• Breaking News

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Playing for four years, first shiny legendary...and it started with a silver box!

    Eternal Card Game Playing for four years, first shiny legendary...and it started with a silver box!

    Playing for four years, first shiny legendary...and it started with a silver box!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    Can we please have access to full art of all the cards?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Would really help me make better thumbnails for my videos.

    Edit: can even just be in game access only so people can't just random find art on google and steal it. LoR and Mythgard does it that way.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    This Week's TNT Throwdown Tournament

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:10 AM PST

    marvin_the_imp here from Team Not-Tavrod announcing this week's TNT Throwdown. It will be in Expedition format. Registration is now open! (Edit: The tournament runs from Wednesday to Sunday).

    We've been running weekly tournaments in various formats (peasant, serf: a format our discord worked up, and hero: 100 card singleton). If you'd like to get in on the action, join the discord and come play!

    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    (Eternal Card Game) Unwelcome - Vara Gameplay

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    Opinion: the new cards add too much variance to Expedition

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:58 AM PST

    I fell Throne is fine for now because the fast clocks (Yetis, Kira, combos) and hard control decks punish any strategy that relies on synergy. Expedition has no similar answers to swingy cards like:

    1. Speaking Circle: worst case is getting 3 free meh spells and locking the opponent's sites in hand, best case is a factionless 6-drop that answers the opponent's board and forces them to deal with a 4 health site or get drowned by value/Queen
    2. Sling of the Chi: drop one early enough and your units eat theirs on entry and draw cards forever, or fail to find one in 20+ draws while your opponent draws another Sling after your maindeck/market relic removal kills theirs
    3. Valkyrie-Warp: upgrades Heavy Artillery to a brutal 2-for-1 by leaving a 5+ power body after killing a unit, Steyer's Tower is a free draw (from Warp) and gives an extra spell for +2 cards vs playing from hand
    4. Fate: mulligan into multiple Broken Contract vs top-decking one later, Invasive Creeper chain draw, Krull pinging and wasting a card draw if you don't have anything to reanimate or outright killing you in multiples vs most OP card currently that is worth splashing and adding KWtHe

    It's annoying to lose to top-decking multiple power, or that 12+12 damage Stonehammer when I fail to find or hold an answer, but hey, that's variance. Most games that involve the above list feels like there's no way I can win unless the opponent screws up. Similarly, it feels sad when I land turn 3 Sling and merrily wipe each of my opponent's units while they fail to find their own Slings at turn 6+.

    submitted by /u/chewbooboo
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    New Android Update really screws with Life Point Assessment

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST

    Align the Tesseract and Overloader

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:38 AM PST

    Just wanted to bump awareness that Overloader currently does not work with certain Amplify effects and this is a bug.

    Its been over a month that the set came out, I would expect something like this to be fixed by now, or offer card refunds.

    submitted by /u/Dragfie
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    I came back from a break and now I'm leaving for good

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:01 AM PST

    So I left about a year ago right when expedition came out and have been playing eternal for the past 2 months and outside of draft I really dislike the current game. I've gotten to gold in throne and expedition in that time. I really hate most of the 2 or 3 for 1 cards in general that have been added. I feel forced to run 4x copies in any deck they fit the colors for. Even things like the cyclix powers feel gamebreaking. It's not a specific deck issue I've been having since every deck now has these cards. Most of the cards don't even have a hard requirement to activate the effects from krul to shadow icaria. The new power creep just isn't fun for me.

    submitted by /u/magnarn1
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