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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Anti-dredge/void deck?

    Eternal Card Game Anti-dredge/void deck?

    Anti-dredge/void deck?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Anyone got a good deck to counter the [[Elding of the Final Hour]] decks in Throne or Expedition? Personally I don't care if it's that good against other decks, that'd just be a bonus. I tried a deck with [[Black Iron Manacles]] and [[Tasbu, the Tempter]], and while Manacles was alright, Tasbu was too slow and not that good when it activated.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/plutonicHumanoid
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    New Sealed League: Revelations

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Speaking Circle feels like a miss in Expedition right now

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    It feels like a lot of the good spells rotated out, and a lot of non-impactful "find power" sorts of spells are really cluttering the options. Yes, hitting the ultimate will always be worthwhile, but I find Speaking Circle very rarely finding cards to impact the board or protect itself these days. At best, I'm seeing silence and stun effects from time to time.

    As a 6-cost site, my thought is that it's currently just not worth it to run this until the spell pool improves, but I'm curious what others' thoughts are on the matter.

    submitted by /u/ahniwa
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    Cards you like from the new set?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Not necessarily the strongest cards but also cards that you personally like to include in your decks, pick in drafts, or just make jank brews with.

    submitted by /u/jakobjaderbo
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    Spellcheck is a thing guys! ��

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Exped is worse than throne - a suggestion

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Way less variety- I am literally playing 80% plus dredge decks.

    One really overlooked problem I'm disappointed in Dire Wolf for: They knew this would be a 100% dredge exped meta. Yet they took away so many of the "offensive" mill cards that could counteract it. Mournful deathcap, Tome of Horrors, Heartstopper, Dream Snatcher, most importantly Solitude.

    If those cards were in Exped, self-mill decks would at least be a little afraid for getting milled.

    If you're going to totally push a single type of deck, shouldn't you also at least allow the cards to counter that deck?

    submitted by /u/Gastellier
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    Deck List: Mono Fire Aggro

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    Hey guys

    This is my take on Mono Fire Aggro. I made a deck tech video, as well as some gameplay vids.

    Here's the link to my YouTube channel and the Deck Tech Video (will add as soon as the upload is done):

    If you don't want to watch a video, short pros of Monofaction decks. Seal of Devotion, Warp Power. Flash Fire. Baby Jekk. Ghodan. Clodagh Ascending. Prism Golem. Veteran Merchenary. Begin Anew. Fire Etchings. Granite Waystone.The Power base is easy in Monofaction decks, you don't get screwed as often, where obviously the Factionless Powers have an opportunity cost. I run a Petition to fetch any Utility Power, like a Fire Symbol, a Granite Coin, a Granite Waystone, a Shugo Standard. A Broken Contract. Very handy and consistent. That's it. Enjoy. I might make a 75 card deck but again, I like flexibility. Reasons why 150 card decks are valid: Mill is a thing, Turn to Seed is a thing. Pumpwerk's Monstrosity. Options off Tutors.

    I find Markets very important in any deck so let me talk about that real quick: Bore, best Relic removal in Fire. Scythe Slash, decent combat trick and Plunder - so you don't need power in the Market. I run Exploit in Shadow Markets for a similar effect. Kaleb's Persuader, very strong Weapon, replaces itself, can also fix power issues. Good with Double Damage, gives reach. Can be fetched with the one of Deheen Blitz. Hellfire Valkyrie, my favourite card of the Revelations set. It's great with Charge, as you can hit something for 3, a Site, the Avatar, a Unit. And if it sticks, you can start drawing cards at reduced cost. If you had 5 power, you can play an 8 drop, like a Kaleb Claimless, Kaleb, Executioner, Kaleb, Uncrowned Prince, all very strong effects. The last card in the Market is Inferno Den, which gives Charge while potentially killing something with Conflagrate, making Reckless Elementals with Inferno Dance and giving Bottoms Up, which can be a lot of damage. But the passive Charge is the main allure. So yes, you want Hellfire Valkyrie to have Charge. For this I use the card I like 2nd best in Revelations, Blitz Stone. It deals 2 for 2 and then gives +1 attack and Charge to the next unit. Very strong effect.

    Market access comes from Rust Grafter, Ixtun Merchant and one Fire Etchings. Wasteland Broker can put multiple Inferno Dens or Hellfire Valkyrie into the top 20 cards. Or another Wasteland Broker. Or a Merchant. You will see, it's a strong deck. So much for now, if you are interested, watch the Deck Tech Video on my YouTube channel. Thank you for your time.

    Let's talk about another very important aspect in this deck: the ramp potential. The main card for this is Tota Pioneer. Anytime you draw a second card, you get 2 power. So if you draw Xo you get 2 power for free. If you trigger Granite Waystone, 2 power. If you use Jekk, 2 power. Fire Etchings, 2 power. Petition, 2 power. Dragon Forge, Emblem of Shavka, Galai. It can get out of hand very quickly and the 4 cost +4 attack and Overwhelm is amazing, at times. Also, there's Reactor Forge, a one sided very potent ramp effect that can get you to 6-8-12 very quickly. Miner's Musket can ramp something for 2, very strong effect on a 2 attack Relic Weapon. Enjoy. Again, thanks for your time, have a good day.

    Best regards

    Osidan / Serge Lauper

    Link to the Eternal Warcry page and Deck List: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/niZc1GoclDM/mono-fire-aggro

    submitted by /u/Osidan23
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    If I have to lose 2 games in a row in draft against the same player can I at least not play second in both games?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

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