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    Eternal Card Game Eternal Relationship Test

    Eternal Card Game Eternal Relationship Test

    Eternal Relationship Test

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    Many of us go through life wonder who is the right one for us. Well, look no further - take this Eternal Relationship Test and find out exact what card represents the right partner for you! Keep track of your answers throughout the quiz. If the answer has a number in brackets like (5), add five points to your total score. Add up the score you get from all your answers, then check the Relationship Index at the end.

    Eternal Relationship Test

    Which of the following best describes your relationship with your current partner?

    • First Win of the Day
    • Curving out
    • Hardstuck Gold
    • Redraw
    • Last pick

    How would you describe your approach to a relationship?

    • Aggro
    • Midrange
    • Control
    • Infinite Combo
    • Tempo

    I am a

    • Dragon
    • Sentinel
    • Valkyrie
    • Yeti
    • Unseen

    Seeking a

    • Match Win (0)
    • Removal Spell (5)
    • Xenan Crest (10)
    • One Drop (15)
    • Playable Armory Deck (20)

    What is the most important aspect of your desired/current partner?

    • great stats to cost ratio (1)
    • unique ability (2)
    • low influence requirements (3)
    • wins the game on its own (4)
    • playable in expedition (5)

    What is the LEAST desired aspect in your desired/current partner?

    • Reckless
    • Nonfoil
    • Win More
    • Too Expensive
    • Vanilla 2/1

    Relationship Index

    After adding up your total score, check that list item below to find your desired partner!

    1. Your desired partner is Sandstorm Titan. You don't care if they have the personality of a rock as long as they look good. Results are everything and your partner is a 5/6.
    2. Your desired partner is Talir, Who Sees Beyond. You don't care that they can't cook and are useless around the house, you care that they always succeed at what they're passionate about. You're probably a cheerleader who lives through the match wins of others.
    3. Your desired partner is Argenport Instigator. You're ambitious and don't care who you hurt to get what you want, and want a partner who supports that. Be careful - they'll sting you when you inevitably chump attack with them.
    4. Your desired partner is Garden of Omens. You hate the thought of lifting a finger and see your partner as a one stop shop for all your needs. Unfortunately your partner is extemely competent and you will grow fat and spoiled in their care.
    5. Your desired partner is Varret, Hero-in-training. Your partner is nothing special and could be with anybody. However, they're with you and thats all you care about. You're either carefree or apathetic.
    6. Your desired partner is Desecrate. The best things in life cost a lot, but you're willing to pay another price to avoid that. Your partner is rich and lavishes you with gifts but god damn are they a pain.
    7. Your desired partner is Royal Decree. Your partner is insufferable and never lets anyone else have any fun. You dont care because you never liked anyone else anyways. You're probably a Throne player and definitely a terrible person.
    8. Your desired partner is Torch. Your partner can't handle any big shots but will fuck up anyone smaller. A big fish in a small pond. You chose to go for the face.
    9. Your desired partner is Channel the Tempest, and it goddamn well should be. Problem is, everyone wants a piece of that action. Expect high costs and plenty of (re)reading.
    10. Your desired partner is the four cost shadow removal spell. They're clunky, and slow, and not much to look at, but they get the job done in the end. You don't put much value in appearences.
    11. Your desired partner is Teething Whelp. You appreriate both your partners ability to look unassuming and their ability to end a man with a jackknife. You may not be all that mentally stable.
    12. Your desired partner is Cozin Darkheart. They certainly are a good looking choice! You just wish they'd stop bringing you "treasures" every time they met a "dragon". You tend to be very trusting and not ask where shadow on Cinder Dragon came from.
    13. Your desired partner is Sodi the Metamorph. You knew what you wanted in a partner... then you saw THEM and it was all over. You not only believe in love at first sight, you're a hopeless thrall in its clutches.
    14. Your desired partner is Ila and Mizo. You found not one, but two partners, and feel good about adding more over time. You tend to go with the flow and not think too deeply about the moral implications of Polygamy.
    15. Your desired partner is Icaria the Liberator. There's someone for everyone, and your someone is dead because Makto killed them. Nothing can ever fill that void, and you can't play Xenan Crest in Expedition. Reality is often dissapointing.
    16. Your desired partner is the Borderlands Lookout. You value raw physical might very highly and dont notice they use outside assistance to get big. Check out that body though.
    17. Your desired partner is Ghar, Master Sandmage. You appretiate the unique, and you're never going to find someone more unique than this. They do their thing and you just kinda hope they get there.
    18. Your desired partner is the Minotaur Gorehorn. Just kidding, it's an Oni Ronin. You picked the first person you fell in love with and stuck by them through snowballs and hailstorms. You're extremely loyal but not all that aware of the climate.
    19. Your desired partner is Shen-Ra, Unbreakable. They're the complete package, so self sufficient they really don't need you at all. They follow a ton of strict rules to maintain that efficiency - you'd best have a low ego and great attention to detail.
    20. Your desired partner is the Ardent Convert. You don't aim high. You'll settle for anything with a pulse at this point. At least you're doing better than the Armory guy.
    21. or more points. Your desired partner is the Pink Elephant. You seek what can no longer be found, if it ever existed at all. Your desperate search for security armors a vulnerable core that is frequently exposed and honestly, weak to relic removal.
    submitted by /u/aReNGeeEternal
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    My one issue with Eternal

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    It seems like every game I play is non-competitive. I'm not by any means good. Just hit Silver 1 after playing for almost 2 weeks. Very casual. But when I lose I get demolished. I end up with a hand full of sigils and draw nothing. Meanwhile my opponent is building their board with zero issue. And if I win I steamroll the other player while they have a full hand(likely full of sigils) and can't do anything.

