and do I need to buy campaigns to get the cards for them or will forge/gauntlet be enough to get my collection going again?

    submitted by /u/anditecture
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    [Expedition] Masters with Combrei Soldiers

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:53 AM PST


    I already posted a (somewhat lengthy) description with the deklist, but I'll post it here too:

    The general gameplan of the deck is pretty straight forward - flood the board with units as fast as possible, then either overwhelm them with the pressure or use Argo to stun the enemy board and swing in with everything. There is some added complexity with the amplify cards and exhaust effects, which impose constant decision points between value and tempo. Bastion Garrison simplifies this problem by giving every amplify guaranteed value, and I was always happy to see a copy in the mulligan. I had a 60% win rate the last 20 games to masters which felt roughly typical for the deck, and I know it could have been even higher if I played better and fully optimized the deck.

    Daring Swordmaster
    This card is certainly the strangest 4-of in the list, but it actually felt pretty good for me. Let me be clear: I almost never play the 4 cost 1/1, as it is in the deck for the free draw and as a good plunder/market target. Since this deck almost always has a soldier on the field, the fate text has a high chance of going off. Whether or not this means the card is worth running is still something I am trying to figure out.

    Notable Exclusions
    Many exclusions of the deck (including the most notable, Speed Grafter) were cut because I'm just too stubborn to craft them. I definitely would try out speed grafter if I had it, probably replacing the etchings and cutting Daring Swordmaster or Relay Point for any extra power. Other cards I wanted to try include a fourth copy of Martial Efficiency and a third copy of Argo Ironthorn. Some other cards that were cut include Shock Troops (too fragile), Asri Scout (weak body/awkward effect), and Mask Maker. Mask maker could have potential and I haven't tested him much, but I worry he doesn't do enough for the overall game plan.

    I liked where the market ended up, but if speed grafter was put in, I would try The Speaking Circle in place of Ubsat and Celebration instead of Cast Out. The rest is pretty self-explanatory; Whisper is permafrost protection, Edict is good for a counterspell and Hysteria is good for slow unit decks like Mandrakes.

    submitted by /u/scaredghost5
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    Shadowscar Midrange Deck Tech

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Question about tutors

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:04 PM PST

    When you tutor for a card does the rest of your deck order remain unchanged? Corollary, if it does, when you tutor a card that you have multiples of does it take one at random or the topmost copy?

    submitted by /u/Snip3
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    TNE Expedition Tournament Metagame (Weeks 3 & 4)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Trove Sac (Throne)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST

    Rust Grafter is the only valkyrie without flying

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:54 PM PST

    Every other one in the game has flying, or can either get it pretty easily via Entomb or Ally or something. Strange to see it with Decay. The card is obviously unplayable. /s

    submitted by /u/drewbagel423
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    Expedition - Three control decks with different philosophies

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST


    I'd like to share with you three decks that I made recently, all more or less control decks.

    I'm not a competitive player (I'm usually around Gold I / Diamond III on the ladder) so those lists are not fine-tuned but they can give you some ideas if you like what you see ^^ Please let me know if you find good improvements for them, of course!

    The first one is Eat your Beacon, obviously centered around the relic [[Beacon of the Reach]] but also with some "Ultimate" and "Discard" synergies, as well as proper ramp. I have a lot of fun playing it.

    Then we have One Punch Deck, an unitless deck, except for one (hence the title). It plays 4x [[Realign the Stars]] and an Amplify toolbox to go with it. The relics in the market should help you win the game, once you're in control of the board.

    Finally we have Metallic Bones, a Grenadins control deck that relies mostly on [[Knucklebones]] to finish your opponent.

    Thank you for reading me and have fun playing Eternal.

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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