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    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Am I the only one who's still interested in Bastion?

    Eternal Card Game Am I the only one who's still interested in Bastion?

    Am I the only one who's still interested in Bastion?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    The last campaign "Hour of Glass" ends with Bastion finally falling as almost all people either die or get brainwashed by the Queen. Talir then jumps back to our reality so we know that any subsequent additions like bundles, campaigns or sets will happen in Myria of the original timeline.

    But I still wanted more lore on the world of Bastion. There's supposed to be ten noble houses, but only a few are explicitly mentioned in the lore articles. Where does the Last Carnosaur come from? What happens with all that illegal Balm and how does it tie to Matriarch Zende? What does Steyer do? Why is Varbuk, Hand of Anarchy not Awakened? What's Bastion's Azindel's actual goal? Why is Learn the Truth still useless (I hoped for Awaken tribal)? So many questions, I know that a lot of people want to go back to good old Argenport and Kosul, but I am left unsatiated.

    Shot-out to /u/LocoPojo who compiled the lore we knew about Bastion into one video.

    submitted by /u/jPaolo
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    Overloader Primer Stream - Tips and Tricks

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Had a great stream today where I played a bunch of overloader combo in expedition and talked about why I think it is criminally underplayed. Feel free to ask questions here and/or check out my channel if you want to get some insights into the deck. Below are links to the list and to the stream VOD.

    Take care and may you always top-deck exactly what you need.




    VOD Link:


    submitted by /u/EarthsOverseer
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    Is there a current, comprehensive explanation of the Eternal lore anywhere? I'd love to read up on it. I'm particularly fascinated with Talir's character and would love to better understand her role in it all.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Title explains it all. I won't be able to respond to each comment. However, I very much appreciate Amy and all help! You all are simply wonderful. ✌

    submitted by /u/albinorican
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    Hearthstone/MtG refugee details his first month experience with Eternal. The player has played Eternal on multiple platforms and has hit Masters on all three formats within 1 month and won a Tuesday Night Eternal Event on his first try. The video talks about gameplay and community experiences alike.


    submitted by /u/Only-Hurry-1297
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    Would be great if Exploit got rotated out of exp. It was fun in the beggining but im so over it.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Is this the curse of every CCG player?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    I found myself after a few games with mlntn's Rat Shrine deck reminded of how lunatic a card Shrine to Karvet is. And, it occurred to me the cards I most want to see nerfed or redesigned are simultaneously Even-Handed Golem (I hate that card largely for flavor reasons; I don't want to reargue its balance) and Shrine.

    I love Shrine. It is precisely in the sweet spot for me, but Great Caiphus' Ghost! It should NOT work the way it does! Even outside of mlntn's deck, as a market card, it remains bonkers. I should not be able to effectively get the card's buff as a spell. Even if it worked the way I think it should…

    Must be in play when the sacrifice takes place. NOT played after I make the sacrifice if it is convenient.

    …It would still be ridiculously swingy.

    Now, I enjoy swingy games. But, I absolutely understand why that card, and more broadly sac as an archetype, catch hate. Carver? Kato? Karvet? Ridiculous. I'll miss it when it gets nerfed… but, it's been four sets now (longer still for EHG, but EHG did get nerfed).

    Do all of you who have played Eternal and similar games for a while eventually experience this? Thinking your favorite and most hated cards both need nerfs? I'm almost salty about my wins. Almost, but not quite. I'm not here to dump on mechanics, just wondering about how people experience the game.

    submitted by /u/6FootHalfling
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    My simple take on 'fixing' the dwindling player base

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    been seeing lots of opinions and suggestions in saving this IP from becoming the next Hex, might as well chip in my cents in it too.

    tired of seeing new players asking which campaign to buy with their meager Shifstones or complaining about shit ton of meta-breaking cards each seasons making their cheap ass decks practically useless even in Casual?

    BRING BACK THE OLD GAUNTLET - more reward VS time, giving the newbies a friendly approach in farming the Golds needed for PvP (hitting Master in Gauntlet is a curse because of the ridiculous RNG with an even less than miniscule payout- you'd better off farming Casual rather than vs the AIs) and enriching the environment for the whales and dolphins who actually spent real money into this game.

    sure if you make old campaign free for new players it wouldn't be fair to older players who spent their hard earned paychecks on Gems and time on grinding the Golds - you could maybe give them an option of half off discount on the prices of older campaigns, or marketing them in a promo bundle like a 3 in 1 pack exclusively for the newbies or even giving free bonuses for playing/login in like most mobile game does (no, this is not the daily quest nor the promo rewards, its the reward just for continuing to play the game) for a month or so to entice them and as a bit of incentive

    the last suggestion is a bit of a meme - make a mode of Casuals, much like Throne mode but no Legendaries at all and the cards are limited to 75, or a mode of Casuals but with random rules akin to the Gauntlet boss. this is basically a mode for newbs to farm their packs in peace without complaining seeing whales' cards in Casual but preferring for a PvP instead of PvE and the latter is for diversity and memes. sure implementing this would cannibalize Casual and Ranked but at least this give the newbs some alternatives in grinding if DWD still wants to keep the current stingy Gauntlet reward formats and even if it doesn't work, you can just revert back to the old ways - right?

    submitted by /u/blekpenter92
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    Which Campaign?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    I haven't played much in like 1 1/2 years. I have $27.5k gold and a free weekend. I haven't bought any bundles in a long time. Looks like Hour of Glass, Stormbreak, Buried Memories, Bastion Rising, and Awakening are the newest.

    Which is the best value for $25k gold? Or is it something else?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/HiroProtagonist14
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