    The game is fun, especially forge, but it's a real downer that I've only played a handful of legitimately competitive games where I have to actually think about my hand and make a move.

    I'm positive that it's my play style and a learning curve but nonetheless still a bit of a negative of the game.

    submitted by /u/obito-was-an-incel
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    Guess who’s back

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    My current favorite Expedition deck (rank 2)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    Finally got my wolf bane

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    TY Scarlatch for being a good sport. He was stuck on 2 power for a long while and i took the lead, he still almost crushed me in the later turns..

    he is the 5th pairing i have had against DWD employees and i got lucky to beat him

    submitted by /u/Themagicorder
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    Lucky Day

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:11 AM PDT

    Well i must have a rabbits foot up mhy ass or something, got my wolf bane cardback earlier, ripped 8 legends in 4 drafts and finally just got my first 7-0 draft with some janky tempo

    submitted by /u/Themagicorder
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    Can someone explain expedition to me?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT


    I have been a former Eternal player since beta but about 2 years or so ago (3 campaigns ago I think) I stopped for various reasons. Now I am not interested in jumping back into a pool of 3000 new cards on top of the 5000 existing ones but someone on this reddit told me there is a kind of 'rotation' in form of "Expedition". And that sounded interesting :-)

    now I came back and clicked it and I'm not sure I understand it. When I click build an expedition deck I can use SOME of my existing cards from the core set and some from other sets but others from the same set not? I thought it was 'you may only play certain sets' but that's not the case?

    And then someone I talked to said he hates Expeditions because the cards you craft for it become 'worthless' when it changes which confused me even more...

    It doesn't seem to be just 'the last 2 sets' or something so can someone please explain expedition to a confused old man return to a game that introduced 2367457 new modes, cards and drops and events and ahhhhhhhh ... xD

    Thanks a ton <3

    submitted by /u/Mojo-man
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    Is there a list of rares that's safe to destroy?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    As a new player, it's difficult to craft any decent legendaries due lack of shiftstone.

    I also only seem to get rares from my packs.. Is there a list of cards that's safe to destroy?

    submitted by /u/jeriku
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    I used to play Combrei Alessi

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    I stopped playing a while back, before the last 2-3 sets and the new Expedition format was introduced (I still need to work that out - a curated list sounds confusing regarding what is legal and what isn't!).

    Anyway, I've just loaded up Eternal for the first time in ages and done some Gauntlets, played the Forge, etc. For the ranked vs. play I used to use Combrei Alessi but I assume this deck is pretty old-fashioned now and the meta has moved on, outclassing it. Is there a Combrei deck which is competetive and doesn't use *too* many new cards (as I'll be crafting almost all of the new ones), or else a decent deck I can craft that's fairly budget-friendly to get me going again. OR(!) with a few tweaks is this still a viable deck?

    THANKS guys, glad to be back - I've had a blast playing a few games today.

    submitted by /u/apesacrappin
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    How do you put Ark of Sol in your market when it's the only card that creates a market?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    So I drafted an Ark of Sol (card with bargain) and I would like to put it in my market. But I only get the option to put cards in my market, when Ark of Sol is in my maindeck.

    If I add a sigil to my market and remove Ark of sol from my deck, the market vanishes.

    Any other suggestions?

    edit: other strategies I have tried and failed:

    • dragging Ark of Sol into my market from the maindeck (market vanished)
    • Exporting my list with ark of sol in my main and a random card in my market. Manually moving Ark of Sol to my market in a word file. Importing the new deck (no market was created)

    Edit 2: SOLVED

    You can't, as explained by DWD here

    Thx for everyone who chimed in.

    submitted by /u/Kcnabrev
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    Bug with Nahid the Immortal and Garden of Omens

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    My enemy had Garden of Omens in play and no units. I played Nahid he just did not take the damage of Nahid. The visual trigger appeared but the game kept on just giving him resurface off of Garden. Tried it again the next turn with second Nahid, same thing happend. So it is not a Bug with resurface. Is this Bug known?

    submitted by /u/siegbertschnoeesel
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    First 7-0 in draft! Skycrag spells

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    First 7-0 in draft! Skycrag spells



    This was my first ever draft for the new set. It's been a while since I've done one, as evidenced by the bronze.

    MVP of the deck was easily Funeral Pyre. One highlight was the opponent being forced to play Final Shot on a frog, which was subsequently sniped by Longbarrel. Reminder that Longbarrel needs a unit to target for Piercing Shot. I thought I had lethal on an empty board once, but was 2 short.

    submitted by /u/SuperVaderMan
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    I got a big Olly the grave robber

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:59 AM PDT

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