• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Eternal Card Game hehe gemblazer go brrr

    Eternal Card Game hehe gemblazer go brrr

    hehe gemblazer go brrr

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    2-drop balance be like...

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    New Promo: Gemblazer Cannon

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    What is the point of de-ranking apart from wanting to rage quit

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Playing expedition, here's a fun thing I'm sure many of us have experienced. Playing rank 1-10 opponents through Diamond. No real extra rewards for that. I had the fun of de-ranking into mid DII after 70-something DI. I'm sure it's happened to everyone: playing the same opponents you keep losing to (wrong deck against them), seemingly all day long, followed by a streak of mana screw games.

    What's the point of de-ranking me aside as an extra slap in the face? If you're going to do that DWD how about matching me closer to my current rank vs using some who-knows-what-voodoo to decide I should be playing high rank masters all day long?

    BTW, I generally break into masters and am never even close to top 10, so either the matchmaking is broken, or MMR is broken, or there's just that few people playing, in which case, how about you stop de-ranking me as punishment to playing highly seeded players?

    submitted by /u/Dekula
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    TNE Summer #1 Aymar Talir Combo vs Hooru Kira - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    I Brought Supplies: Expedition Edition

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    I Brought Supplies: Expedition Edition

    I brought supplies to the TNE Throne tournament last night. It was mostly for the memes.

    But what you really need to see is Supply Lines in Expedition! The deck went 21-4 to get me to masters. But as I note in the decklist description, as soon as I hit masters I went on a six game losing streak prior to the addition of card draw to the build.


    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    TNE Summer #1 Aymar Talir Combo vs Spellcrag Davia - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Aymar Talir Combo - Thone Deck Tech

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Can somebody give me one compelling reason to play ranked?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Sitting here trolling noobs in casual with fully premiumed decks and they constantly add me to whine and complain that I'm not in ranked, so I go do ranked and in Bronze III every single opponent has some 100k dust deck with 50 legendaries.

    Why would I bother?

    What a joke this game is.

    submitted by /u/TheApostleJeff
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    Tuesday Night Eternal - Summer leaderboard changes and our new Discord!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    TNE Discord server!

    The TNE crew has created a new Discord server! http://bit.ly/tnediscord

    What this isn't for

    • We will not use this server for event-day communication with the players. We love that DWD provides a space for community events in the main Discord, and don't want to pull the TNE out of that space.
    • While we welcome general chat about the game, this is not meant to compete with the official DWD server or any of the game's other great Discord communities.

    What this is for

    • Chatting about the TNE! The series overall, individual events, etc. Hang out with the players, staff, and fans.
    • Your feedback - while we have surveys and discuss the TNE on various platforms, this is another place to reach out and let us know what you think.
    • Event planning and organization. This server will be the hub for the production side of the TNEs.
    • Annoucements! We have a dedicated announcement channel. You can follow the channel if you want to automatically get TNE news in your own Discord.

    Hope to see you there!

    Summer Season update - Leaderboard points system overhaul

    We're making some tweaks to the leaderboard system for the TNE's Summer Season. Through our recent post-Spring survey (thank you everyone who responded!) and other feedback, many people told us they enjoyed the Spring Season's system and our attempt to balance rewards for participation and performance. However, a significant portion of the players we heard from feel the leaderboard points should tie more closely to wins, instead of a focusing around a flat rate for making the top 8.

    • This as an opportunity to try something new, to see if another system can better serve the series.
    • We want to continue to reward success, but recognize it in the swiss rounds and throughout the top 8.
    • Many players can only play in one of the TNE's alternating time slots. We don't want participation in every event to feel like a requirement for earning a wildcard invitation.

    For the Summer 2021 season, 1 leaderboard point will be awarded for each match win, in both the Swiss and top 8. Each player's six best event results will count towards the leaderboard and its tiebreakers.

    • Invitations are still awarded to event winners, and wildcards slots still go to the remaining top players on the leaderboard.
    • There are no participation points this season. Each match win will be rewarded instead.
    • You can still play more than 6 events - additional events are a chance to get better results (or just spike a win)!

    We will use this system for the Summer Season. We know it's a big change - we hope it addresses our and the players' concerns, but will review how it went in the fall and continue to try improving in the future. Let us know what you think!

    Thank you again to everyone for helping make the TNE such a success! From the players to the viewers, your support has been wonderful. Looking forward to a fun summer with you!

    submitted by /u/PusillanimousGamer
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