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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Bonus Bonanza Event This Weekend!

    Eternal Card Game Bonus Bonanza Event This Weekend!

    Bonus Bonanza Event This Weekend!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Farming Eternal Ep96: Revelations Draft Set Overview

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Welcome to Farming Eternal Ep. 96. The new set came out last week and Patrick hasn't played the new set. HatsonLamps played the new set but didn't prepare. So, they decided to combine their powers and summon someone who has done both and have them on the show. So, thank you who_does_that for answering their clarion call. Patrick, HatsonLamps and who_does_that go through all the new mechanics. They talk over all the interesting cycles and through each signpost 2 color common and uncommon. Then for some practical advice, each of them gives their top 3 commons for each color. Then, they.... actually, nothing else happened because by this time all of them become delirious and die of dehydration. So, the world may never know what comes next.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep.96: https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep96-revelations-draft-set-overview

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    One of the tightest draft games I have played recently

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    My ideal patch, written in imitation DWD style (again)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    So, since people liked it the last time I did it, I thought I'd do an "imitation DWD style patch", in anticipation of the upcoming patch.

    It's time for another Eternal balance patch. While we're been overall pleased with the impact the recent expansions and new set have made on the metagame, we would like to take this patch to address some issues building up over time, particularly in throne.

    As more and more cards with alternative costs, thresholds, and synergies enter the pool of throne cards, this sets the bar higher and higher for "fair" decks--those that pay full price for their cards and win through conventional combat and board interaction. While we aren't averse to decks that take a different approach in their game plan, it is concerning when players feel forced to only do that, or to play decks specifically tailored against that, as the lack of variety may cause too many frustrating or repetitive gameplay experiences.

    Another issue is the overall effectiveness of certain resource-generating cards at contesting the board. Simply, in Eternal, there are effectively three types of units: those whose value comes from their ability to attack and block, such as Auric Record-Keeper, those that generate resources with a weaker body, such as Helio, and those that can do both, albeit at higher cost, such as Rizahn or Grodov's Stranger. Understandably, when a cheap resource-generating unit is also able to contest the board, this becomes problematic. This patch will hope to address this as well.

    To this end, we have made the following changes:


    Crafty Occultist: 3/3 -> 2/2. Crafty occultist now places cards on the bottom of your deck instead of discarding them.

    As a unit that can often place a player ahead on resources by discarding a card that generates another with fate (such as Jotun Hurler), or a unit drawn with Know When To Hold 'Em for its fate ability, Crafty Occultist's ability to brawl with other units of its cost that do not provide such benefit proved to be a bit too much. Furthermore, we determined that the ability to activate discard effects was too much excess power, so we're shaving some excess power off.

    Grenahen: 1/3 -> 1/2, now bottoms instead of discards.

    Similarly to Crafty Occultist, Grenahen offers both too much benefit as a resource generator, and as a blocker. Simply, a unit that replaces itself the majority of the times it's played should not also be stonewalling aggressive 1-drops. Furthermore, its ability to trigger discard effects on top of its self-replacement proved to be a bit too much. To this end, we're toning down both its ability to block, and its ability to enable discard strategies.

    Darkwater Vines: gains regen on ultimate and ultimate now only discards three cards.

    Ever since its release, darkwater vines has been instrumental in both enabling discard strategies, and in quickly slowing down aggressive strategies, for a tiny cost of 1 power. To this extent, we're slightly reducing the rate at which it enables discard strategies, while also giving aggressive strategies a little bit more time to react to a darkwater vines played early in the game without an immediate follow-up to enable its ultimate.

    Evenhanded Golem: now costs 4 for a 2/2.

    As more and more even-costed cards make their way into the throne format, including even-costed cards that can immediately access the market, such as vine grafter, the weaknesses of an evenhanded golem's inability to play on curve continue to be alleviated with every new release. One of the most powerful features of evenhanded golem, ultimately, is to enable many more opening hands simply by virtue of its ability to draw more power early in the game, trading off with a 2/1, and being a fantastic topdeck later in the game as well. To this extent, we're increasing its cost and reserving it as a card draw option for decks that absolutely must have it, but opening up design space for future even-costed cards.

    Elding of the Final Hour: cost changed from 5SS to 5SSS. Discard influence threshold increased from SS to SSS and now requires 1 power to play the discard ability.

    To the surprise of next to nobody, Elding of the Final Hour has made her impact immediately felt across both throne and expedition. Simply put, a free 4/4 on turn 2 with upside is too much. And the small but non-negligible chance of multiple Elding discards early on from a hypothetical curve of darkwater vines into sporefolk can create a very negative experience to play against. To this end, we're slowing down both the turn she can be activated, and making it so that players discarding her will need to pay at least a little bit of power for the large boost in board presence that her discard ability offers.

