• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 29, 2021

    Eternal Card Game When you spend 15000 gold to win 5 draft games for a gold chest

    Eternal Card Game When you spend 15000 gold to win 5 draft games for a gold chest

    When you spend 15000 gold to win 5 draft games for a gold chest

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Why is the shuffler in this game so damned bad?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    I've just gone back and reviewed the last 20 games. Of those 20, I was actually able to play 3, maybe? The rest were lost to flood or screw. I honestly don't know why I bother with it any more. I'm sure as hell not spending any more money on it.

    submitted by /u/CigarPete
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