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    Monday, August 16, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Revelations $5K Draft Open Results

    Eternal Card Game Revelations $5K Draft Open Results

    Revelations $5K Draft Open Results

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Won a game with -6 power

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Experimenting with Forcefield

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    For some reason I hoarded packs for over 2 years. I am looking for fun suggestions what to do with them

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    Congrats to theovermaster, winner of the Revelations $5K Draft Open!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    If you do not mind me rambling in Slovak, I have recorded my way to Top 8

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Eternal History Project updated with today's Open results

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    The Eternal History Project spreadsheet should be up-to-date including today's results.

    Huge congrats to theovermaster taking down the event! We also had 9 players make their first day-2s today!

    For anyone who doesn't know, the EHP is a compilation of all of the (known) day-2 results from the official DWD tournaments. You can find the stats on all the players and look up their individual results.

    submitted by /u/PusillanimousGamer
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    Designing sites: Feln Curse Nightfall Site, Nightshade Mansion.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Hello, this is Osidan

    Feln site: 3 cost, 1 durability. SSPP. Nightshade Manor. Summon: Your opponent draws a card, you discard a card. Give one of your units Stealth, if you so choose. Passive: Encroaching Darkness and Dangerous Bargain cost 2 less while Nightshade Manor is in play. Lucifer Nightshade's Agenda: Winter's Grasp, Vara's Intervention, Numbing Cold. Lucifer Nightshade, 2 cost 4/3, Unseen Elf. Unseen Ally: Overwhelm, if you have 2 Curses in play, as well, give Lucifer Nightshade Charge permanently. Summon: Nightfall. Play a curse on an enemy unit called Guilty Conscience, giving it Reckless and if the unit dies, you draw 2 cards and discard a card. If you discard Rindra, Alu, Zelia, Miris or Fenris Nightshade this way, give Lucifer Deadly and Lifesteal. When Lucifer Nightshade hits the enemy player, they draw a card and discard 2 cards at random and you play a Nictophobia on the enemy. For every 4 damage they take, repeat this once. If Lucifer Nightshade has Overwhelm, Charge, Deadly and Lifesteal and hits the player, play an Encroaching Darkness on them.

    Discussion: Dies to ping. Very weak if it dies as they draw and you discard, so 3 for 1 inherently, 4 for 1 if Vara's Favoured or Snowballed. Payoff: Recursion, Negate, Stun with Nightfall, probably the first option overall, since you will draw a card. You're not to worried about their draw since in Feln Curses Nightfall, you will want them to flood with cards, with Maul at the ready, also they will play only 1-3 spells per turn, due to the power situation. Mostly 1-2, though, and you want to ping them and benefit more from the draw.

    Numbing Cold is a weak negate effect but it protects against VF and SB, any ping spell. But it gets blocked by Aegis and only eats 1 spell. I'd change it that you can't play the same spell again if it was negated unless you pay 2 more - Snowball protection, making other ping effects more desirable.

    Vara's Intervention is a very strong card, -2 health is huge, blocks recursion, can get an Unseen back or give Unblockable. Love it overall.

    Lucifer Nightshade is easily killed, by Sear and Flash Fry, for example. It's telegraphed. I like Nictophobia a lot, as well as Encroaching Darkness, so I tried pushing those, as well as Dangerous Bargain. Both the site and the unit are easily killed.


    submitted by /u/SergeLauper
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