    Clear the Way: Roadmakers now cost 7.

    While we've been happy with the relic sacrifice synergies that clear the way has enabled, the ability for the deck to play a potential turn 9-drop (such as Kairos, Grand Champion) as early as turn 3 can create the potential of ending games before they even begin. The card's play pattern also restricts future design space for relics with summon or entomb abilities, such as Amber Lock and Bottled Storm. While we're not entirely averse to the play pattern of using a reweave or fair exchange on a roadmaker to play a much more expensive unit than would normally be possible at that point in the game, we would like to lower the ceiling on just how extreme this play pattern can be.

    Eccentric Officer: now costs 5 and is a 1/1. Now shuffles the cost of cards that cost between 0 and 7 power.

    Similar to the Clear the Way combo above, Eccentric Officer combo decks revolve around playing very expensive units much sooner than they'd normally be able to see play. However, Eccentric Officer combo decks also a particularly notorious type of deck--ones that put much of their foundational combo into the market to fish out in very repetitive play patterns. To that extent, we're coming down hard on this deck for its notoriously repetitive play patterns.

    Krull, Xumuc Occultist: text changed to the first time a player would take damage from any copy of Krull this turn, play a copy of a unit from their void less than or equal to your remaining power.

    While we've been happy and grown accustomed to the interesting deck construction that Krull encourages, there are still some edge cases to address with her--namely the "Krull smuggle juggle". Casting know when to hold 'em for a second Krull with multiple merchants in the void can allow a player to play multiple units for no power. Sometimes, this may result in a player using their life total to play an exorbitant amount of power's worth of merchants from the void while still having power left over. While this play pattern can be exciting, it can similarly feel extremely frustrating to play against, particularly where certain fieldwide lifesteal abilities are involved. To that end, we're limiting Krull's ability to play a unit from a given player's void to once per turn. We believe she will still be a very powerful component of many proactive shadow decks going forward, even without this extreme edge case.

    Kairos, Grand Champion: summon now only draws cards if you have a unit with 4 or more attack in play. Now requires TTT to provide maximum power and FFF for your other units to deal damage to enemies.

    Ever since his release, Kairos has been one of the most prevalent units to cheat out, despite being designed to be played fairly. To this end, we're making some changes to make him less rewarding to cheat out, while leaving his intended play pattern mostly untouched.

    Aymar, Dark Summoner: now contains the text "your units cannot have their cost reduced to below 1."

    Eternal's separation of cost and influence is an aspect about the game that allows a unique exploration of various resources, and creates a much smoother digital play experience than other competing card games. However, sometimes (hopefully rarely), this may mean the occasional corner case that doesn't create particularly compelling gameplay experiences. While the Aymar Glimpse deck is a novel idea, it's a deck with fairly few decision points, a particularly unenjoyable mirror match, and deck mechanics that cause a lot of time spent waiting for animations. To this extent, we're addressing this particular play pattern, while leaving her abilities as a powerful accelerator for larger threats fully intact.

    Azindel, Revealed: now makes factionless Helici.

    With the introduction of Elding and Life for a Life, Reanimator has returned in full force, and perhaps more powerful than it has ever been. While Vara, Fate-Touched is an iconic card with an extremely unique ability, we feel Azindel is less so, and the synergy of reanimating Azindel with Vara to create an entire board in one turn has grown repetitive and stale. To this end, we're removing Azindel's ability to create additional Vara triggers, and giving reanimator players a chance to explore for new ways of tuning their decks. In the meantime, Azindel will continue to be as strong as he ever was in other, more conventional decks. Plus, Vara hates Azindel anyway, and last time we checked, she sent him packing.

    Hardiness: cost increased from 1P to 2P. Now gives a unit +3 health this turn.

    While the overloader machinations combo deck works mostly how we'd like it to, the combination of having the play, along with overloader, hardiness, and diabolic machinations mean that the deck could end the game before an opponent could even get to five power, or even sooner where multiple copies of the card were involved. This is simply too fast for a deck with such inevitability. To that extent, we're slowing it down in order to give more time for opponents to attack or find their answers.

    Sling of the Chi: now only prevents your units from being transformed (in addition to its other current functionality).

    While we're generally happy with the cadre of units that Sling of the Chi incentivizes to see play that see play nowhere else, we're also fans of counterplay. One particularly irritating feature regarding Sling of the Chi was the card's ability to prevent counterplay directly to itself by disabling primal-based relic transformation interaction. We're fixing that, while still retaining its ability to keep your units from being turned into little seeds.

    Of course, no patch would be complete without various buffs, so we've made the following new buffs to give some push to certain archetypes.

