• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Eternal Card Game A new Sealed League begins tomorrow for Chapter 59: Land's Edge - Play to unlock the premium Land's Edge Cardback!

    Eternal Card Game A new Sealed League begins tomorrow for Chapter 59: Land's Edge - Play to unlock the premium Land's Edge Cardback!

    A new Sealed League begins tomorrow for Chapter 59: Land's Edge - Play to unlock the premium Land's Edge Cardback!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    What's a mechanic from another card game you would like to have introduced to Eternal

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Eternal has some really cool mechanics but it's pretty clear that some mechanics are "borrowed" from other sources(which is perfectly fine). But what I really like about eternal is a lot of their mechanics aren't just copy pasted from their source material but altered just enough that there are noticeable differences. What's a mechanic from another card game you would like to see in eternal?

    I personally really love the blink/flicker mechanic of mtg. Being able to reuse enter the battle field/ leave the battle field effects (cough thragtusk cough) leads to some cool brewing ideas. Flicker can be used defensively(to dodge effects/attacks), to generate value(etb effects), or even to combo (KIKI MOTHER FUCKING JIKI) there are so many fun ways to use flicker effects. Just think about all the ways a flicker effect could be utilized in eternal. Refresh aegis/killer, reuse summon effects, reapply stealth. The possibilities are limitless.

    Obviously this is a fairly strong effect but it does require something else to be on the board.

    submitted by /u/Erectorz
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