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    Monday, August 30, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The problem with the game isn't the f2p model

    Eternal Card Game The problem with the game isn't the f2p model

    The problem with the game isn't the f2p model

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    This past week or so there had to have been at least 4 posts talking about how to "save" the game and most of these posts talk about the f2p model. About how daunting it is to join when there have been 8 sets and 39 campaigns released. But the issue with eternal and it's small player base isn't the f2p model. Eternal has the absolute best F2p model of any ccg I've ever played. Granted I only spent a lot of time in hearthstone and MTGA.

    In eternal you earn around 500 gold per day for your dailies(1 gold and 2 silver chests award around the same amount of gold not including the pack in gold chests) and you can earn up to 6 silver chests for ranked wins in expedition and throne and infinite chests in gauntlet if you desired to do so.

    But not every one has the time to grind out gauntlet endlessly so lets assume that you are earning 6 silver chests and 4 bronze chests per day 2 from your daily and 4 from whatever else. Each silver chest is around 220 gold and each bronze is around 40 so that's 1480 gold per day which we will just round to 1500 to make the math easier. Which means it would take you roughly 17 days to earn a campaign/bundle and there are currently 14 campaigns/bundles so that's 238 days to earn every single one of them. Not that you NEED to sure some campaigns and bundles (looking at you hour of glass) have some amazing cards but you definitely don't need jekks bounty or horus traver campaign. But you can earn 4 years of content in less than a year. But ah ha! you might say you spent 2/3rds of a year grinding for campaigns you can't make a deck with just campaigns! But thats where the free pack kicks in 238 packs if we use our previous time frame. Assuming you get 3 legendries per 32 packs that's 22.3 legendries which we will round down to 22 and 216 rares.

    Let's convert that all to dust! each pack gives 100 dust flat and if you were to dust all your pulls that would equate to (238100+22800+216*200)=(23800+17600+43200)=84600 dust Which is enough for 2 decks (1 cheap aggro deck and 1 mediumly priced deck). 1 if its VERY expensive.

    This means with JUST the free pack a day in 238 days or 8 months about you have earned 2ish decks. This isn't including the absolute STEAL that leagues are, any of the rank up rewards from gauntlet and forge, the end of month rewards from ranked or the twitch interactive rewards you can get from just turning on an eternal stream in your background.

    If you expect to own all the cards in a ccg thats been out for 5 years now in a year then you are just setting yourself up to be disappointed. I absolutely adore mtg but when i saw the f2p model of mtga and the fact that after rotation you basically had to grind up from the beginning again? yeah fuck that I'm out. Eternal is an absolute gem of a game and it's absolutely stellar f2p model is one of the reasons if any one asks me for a card game they can just casually play I will actively encourage them to play eternal the game is that good.

    But this is where the real issue lies.

    I heard about eternal at my local game store. This was before MTGa hit the field and I saw the shop keep whom I was friends with playing a card game on his laptop and asked oh what's that, to which he told me it's eternal it's pretty good! Most of the mtg people at my LGS played eternal for a fair bit, some of them still played after MTGa hit the board and every single person who played eternal some of whom have been playing mtg for over a decade PRAISED eternal. Yet no one knows that this game exists. If it had not been for my friends at my lgs introducing me to this game I would have NEVER heard of it. And that's the problem. You have to dig really deep to find this game. There are no ad's, no promotions. Nobody hears about this game except word of mouth. I'm not expecting direwolf to shell out the big bucks and try to compete with hearth stone or MTGA that's just a quick way to throw away money. But hell talk to some local game stores pay them to put up posters to promote your game. Most LGS's I've ever been to are run by people who love card games and rather then paying money for a site to promote your game and then having those ads be blocked or straight up ignored cause who the hell pays attention to online ads. Paying an lgs to just hand out a business card that says ETERNAL PLAY FOR FREE NOW AND USE THIS CODE TO UNLOCK 10 FREE PACKS! with some of your art work. Granted I know fuck all about advertising. And this could honestly be a TERRIBLE idea but you are promoting your game to people who already have an interest in this type of thing. Not to mention paying bigger streamers to play a couple of rounds of draft. The reason this game has a dwindling player base is because there are no new players and the reason there are no new players is become no one knows this game exists.

    I'm not gonna pretend that I can "fix" the dwindling player base I'm just some chump who likes card games. But the issue isn't the f2p model far from it, it's the fact that no one knows this game exists.

    submitted by /u/Erectorz
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    Salty Brew - Depth Charged Sentinels

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Saving the game for new players

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    We're all talking about it, here's my take.

    Something I've seen in multiple posts on here is the new players experience with eternal and how they're driven away by the paywall. I think an easy solution would be to take the pack that you get for winning a game each day away and replace it with a voucher for a pack of your choice. This would allow players to decide what sets they want to pull from, whether that's expedition legal or just hunting for a legend from an earlier set for throne.

    Already we are expanding the new players choices and experiences by doing this. They might waste their pack on a dumb set but hey! Choices are good.

    Then, we allow you to convert 4 vouchers into a draft ticket! More choices! You're not grinding for a week to do one draft. The game gave you a free draft, you're going to be less intimidated jumping into this format now.

    But wait! You've saved up 2 draft tickets?! Get the monthly campaign ( whatever campaign DWD chooses that month) in exchange for that campaign!

    Another good change I think, is extend the time you can get a full refund on a card to 24 hours, put a timer next to it when you do showing how much time you have left. This would allow new players to experiment more! They see an awesome legendary they want to mess around with and now can play with it for a bit. Alot of times this is going to be moot because the card they forge they will keep. But it also allows new players to get better by teaching them to evaluate cards better.

    And maybe the refund only works that way for the first 6 months and after that you have to pay 10$ a month to have that one day refund trick.

    submitted by /u/Mijoza0342
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