    Eclipse Dragon: cost changed from 5FF to 4FFF.
    Crimson Firemaw: changed from 4FF for a 5/4 to 3FFF for a 4/4.
    Shugo's Scepter: now costs 1 less if you control an oni.
    Danica, Runed Witch: is now a 4/5, from 3/4.
    Angelica, Praxis Infuser: now is a 4/7 (from 3/8) and now has endurance.
    Feral Mandrake: now requires PP (down from PPPP) to return from your void exhausted when you transform a card.
    Patroller's Glaive: cost reduced to 1, from 2.
    Clodagh, Ascending: is now a 3/2, from 3/1.
    Rolling Spikeback: now costs 3TP.
    Vanquisher's Blade: vanquish spellcraft cost reduced from 3 to 2.
    Rujin, Conflict Within: cost reduced to 5FFFJJJ, from 6FFFJJJ
    Ferno, Rageborn: stats increased from 3/3 to 4/4.
    Encroaching Darkness: cost changed to 4SSSS, from 8SSS.
    Lethrai Darkstalker: now a 4/4 that can only attack at night, from a 0/4 that gained +4 ATK at night.
    Lawman's Sidearm: cost changed to 3JJ from 4J.
    Kaleb's Persuader: is now a 3/2 for 3FFF, from 3/3 for 4FF.
    Hotbarrel Revolver: now costs 4FFF, from 5FF.
    Sandblast Mage: ultimate cost reduced to 2, from 4.
    Telut, Queen's Hand: is now a 5/5 for 6JJ.
    Daraka, Queensguard: is now a 6/7 for 5PPPP.
    Spitflame Draconis: now costs 5FFFPPP.
    Clutch of Talons: cost changed to 4PPPP. Amplify cost reduced from 2 to 1.
    Siege Train: is now a 6/5, from a 6/4.

    Additionally, we've chosen to revisit some cards we've nerfed in the past to revitalize various archetypes and believe that the throne environment can handle some, or all of their old power.

    Ubsat, the Saviour: is now once again a 6/5.
    Auralian Merchant: reverted to 0/4, from 0/3.
    Gentle Grazer: now is a 2/2 for 4TTT.
    Telut, the Iron Gate: surge ability now lasts until the start of your next turn.
    Crownwatch Press-Gang: is now a 2/2 for 4JJ.
    Friends In Low Places: bonus influence requirements reverted to 6F and 6J, respectively.
    Ijin, Walking Armory: can now play a 4/4 weapon on herself once again.
    Bulletshaper: reverted to a 2/3 for 2FJ, from 3/3 for 3FJ.
    Rizahn, Greatbow Master: now requires four spells in your void to gain lifesteal.
    Red Canyon Smuggler: reverted to a 2/2 for 3FJ.
    Ironthorn, Lawman: reverted to a 3/2 for 2FJJJ.
    Soulfire Drake: cost changed from 6FFF to 5FFFF.
    Vicious Highwayman: reverted to a 4/2 for 4FFSS.
    Haunting Scream: reverted to 2PS that can only play a unit with cost 4 or less from your void.
    Argenport Instigator: reverted to a 3/3, from 3/2.
    Teacher of Humility: reverted to a 3/3, from 3/2.
    Darkblade Cutpurse: reverted to a 2/2, from 2/1.
    Slumbering Stone: reverted to now play the gargoyle.
    Tinker Overseer: reverted to a 2/2, from a 2/1.
    Acclaimed Artisan: reverted to require mastery 4 (from mastery 6)
    Shen-ra, Unbreakable: reverted to require mastery 8 (from mastery 10)
    Backbreaker: cost reverted to 5SS, from 6SS.
    Smuggler's Stash: cost reverted to 5FS, from 6FS.
    Heart of the Vault: reverted to a 6/6 for 6, from a 7/7 for 7.
    Torch: reverted to fast.
    Vara, Vengeance-Seeker: reverted to 3/4, from 3/3.
    Channel the Tempest: cost changed to 8PPPPP, from 9PPPP
    Xo of the Endless Hoard: cost partially reverted to 7FFFF, from 8FFFF
    Frontier Jito: now costs 1FF, from 2F
    Garden of Omens: reverted to 3 health, from 2.
    Thunder of Wings: Inferno Brood reverted to a 4/2, from a 4/1.
    Vital Arcana: now restores 3 life, up from 2.
    Desecrate: reverted to 2SS and slow, from 3SS and fast.
    Helio, the Skywinder: cost changed to 5PP, from 6P.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Salty Draft - A unexpected draft

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Finally got to Masters! Soldiers got me there!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Constructed decks

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Haven't played constructed in a while and with the new expansion would like to know some good decklists for either throne or expedition.Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ssj1997
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    Balance patch intended right before Telemokos's tourney...given how little time the set's been out, I hope we don't see a knee-jerk change that obliterates a deck archetype.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:13 PM PDT

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