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    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Rakano Blitz in Gauntlet

    Eternal Card Game Rakano Blitz in Gauntlet

    Rakano Blitz in Gauntlet

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:02 AM PST

    The Misplay - #58 - 2nd Annual Community Survey

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Thank you so much to the community! We received over 300 responses. Like we said last year, we acknowledge we didn't go to survey making school. We took your feedback and tried to make the survey better. This survey is incredibly useful for us. We hope you find value in looking at the full results. We hope DWD finds value (or at least looks).


    What did we learn?

    1. 75% of you still don't listen to Eternal podcasts (up 15% this year).
    2. Throne is the most popular mode.
    3. 43% of the population identifies as free-to-play.
    4. Content creators feel supported by the player base more so than by DWD (by a lot).
    5. Players who participate in ECQs would like 3+ weeks of lead time.

    And more...

    Listen to the show for a full breakdown! We compare answers year to year.

    Because we're not experts (and we said we would), we're sharing the raw survey data with anyone that wants to review it and make better conclusions than we did. It's okay; we don't mind. It's why we're releasing it. Save a copy to your Drive. If you're a visual person and you want to see the pie graphs, you can. Open the raw data (link below), select a column, and go to View > Chart.

    Results can be found here:

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord | Website

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Downdark scrounger and haunting scream

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Haunting scream starts with 'play a..' And the summon keyword says 'does something when played' yet I do not get the option to sac an allied creature when I tried to combine the two. May be a UI glitch as I was hovering my finger on Sodii when I played the scream. Probably not though. Happy mandraking holidays! Kinda hard to climb ladder, I believe I reported this bug a couple times right when scrounger's set dropped, but I'm not dusting the deck this time.

    submitted by /u/OrneryHoneybee
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    Understanding Krull

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Can someone please explain the benefit of Krull's fate ability? I have been assuming it was there as an additional cost of using him. However, in reading about his inclusion in mandrake decks, 2 different people mentioned that you aren't including him for his board presence but his fate ability. I cannot understand the benefit of dealing damage to yourself with no other effect. What am I missing? Apparently it's so obvious to the rest of the world that some is making a joke about combining the effect of Krull's fate ability and Know When to Hold'em's text with the title "playing Eternal as DWD intended"

    Sorry for wall of text, any explanation much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Shortbald3715
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    Best Campaign for me

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    So I have enough gold to get one of the campaigns. I'm hoping to get some advice on which would be best for me.

    I mainly play gauntlet as I just like going through the battles and am not super into being competitive. Is there any campaign that has more cards that are used in more gauntlet/AI battles? Or is there a specific campaign that everyone feels is the best to start out with?

    submitted by /u/nstack1228
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    Changes I'd like to see for Mandrakes

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    My New Year's wish list:

    1. Merriest Mandrake: Take off the 2 life gain or make it 0/3 (I'm reluctant to touch it but it's probably needed)
    2. Shadowcreeper: Make Ultimate cost 7 instead of 5 (EDIT: Much backlash from the replies I see but I think its a good target to tone down all the Ultimates without touching Vine Grafter & Darkwater Vines, which are very unlikely to be nerfed)
    3. Shoal Stirrings: Make it "draw" the 2 units, not play them. (Its bloody OP, another suggestion is to make it cost 6 or 7 instead)

    Thank you, that is all :)

    EDIT: Just wanted to add that I actually love this set and all its new innovations and interesting mechanics, so hats off to DWD. I'm not here to criticise or be negative but just trying to make the game MORE fun and less frustrating by pointing out a few needed nerfs from my own opinion. Every new set has their overpowered cards and thats always how the game has been run by DWD, I'm just here to dicuss my point of view so hope this can turn into a constructive discussion. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/DaLoneWolf_1
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    There sure are a lot of people playing that TP snowball yeti deck in expedition.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Also TS mandrake, but I've been seeing more of the yeti. Kind of annoying deck to deal with, but I'm not complaining about that. More of the fact that's it boring playing against the same thing over and over again. Kind of hard to do videos for expedition cause it boring seeing me play against the same deck over and over again.

    But I do understand that people just want to climb the ladder for that free shiny legendary. I've stop trying to climb the ladder my self. Too stressful. Have enough stones to craft all the legendaries I want at this point.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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